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高校3年生 2学期半ば〜2学期末
2002.10.20 英語通信 Pyxis 260(中間考査範囲)
2002.10.23 2学期中間考査・リーディング問題
2002.11.11 英語通信 Pyxis 261〜2(『模試』を終えて)
2002.11.17 英語通信 Pyxis 263(推薦入試速報)
2002.11.25 英語通信 Pyxis 264(一歩進んだ英語学習)
2002.12.09 英語通信 Pyxis 265(期末考査範囲)
2002.12.09 英語通信 Pyxis 266(期末考査後の英語学習)
2002.12.11 2学期期末考査・英語U問題
2002.12.26 Pyxis 267-269(英語あれこれ)
Pyxis 260 / October 15th, 2002
Perspective TOTAL READING Lesson 1~13 70%
本文&設問, Grammar & Structure (40%)
Further Exercises 構文確認を中心に (20%)
Words & Phrases 英文を読んで単語を選ぶ (10%)
会話プリント Lesson 1~8 10%
イディオム小テスト 第1〜6回 20%
教科書 pp.34~45(スキル4〜ジャンル2・語学・言語)50%
英文読解 Lesson 4, 18, 19, 20
Make Your Ascent Lesson 1~2
Japan receives two Nobel prizes in one year - in physics and chemistry
Masatoshi Koshiba, a professor emeritus at the University of Tokyo, and two American researchers
won the 2002 Nobel Prize in physics for "pioneering contributions to astrophysics," including the detection of cosmic neutrinos, the Royal Swedish
Academy of Sciences said Oct. 8.
Koshiba, 76, and Raymond Davis, Jr., 87, of the University of Pennsylvania,
will share half of the 10 million kronor (130 million yen) prize for their
research into subatomic particles known as cosmic neutrinos.
Riccardo Giacconi, 71, of the Associated Universities Inc. in Washington,
D.C., will get the other half of the prize for his construction of instruments
needed to investigate cosmic X-ray radiation absorbed in the Earth's atmosphere.
Their achievements had created the foundation of a new field, neutrino-astronomy,
which is of great importance for elementary particle physics, astrophysics
and cosmology.
The next day, Koichi Tanaka, chief of the Life Science Laboratory at Shimadzu Corp., a Kyoto-based
precision machinery maker, and two others won the 2002 Nobel Prize in chemistry.
Tanaka, 43, shared the prize with John Fenn of the United States and Kurt
Wuethrich of Switzerland for "development of methods for identification and structure analyses
of biological macromolecules," including proteins, said the academy.
The techniques they developed will lead to quicker detection of cancers,
discovery of new drugs for a variety of diseases and new ways to monitor
contamination of foods.
This is the first time two Japanese have won Nobel prizes in the same year.
Tanaka is the 12th Japanese to win a Nobel and the first Japanese corporate
researcher to win the prestigious prize.
Shukan ST: Oct. 18, 2002
professor emeritus名誉教授
pioneering contributions to astrophysics
detection of cosmic neutrinos
Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
subatomic particles 素粒子
X-ray radiation X線
absorbed 吸収される
atmosphere 大気圏
achievements 業績
elementary particle physics
cosmology 宇宙論
precision machinery maker
Kurt Wuethrich
"development of methods for identification and structure analyses
of biological macromolecules"
contamination 汚染
Zurich チューリッヒ
prestigious 権威ある
A contest
"CONTEST: $1,000 (120,000 yen) prize to the first person who offers
a definition of ‘terrorism' that both a) captures its character as a mode
of combat, and b) excludes all U.S. military strategy and tactics. Respond
to NYRB Box 16050. Society for Promotion of Accuracy in Political Speech.
Frank Bardacke, Douglas Lummis, Jeffrey Lustig, founders."
The sponsors of this advertisement are not worried that they might have
to pay anyone $1,000. The thing cannot be done.
Terrorism is a tactic of violent combat. It means killing or injuring non-combatant
civilians intentionally and randomly. Of course, this violates the laws
of war. According to the laws of war, fighters must try to kill or injure
only members of the enemy's military forces. If this rule is followed,
civilians on both sides can feel relatively safe. But if fighters begin
to kill civilians, this sense of safety is destroyed. Since the killing
is random, no one can know who will be next. Those who use this tactic
hope that by terrifying the enemy population they can gain an advantage.
That's why it's called "terror."
This tactic can be used by a government or by an anti-government organization.
A classic act of terror is to throw a bomb into a crowded restaurant or
to blow up a bus full of commuters. The bomber doesn't know or care who
will be killed. (This is the difference between terror and assassination:
the assassin always chooses the victim carefully.)
Bombing crowded cities from airplanes is the same tactic on a larger scale.
Not only are restaurants and buses blown up, but buildings, schools, homes,
places of worship, everything. The bomber pilot does not know or care who
is in those buildings. And it is well known that one of the purposes of
bombing cities is to "lower the morale" of the enemy population.
"Lower the morale" means to spread terror.
Recently the United States and its allies have been claiming that their
new technology makes possible "pinpoint bombing," so that few
non-combatants are killed. Right after the Gulf War, I visited Iraq to
see if this was true. I saw private homes, hospitals and public markets
that had been bombed. If the pinpoint technology is as good as they say,
then we must assume these places were bombed intentionally.
In any case, the possible use of nuclear weapons is still part of U.S.
military strategy (and the strategies of the other nuclear powers). There
are no pinpoint nukes.
The purpose of this contest is not to promote cynicism, but to reduce it.
Americans have learned the horror, grief and despair that come with a terrorist
attack. It is time to take the next step and recognize that terrorist attacks
carried out by their own government bring the same horror, grief and despair
to others. Gandhi's words are worth quoting again: Seek an eye for an eye
and the whole world goes blind.
By Douglas Lummis
Shukan ST: Oct. 18, 2002
New York Review of Books
〜 prize to 〜
mode of combat戦闘の一形態
excludes 〜〜を除外する
U.S. military strategy and tactics
are not worried that 〜
non-combatant civilians
laws of war戦時国際法
military forces軍隊
is followed順守される
gain an advantage有利になる
throw a bomb into 〜
blow up吹き飛ばす
full of commuters
on a larger scale
places of worship礼拝所
lower the morale士気をくじく
have been claiming that 〜
pinpoint bombing精密照準爆撃
Gulf War湾岸戦争
must assume 〜
nuclear weapons核兵器
nuclear powers核保有国
promote cynicism
carried out遂行された
Gandhi (非暴力主義を貫いたインドの政治家)ガンジー
are worth quoting again
Seek 〜〜を求める
an eye for eye
A:Hidy Hidy Little RASCAL. Like the wind, O Little RASCAL.
Hidy Hidy my friend RASCAL. Come with me, O Little RASCAL.
Hidy, "Here, RASCAL!"
Q:httpって? ADSLって??
A:インターネットのホームページの冒頭にある http は Hypertext Transfer Protocol の略で、画像や音声を含めたハイパーテキストを転送する方式。既存の電話回線を使って画像信号を高速・高画質で転送する ADSL は asynchronous digital subscriber loop の略。asynchronous=非同期の
Pyxis 261 / November 6th, 2002
中間考査・推薦入試、とプレッシャーが続く日々が続きますが、気分転換の中にも、勉強を忘れずに! 日常の中で使われている英語を大切にしてください。
巨人軍 松井選手!FAでメジャー入りを表明!!
I was thinking about it until the very end.
田中さん文化勲章 親授式で
I made a lot of little mistakes.
I have one more thing to worry about.
Where does love come from?
No kidding!
T.K is getting remarried again.
大意要約対策プリント集 推薦入試や国公立2次試験・後期日程で、大意要約問題がある人で、テキストが必要な人はどうぞ。無料。職員室前の専用ボックスに、下の用紙を入れてください。
== == == き == り == と == り == せ == ん == == ==
3年( )組 ( )番 名前( )
「小柴教授 ノーベル賞受賞で・・・」
Dreams know no limits.
It is impossible without trying hard.
「どうして、ここは現在完了なのだろう?」 「なぜ、ここでは複数形で単数ではないのだろう?」
法政大学助教授 大和田英子
センター試験・問題類型別予想問題集 センター試験予想問題集が必要な人は、どうぞ。基礎レベルの問題集が必要な人にもお勧め。820円。実物が見たい人は、XX机上にあります(黄色い問題集)。分野・問題パターン別。昨年の問題をベースにした予想問題集です。市販はしていません。職員室前の専用ボックスに、下の用紙を入れてください。
== == == き == り == と == り == せ == ん == == ==
3年( )組 ( )番 名前( )
Pyxis 262 / November 11th, 2002
★ 模擬試験で満足のいく点が取れない人
これには定期考査の出来・不出来で2種類に分かれます。『定期考査なんか関係ないや〜ん』と未だに言っている人。英語の定期考査は入試や模試を意識して作っています。定期考査は平均にも届かないのに、模試で学年トップクラス、なんて人は、もはやいません。高校入学当初はいましたけど・・・ 同じように、『この問題集だけやって、志望校A判定』なんて人もいないのです。友達や先輩の変なことばに流されないように!
★ マークが苦手 記述はまずまず な人
★ マークはまずまず 記述が苦手 な人
・英語RのFurther Exercises
★ まとめ : あせらず、着実に
9日の模試の後、出来の悪さにがっかりしている人。点数はともかく、手応えはどうでしょうか? 夏休みにやったことの結果、出ていますか? 今回の模試で言えば、文法・語法の問題のところで、少しでも手応えがあれば、前進はしているのです。
今、英語の授業は、おもしろくて楽しい内容をやっている、とは言えません。しかし、みなさんが目標とする学校に求められる英語力を身につけるのに、効率がよい内容を提供しています。期末考査まで、あと30日。事実上、高校生活最後の定期考査で、まずは結果を出してみませんか? その結果は、きっと本番での自信と実力になるのですから。
one, please." "How much?" "(列車を指さして) This
to xxx, yes?" 位ができればどうにかなる。もっとも、世界は広い。英語など全く役に立たない地域がいわゆる先進工業諸国と言われるヨーロッパにさえ数多くあるのだから、この程度の目的のために英語を習うのは、金と時間の無駄ではないかと私は思う。洞察力と度胸と機転、それに感じの良い態度さえ磨いておけば、日本語はもちろん、英語すら全く通じない辺境の地でも自分の意志を通じさせることは可能である。
そのすべてを耳から、つまり実践だけから学ぼうとするのは無謀であり、 賢い方法ではない。まるで荒れ狂う厳寒の北太平洋の荒海に、海図もコンパスも無線も持たずに手製のボートで乗り出すようなものだ。
単語の羅列だけでも意思を伝えることはできる。 悪名高い「『風呂、飯、寝る』しか言わないお父さん」がよい例だ。しかし、このレベルの「会話」がコミュニケーションであるとは誰も思わないだろう。即物的なことだけを指すのではなく、もう少し人間らしい交流を図ろうとして、単語だけではなく、知っている限りの熟語やスラングを総動員して並べ立てたとしても、語順がめちゃくちゃ、時制はばらばら、品詞を混同、であれば、結果は??? 内容は全く相手に伝わらない。伝わるとすれば、相手が日本語的発想にどっぷり浸かった、自分と同程度の英語能力を持つ学習者か、辛抱強く想像力豊かな英語教師である場合のみだ。
東京水産大学/駒沢大学 非常勤講師 伊藤美代子先生
★その1:The economy is us.
日本経済は国民次第 ここ数年、日本経済が危ないと騒がれているが、その手の心配にはお門違いのものが多い。また、政府の無策を責める声も高いが、その非難もお門違いである。
If all the predictions about Japan's economy over the past couple of years
had come true, this island nation would have sunk under the waves of the
Pacific ages ago. Everything is a crisis, everything is about to collapse,
everything is at its worst level ever.... The stream of bad economic news
never seems to end. Sure, there have been some bumps, but why are we, for
the most part, still high and dry. People are getting all worried about
the wrong things.
Look at the talk about the stock market. Recently it hit its lowest level
in nearly 20 years. Some observers were actually saying things like if
the market falls any lower, Japan's financial system could collapse. But
why? In a country where only 8 percent of the public even invests in stocks,
why are stock prices important at all?
For the most part, stock prices move because of the economy, not the other
way around. This important truth seems to have been forgotten by many here,
and they continue to cling to the notion that the economy will get better
if stock prices go up, and not vice versa. Since 92 percent of the public
doesn't even own stock, market jumps don't make most people feel richer
or poorer, limiting the impact on consumer spending (this situation is
quite different in the United States where nearly 50 percent of people
Consider, too, that most of the hand-wringing is done over short-term price
movements, which investors (as distinguished from speculators) shouldn't
even pay any attention to. Just listen to a typical stock market report
here: You'll be hard-pressed to find one that doesn't cite the New York
market as the main reason for the Japanese market's moves. The Nikkei is
just playing "follow the leader," and factors like that have
little or nothing to do with Japanese companies' future earning prospects.
What about unemployment? The media is always reminding us here that it's
at or near the "worst level ever since the war," unnecessarily
adding to a sense of crisis. But frankly, at just over 5 percent, Japan
has a long way to go before it will find much sympathy internationally!
Double-digit unemployment is frequently seen in Europe and North America.
In the early 1980s, my hometown of Flint, Mich., saw unemployment of 25
percent! Yet somehow, the city survived.
Amid these misplaced concerns, there is misplaced blame. Many point their
fingers at the government and demand to know what Koizumi and Takenaka
are going to do to boost things, as if a few policymakers could control
the course of the entire economy of a nation of 126 million people! That's
the key here: the understanding that the economy is far too big for the
government to significantly influence. Their biggest tools - interest rates
and public spending - have already been exploited to their limits. It is
us, especially those of us with large bank account balances and no spending
plans, that are crushing the economy here, not the government, and not
bad loans.
The best part of all is that the solution to this problem is remarkably
simple, and something we can all help: Just head to your favorite store
and give your credit card a good workout!
By Scott T. Hards
Shukan ST: Nov. 8, 2002 (C) All rights reserved
The economy is us
would have sunk under 〜
is about to collapse崩壊寸前である
for the most part大体は
high and dry無事で
stock market株式市場
not the other way around
vice versaその逆
consumer spending消費者支出
short-term price movements
as distinguished from speculators
pay any attention to注意を払う
be hard-pressed to 〜
New York marketニューヨーク市場
is just playing "follow the leader"
have little or nothing to do with 〜〜とはまったくと言っていいほど関係がない
future earning prospects
Double-digit 2けたの
point their fingers at 〜〜を責める
interest rates and public spending
(have) been exploited to their limits
bank account balances預金口座の残高
are crushingつぶしている
bad loans不良債権
give your credit card a good workout
★その2:The ghost of reforms past - Japanese economy
A curious way to celebrate Halloween. Mr Koizumi, the man who has been
disguising himself as a courageous leader, finally took off his mask on
October 30th. Mr Takenaka's bad-debt plan to cemetery, which had been flagged
as the best chance of Japanese reform in years, came out as another flimsy
financial package, wrapped in a costume labeled "reform".
Japan's policymakers are caught in a vicious economic trap. Tight and ineffective
monetary policy has kept the fiscal stimulus from doing much good. As LDP
politicians insist, it is true that matters might have been worse without
some spending. But any fiscal push will not let the economy free of its
deflationary trap, unless monetary, financial and structural problems are
first tackled. On the other hand, monetary policy does not work as well
as it should, because the bad-debt mess makes banks hesitant to extend
fresh loans. Yet efforts to clean up those bad debts are then thwarted
by politicians in the LDP, men who would love to re-inflate the economy
but who do not want to put weak borrowers out of business. And Japan's
bureaucrats are trying to spin the plans to their advantage, rather than
pressing them, so that they can gain an edge over rival ministries. The
politicians, bureaucrats and bankers all blame each other, and bystanders
blame the lot of them.
The only realistic way to change this dismal situation is for someone in
Japan to exercise some real leadership and get all of these groups working
together. Mr Koizumi has had a golden opportunity in the past month. The
Bank of Japan signaled its willingness to consider new ideas for monetary
policy. After handing Mr Takenaka control of bank regulation, it became
clear that Mr Koizumi faced a simple "either-or" choice: take
the bad loans seriously, or ignore them. However, despite a recent rebound
in his popularity and some success for his party in by-elections on October
27th, Mr Koizumi chose to revive the same half-measures that have persistently
failed to help Japan's economy regain its high potential.
【対訳】過去の改革の亡霊 - 日本経済
悲惨な状況を変える唯一の現実的な方法は、日本の誰かが真のリーダーシップを発揮し、全ての当事者に対し、協働して問題解決に当らせることである。先月、絶好の機会が小泉氏に訪れた。日本銀行が新たな発想に基づく金融政策の検討に意欲を見せ、銀行行政を竹中氏に一任した後、明らかに小泉氏は単純な二者択一に直面した。不良債権問題に真摯に取り組むか、無視するか、である。最近では人気が回復し、10月27日の補欠選挙において自民党が一定の成績を収めたにもかかわらず、小泉氏は中途半端な政策を復活させる道を選んだ。半端な政策が続くことにより、日本経済はこれまで高い潜在力を回復できずにいる。 Economist
Pyxis 263 / November 18th, 2002
1) I found ( ) useful information about fish at the library.
1 a 2 a lot of 3 a number of 4 quite a few
2) He did not ( ) enough thought to put the plan into effect.
1 collect 2 complete 3 get 4 give
3) It is a great honor and ( ) to have Professor Grain as our guest at
this welcome banquet.
1 pride 2 principle 3 priority 4 privilege
4) He succeeded in making a great career at the ( ) of the happiness of
his family.
1 burden 2 charge 3 cost 4 heel
5) 1While my long stay in the U.S., I 2became acquainted 3with many people but couldn't adjust myself 4to their way of life.
6) Carrying a cellular phone is 1something 2as 3a fashion 4for young people.
7) It 1is remained to 2be seen 3if he can find a solution 4to the problem.
8) That day, for the first time 1when her husband died 2a year before, she was glad that she 3had not died 4as well.
9) ギルバートは自分の理論を実行しようと努力したがダメだった。
Gilbert ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ).
a / attempt / his theory / into / made / practice / to put / vain
10) 体の調子が悪いのだからと彼を説得して、会議に出席するのをやめさせた。
I talked ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) .
because of / going / him / his poor health / of / out / the meeting / to
11) I have to go and buy some flour to make bread. Flour and yeast are
the most important ( ) in bread.
1 contents 2 ingredients 3 parts 4 products
12) David repeatedly ( ) on my coming although I tried to refuse his invitation. Someone
must have asked him to persuade me to come.
1 depended 2 insisted 3 persisted 4 relied
13) Deborah's approach to life can be said to be too ( ). This is because
her life has been too influenced by feelings rather than by rational thinking.
1 emotional 2 meaningless 3 realistic 4 sensible
14) A big earthquake hit that region last week. As the search continues
for victims, police are facing increasing difficulties ( ) the bodies
they find.
1 arresting 2 suppressing 3 releasing 4 identifying
15) Check the spelling of the months of the year. You will find that after
April there is no month with the letter "r" in its name until
we ( ) September.
1 get to 2 come across 3 find out 4 arrive in
1) 2 informationが単数扱いになっているから不可算名詞。消去法から2となる。a
number of = manyは基本知識
2) 4 thought思慮は、外から与えられるものではなく、中から考え出すもの=giveするもの。put
~ into effect = carry out実行する
3) 4 privilege特権・名誉。この文は公式な挨拶文として覚えておく。priority優先順位 principle原則 など、似たよう単語は、語源の知識&ダジャレをフル活用して暗記あるのみ。
4) 3 at the cost of = at the expense of 〜を犠牲にして は基本知識。burden負担 charge料金
5) 1 whileには前置詞用法なし→この文のように特定の期間を表すときにはduringを使うのが正解。ちなみに不特定な期間を表すときにはforを使う。
6) 1 something of aちょっとした イディオムです。
7) 1 SVCの2文型動詞は、受け身をとりません。seem/taste/lookなど、直後に形容詞をとるタイプや、V
to do の形は、受け身になりません。
8) 1 for the first time since 〜して以来初めて / for the first time
in X years X年ぶりに、とともに頻出表現。ちょっと勉強した受験生ならば、2を選びたくなるが、この場合、視点が現在にないので、beforeでOK。視点が現在にあるならば、agoを使う。
9) Gilbert made a vain attempt to put his theory into practice.
in vain無駄な で使うのが多いが、裏をかいている。
attempt努力(する) も語彙力がない人には苦しい。
put ~ into practice 実行する、は基本知識 でもこんなのできる人、いるの?
10) I talked him out of going to the meeting because of his poor health.
talk 人 into ~ing 人を説得して〜させる
talk 人 out of ~ing
11) 2 12) 3 13) 1 14) 4 15) 1だと思う。 ?2かも?自信なし。
【対策はあるの?】 必殺技は・・・
法政大学助教授 大和田英子
持続可能な開発 国連の環境・開発サミットが南アフリカのヨハネスブルグで8月26日から行われた。「持続可能な開発に関する世界首脳会議」で、21世紀の人類の行動計画となる「実施文書」と、各国首脳の決意を示す「政治宣言」が採択された。
"The UN World Summit on Sustainable Development drew to a close Wednesday with mixed results, as delegates reached last-minute
agreement on a declaration on economic and ecological goals, but some disappointed
environmentalist groups walked out in protest and others disrupted a speech
by Secretary of State Colin Powell."
(The International Herald Tribune, September 6, 2002)
屋上緑化 最近、首都圏のオフィスビルの屋上の空きスペ−スを利用して、樹木・草花・芝生などで緑地を作ることが流行しているが、この「緑化サ−ビス事業」のことを「屋上緑化」と呼んでいる。
「屋上緑化」は英字マスコミでは rooftop garden(ing)と訳出している。 garden(ing)はgreening[greenery]としても通じる。
"TOKYO(Reuters)--At a run-down three-story office block in downtown
Tokyo, government clerks and secretaries cool off amongst dahlias, hydrangeas
and even blueberry bushes during coffee breaks, seemingly far away from
the sweltering urban heat... Trapped by concrete and asphalt, the heat
form heavy traffic and millions of air-conditioning units have made summer
in the cities hotter--a phenomenon known as the "heat-island effect."...
"The rooftop garden helps to absorb heat and keeps temperature inside
the building lower,"(says Kazuyoshi) Kojima(a 52-year-old public servant
spearheading the drive to lower temperatures in Japan's cities)..."
(Reuters News Service, August 6, 2002,
"Tokyo Turns To Rooftop Gardens To Beat The Heat")
Major Move 〜ゴジラ、アメリカに渡る〜
Major League Baseball clubs are pitching their best offers to top Japanese
slugger Matsui Hideki, who has announced he plans to become a free agent
and play in the United States.
The teams that reportedly have an interest in acquiring 28-year-old Matsui
include the New York Yankees, Boston Red Sox, Atlanta Braves and the Seattle
Of them, the Yankees were the forerunners in the race. The powerhouse wants
to add new sluggers after failing to reach the World Series for the first
time in five years.
When asked which club he wanted to join during a Tokyo press conference
on November 1, Matsui, who won the Central League MVP award this season
after hitting 50 home runs, evaded the question.
U.S. news reports said the Yankees already had decided to try to sign Matsui.
The Yankees are apparently an ideal team for the outfielder, nicknamed
"Godzilla," to join because rumors had it that outfielders Rondell
White and Raul Mondesi will be traded to make room for the Central League
home run king.
When questioned on his English ability, Matsui said, "I haven't studied
at all."
Shinjo Tsuyoshi, who has been playing in the United States for two seasons,
however, says there is nothing to worry about when it comes to English.
"English? There's no need to learn that," he said. "It will
only get used by the media over there." Shinjo, with two years experience
under his belt, seemed confident that body language and minimal usage of
English was enough to get by in a foreign country. Matsui's fans are no
doubt looking forward to seeing how the slugger will fare overseas.
(Mainichi Weekly)
major move 大きな動き。
slugger 強打者。
announce 発表する。
acquire 獲得する。
forerunner 先駆者。
powerhouse 強力なチーム。
press conference 記者会見。
evade そらす。
sign 契約して雇う。
apparently ~ どうやら〜らしい。
outfielder 外野手。
rumors have it that ~〜といううわさだ。
make room for ~
under one's belt すでに経験した。
confident 確信して。
minimal 最低限の。
get by 何とかやっていく
(後出 fare はやっていく)。
look forward to ~ ing
overseas 海外で。
Pyxis 264 / November 25th, 2002
【Q】入試問題に飽きた! 他にどんなことやったらいいの?
朝6:45〜7:00 夜7:15〜7:30
The Gift
The Promise
ミヒャエル・エンデ おすすめです。
The Never Ending Story
ハリーポッター 長いですが、英語としてはなんとか読めるはずです。
まとめ 英語伸び悩みの原因は『マンネリ化』
Pyxis 265 / December 2nd, 2002
Perspective TOTAL READING Lesson 14~20 75%
本文&設問, Grammar & Structure (40%)
Further Exercises 構文確認を中心に (20%)
Words & Phrases 英文を読んで単語を選ぶ (15%)
追加プリント @〜B 10%
会話プリント Lesson 9~10, @〜C 15%
教科書 pp.46~56(スキル5〜ジャンル6左ページ)40%
イディオム小テスト 第7〜12回 20%
Make Your Ascent Lesson 3~9
プリント配布(10枚程度) センター試験までに順次。
単語力増強プリント + 試験に出る『英語ことわざ』100選など
推薦入試速報・その2 : 広島大学・工学部 2002.11.28実施 ご協力感謝!
【A】 The World Commission on Environment and Development (the Bruntland
Commission) defined sustainable development as "development that meets
the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations
to meet their own needs." In other words, development is essential
to satisfy human needs and improve the quality of human life. At the same
time, development must be based on the efficient and environmentally responsible
use of all society's scare resources - natural, human, and economic.
語注:The World Commission on Environment and Development:環境と開発に関する世界委員会
The Bruntland Commission:ブルントラント委員会 compromise:危うくする scarce:希少な
【B】 The future no longer appears either stable or predictable. We do
not know what life will be like for the next generations.
We all recognize the signs of the global crisis now approaching. Global
warming, depletion of the ozone layer, continued population growth, massive
loss of species and biological diversity, acceleration of deforestation
and desertification - theses are all threats which will soon lead to breakdowns
in vital support systems for life on earth.
語注:depletion:減少 species:生物種 biological diversity:生物多様性
deforestation:森林破壊 desertification:砂漠化
解答例 あくまでも試訳です。下線部がポイントになるでしょう。
【まとめ】PerspectiveのFurther Exercisesそっくり!!ということがわかっていただけましたか? 前回紹介したマーク式問題形式も、今回の記述式問題形式も、学校でやっていることをきちんとこなしておけば、十分、合格点が取れるレベルのものです。一般入試でも、劇的に形式が変わることはありません。結局、合否の差を分けるのは、『普段やっていることをきちんとこなせているか?』というところにあります。不安がらずに、まずは、定期考査で完璧な成績を! 受験した人ならわかるでしょ?
《天声人語》 11月21日
Failure never daunted Honda and Ibuka
Someone once told me that all motorbikes are called Honda in Vietnam regardless
of their make. Most are cheap Chinese imports, in fact, and people dream
of owning a genuine Honda.
This recollection came to mind when I recently visited the Edo-Tokyo Museum
in Sumida Ward, where an exhibition titled ``Soichiro Honda and Masaru
Ibuka: Their Dreams and Creations'' is being held until Dec. 8.
I also recalled how U.S. economist John Kenneth Galbraith lauded Japanese
technology when he visited Japan. Obviously a music lover, he said he cherished
his Sony Walkman and thought it was a terrific invention.
The exhibition traces the footsteps of the founders of Honda Motor Co.
and Sony Corp. The exhibits include many rare vintage goods of old, popular
items that arouse feelings of nostalgia. Among them is Japan's first tape
recorder commercialized by Sony in 1950. Since everything was in short
supply back then, trial manufacture was a pain, especially with regard
to tapes.
Ibuka knew the tapes needed to be coated with magnetic powder, a procedure
that involved much trial and error. He made do with a mortar to ground
a magnet into powder. For the process of dry distillation, he roasted the
material in a regular frying pan. The finished tape recorder weighed more
than 40 kilograms. And with the retail price tag of 160,000 yen, it was
a market flop.
Right after the end of World War II, Honda got the idea of attaching an
engine to a bicycle. His prototype motorbike used a hotwater bottle for
its fuel tank. It took him only a month to commercialize this invention.
Honda was once quoted as saying, ``Failure makes up 99 percent of every success.'' His and Ibuka's ventures began in little factories in war-ravaged Japan,
and grew into world-class enterprises. Failure never daunted these two
achievers of the ``Japanese Dream.''
--The Asahi Shimbun, Nov. 21(IHT/Asahi: November 22,2002)
Pyxis 266 / December 7th, 2002
■ 冬休み補習『センター模擬演習マラソン』受講者募集
1月 6・ 7・ 8・ 9・10日 合計10回
■ 英語テキスト販売
【文・理系】Make Progress in English Reading 660円
Read On / Take Pleasure / Improveシリーズの最上級編。
【理系のみ】Make Ascent to Better English Reading 740円
■ 自由英作文演習プリント集
= = = = = = = き り と り せ ん = = = = = = =
( )補習に参加します。 ( )プリントだけ欲しい
3年( )組 ( )番 名前( )
= = = = = = = き り と り せ ん = = = = = = =
( )【文・理系】Make Progress in English Reading 660円
( )【理系のみ】Make Ascent to Better English Reading 740円
3年( )組 ( )番 名前( )
= = = = = = = き り と り せ ん = = = = = = =
3年( )組 ( )番 名前( )
Pyxis 267 / December 18th, 2002
Be Confident!
12月18・20・25・26・27日 1月6・7・8・9・10日
★先日、販売した2冊の問題集を、職員室で購入できます。各先着8名まで。希望者はどうぞ。【上級むけ】Make Progress in English Reading 740円
【理系のみ】Make Ascent to Better English Reading 660円
・長文が苦手→Read OnからPerspectiveまでを音読しながら総復習
・イディオム小テストのプリント 英語Uの演習プリントNo.1〜53
sta-, -sti-, stat-, -stit- 立つ, じっと立つ
1) bystander
2) circumstance
3) consist
4) consistency
5) consistent
6) constant
7) constitute
8) constitution
9) contrast
10) destination
11) destiny
12) distance
13) distant
14) establish
15) estate
16) exist
17) insist
18) insistence
19) install
20) instance
21) instant
22) institute
23) irresistible
24) obstacle
25) obstinate
26) persist
27) prostitute
28) resist
29) rest
30) restore
31) stabilize
32) stable
33) stall
34) stance
35) stationary
36) stationery
37) statistics
38) statue
39) status
40) still『まだ』
41) substance
42) substantial
43) substitute
44) superstition
bystander 傍観者、かたわらに立っている人 [語源] by-(そばの、わきに離れた)+L.stare(立つ)
circumstance 環境、周囲の状況、事情 [語源] circum-(=round about [周囲に])+L.stare(立つ)
= 周りに立っている
consist …からなる、一致する [語源] con(=together共に)+L.sistere(=L.stare立つ)
consistence、-ency 首尾一貫、節操、一致 [語源] con(共に)+L.sistere(=L.stare立つ)
consistent 両立する、矛盾の無い、一致する(ともに立っていること) [語源]
constant 不変の、忠実な、不断の、定数 [語源] con-(=complete [完全に])+L.stare(立つ)
= まったく立ちどおしの
constitute 構成する、設立する [語源] con-(=together [共に])+L.stare(立つ)
= 共に立つ
constitution 構成、体質、政体、憲法、法律 [語源] con-(共に)+L.stare(立つ)
= 共に立つ
contrast 対照する、対置する、対照 [語源] contra-(=against […に反対して])+L.stare(立つ)
= 反対に立てる
destination 行先、目的地(行くと定められた所) [語源] de-(下に)+L.stare(立つ)
= 運命の下に立てる
destiny 運命、宿命 [語源] de-(下に)+L.stare(立つ) = 運命の下に立てる
distance 隔たり、距離、遠慮、隔てる [語源] dis-(離れて)+L.stare(立つ)
= 離れて立つ
distant 遠方の、隔たった [語源] dis-(=apart [離れて])+L.stare(立つ)
= 離れて立つ
establish 制定する、確立(定)する、制定する [語源] e-(外に)+L.stare(立たせる)
= 正式に立てる
estate 財産、資産、所有地、状態、身分 [語源] L.stare(立つ) statusから来た。e-が付くのは仏語の影響
exist 存在する、実在する [語源] ex-(=out、forth外に)+L.sistere(=L.stare立つ)
= 立ち続ける
insist 主張する、言い張る [語源] in-(=upon […の上に])+L.sistere(=L.stare立つ)
= …の上に立ち止まって譲らない
insistence 主張、強要、固執 [語源] in-(=upon […の上に])+L.sistere(=L.stare立つ)
install 備え付ける、据え付ける、就任させる [語源] in-(=in […の中に])+L.stare(立つ)
= 中に立てる
instance 例、実例、事例、 for instance(たとえば)[語源] in-(…の上に)+L.stare(立つ)
instant 即時の、緊急の、直ちに、即時 [語源] in-(=upon[上に]、near[近くに])+L.stare(立つ)
= すぐ近くに立っている
institute 設立する、制定する、協会、学会、大学 [語源] in-(=up [上に])+L.stare(立つ)
= 立て起こす
irresistible 抵抗できない、抑えられない [語源] ir-(=not)+re-(…に反対して)+L.sistere(=L.stare立つ)
obstacle 障害物、じゃま、故障 [語源] ob-(前に)+L.stare(立つ)
obstinate 強情な、難治な、強情な人 [語源] ob-(前に、…に反対して])+L.stare(立つ)
= 反対して立つ
persist 頑強に固執する、存続する [語源] per-(=thorough [すっかり])+L.sistere(=L.stare立つ)
= すっかり立ちどおす
prostitute 売春婦、身売りする [語源] pro-(=forth [前方へ])+L.stare(立つ)
= 身売のために公衆の前に立つ
resist 抵抗する、反抗する、耐える [語源] re-(=against[…に反対して])+L.stare(立つ)
= 逆らって立つ
rest 休息、休む、残り、残部、残留者、積立金 [語源] (もともと旅行で休憩をとる距離のこと)
restore 再建する、修復する、回復させる [語源] re-(=back [もとへ])+L.stare(立てる)
stabilize 安定させる、固定させる [語源] L.stare(立つ)
stable 安定した、倒れない(立っている)、馬小屋(馬が立っている場所) [語源]
stall うまや、売店、屋台店、立ち往生する、(エンジンが)止まる [語源] L.stare(立つ)
stance 足構え [語源] L.stare(立つ)
stationary 静止した、一定不変の、動かない [語源] L.stare(立つ)
stationery 文房具(の) [語源] L.stare(立つ)→station(持ち場、お店)
statistics 統計、統計学 [語源] L.stare(立つ)→L.statisticus(政治の)+ics(学[単数扱い])
statue 彫像(立っているもの) [語源] L.stare(立つ)→L.stature(建立する)
status 状態、身分、地位(立っている状態) [語源] L.stare(立つ)→L.status(地位)
still 静かな[語源] OE.stille(立たせる、据える)
substance 実体、実質、内容、主旨 [語源] sub-(=under [下に])+L.stare(立つ)=
substantial 実質的な、実体のある、相当な [語源] sub-(下に)+L.stare(立つ)、subは基礎となる土台のイメージ
substitute 代用する、置き換える、代理の、代理者(物) [語源] sub-(下に、…の代わりに])+L.stare(立つ)
superstition 迷信、邪教 [語源] super-(=above[…の上に]、さらに)+L.stare(立つ)
Kumamoto dumps dam The Asahi Shimbun, Dec. 12(IHT/Asahi: December 13,2002)
The land ministry is reviewing its standing policy of dependence on dams
and reinforced banks for flood control and is considering revision of its
river-control policy to put more emphasis on environmental protection.
Kumamoto Prefecture's Governor Yoshiko Shiotani deserves praise for her
administration's decision to tear down an obsolete dam for power generation
over the Kumagawa River in seven years. The decision to dismantle an established
dam is the first in the nation.
Dams of dubious merit often choke off rivers at many points, damaging the
environment, and their usefulness is often in doubt. Nagano Prefecture's
Governor Yasuo Tanaka sought to abandon construction of a dam on the Asakawa
River as part of his ``down with dams'' campaign, and similar reconsideration
of dams has been undertaken in many other parts of the nation in recent
years. If dams that have outlived their usefulness are removed as well,
it would represent a considerable advance in restoring the ecosystem.
Kumamoto is to dismantle the Arase dam, about 20 kilometers upstream from
the mouth of the river. Although the dam is small, with an impounding capacity
of 10 million tons, it blocks the natural run of ayu sweetfish and other
fish. The young of ``one-foot sweetfish,'' for which the Kumagawa River
is well-known, have been carted upstream in trucks to grow. Sediment has
built up in the riverbed above the dam over time, cutting off oxygen and
killing the river. Residents in the area also complain that the earth shakes
when water is discharged.
People in the village of Sakamoto, where the Arase dam stands, began pressing
for its removal when controversy arose over the merits of the land ministry's
plan to build a dam over the Kawabegawa River further upstream.
The Liberal Democratic Party members in the prefectural assembly who favor
construction of the new dam backed removal of the Arase dam. So the decision
to tear down the dam is not necessarily a sign that dam construction in
general is falling from favor.
And the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport has not objected
to removing the Arase dam because it is not primarily intended for flood
Even so, the decision to dismantle the dam is significant. The decision
will encourage people and governments where other outmoded dams now stand
to consider what to do about the structures.
The land ministry is reviewing its standing policy of dependence on dams
and reinforced banks for flood control and is considering revision of its
river-control policy to put more emphasis on environmental protection.
The new policy line is to control flooding within a river basin, rather
than trying to channel all the runoff into one river.
But the ministry has no intention of backing away from big dams such as
that for the Kawabegawa River, or the Yanba dam in Gunma Prefecture, the
Tokuyama dam in Gifu Prefecture or the Tomada dam in Okayama Prefecture,
all of which are either planned or already under construction. The ministry
says people in the respective regions want these dams. But the real motive,
at least in part, seems to be to protect the vested interests of business,
politicians and bureaucrats.
The damage caused by dams is blatant along the Tenryugawa River and the
Kurobegawa River in the mountainous regions of central Japan. Dams are
silted up and heavy rains cause flooding further upstream. Downstream near
the river mouth, the shoreline is eroded because the sand does not wash
downriver. If sand is dredged out of the river upstream and hauled downstream,
fishing is disturbed. There is no alternative.
In the United States, where dams are much more closely controlled, more
than 500 dams have already been removed for the past decade. It is cheaper
to tear down obsolete dams than repair them. Beyond that, environmental
organizations working to restore rivers for salmon and trout runs have
won sympathetic support.
The number of obsolete dams will rise rapidly in Japan, too. There will
be many instances in which residents and local governments should express
their wishes, rather than leave the fate of the dams to prefectural governments
or the land ministry.
If recovering our rivers is to refuse dependence on dam construction, there
must be a way to establish consensus based on the views of local residents.
Pyxis 268 / December 19th, 2002
On Nov. 2, I walked past a hotel decked in plastic evergreens and Christmas
trees. The next day, Japan's Culture Day, Santas and snowmen, wreaths and
ribbons crammed the entryway to a shopping arcade.
Soon, "Silent Night, Holy Night," and "White Christmas"
sounded sweetly through the stores.
Christmas gets bigger in Japan each year. But what was the first Christmas
like? And how do Christians celebrate Christ-mas today? Why don't you find
a bilingual Bible, light a candle, and read along?
☆ The Birth of Jesus
Two thousand years ago was a dark time for Israel. The people lived under
an oppressive Roman rule. Their Bible promised that a Messiah would come
and set them free. But when would he come? And who would he be?
Matthew, a former tax collector and one of Jesus' disciples, writes in
his gospel (story of the life of Jesus; literally "good news")
Matthew 1:18-25 in the Bible:
Mary, a young Jewish woman, is engaged to Joseph, a carpenter. Before they
come together, Mary is found to be pregnant. At first, Joseph plans to
quietly divorce his fianc?e to save her from public embarrassment. But
Joseph is told in a dream not to be afraid to take Mary as his wife, as
she is with child by the Holy Spirit. Her son's name is to be "Jesus,"
meaning "the Lord saves," because Jesus "will save his people
from their sins." Jesus will be "Immanuel," meaning "God
with us."
Luke, a Greek doctor, records in his gospel the best-known Christmas story
(Luke 2:1-20): Caesar Augustus, the Roman emperor, has for tax purposes
ordered a census of his empire. For this reason, Joseph must travel from
Nazareth to his hometown of Bethlehem, 8 kilometers south of Jerusalem.
Joseph arrives with the very pregnant Mary, and there she gives birth to
her firstborn son, wraps him in cloths, and places him in a manger, as
there is no room for them in the inn. In these poor conditions, the unimaginable
has happened: Almighty God has been born as a human being, a baby.
☆ Shepherds and Angels
In nearby fields are shepherds, keeping watch over their flocks by night.
Angels suddenly appear with shockingly good news: "To you has been
born ... a Savior, who is Christ the Lord." A choir of angels then
sings, "Glory to God in the highest and on earth, peace, goodwill
towards men." Good news of "heavenly peace" has come to
these poor shepherds, and to all people on earth.
☆ The Wise Men (Matthew 2:1-12)
In a land to the east of Israel -- probably today's Iraq -- astrologers
note a remarkable star in the sky. For them, it means that a king has been
born. Across the desert they go, to find the one born "King of the
Jews," but he is not in Jerusalem, the capital. Instead, they find
him in Bethlehem and bowing down in worship, they open their gifts: gold
(a gift for a king); frankincense (an aromatic gift for God); and myrrh
(a bitter spice used in burials -- Jesus is born to die). The tradition
of "Christ-mas" (literally, "Christ worship") and Christmas
gift giving has begun.
☆ Why do Christians celebrate Christmas today?
The Christmas story in itself is spectacular, and filled with beauty. But
without two more events in the life of Jesus, his death on the cross and
resurrection from the dead, no one would celebrate Christmas today.
Jesus grows up, and at age 30, he begins to teach about God's good kingdom.
He calls 12 disciples and for three years, he heals, counsels, and cares
tenderly for the weak, the needy -- for women, children, outsiders. But
he challenges the religious leaders, who plot to kill him. Jesus is betrayed
by his disciple Judas, arrested, given a mock trial, and sentenced to die
on a cross. His sorrowful disciples watch him die, but then are amazed
on the third day after his death, Easter Sunday, to find his tomb empty
-- Jesus has risen. Jesus appears to his disciples, who are convinced he
is truly God. They spread the good news (gospel) that Jesus cleans our
hearts and gives new "forever" life. The believers become a growing
church; now 1.7 billion people worldwide call themselves Christians. We
celebrate Christmas because Jesus is alive; as he came the first Christmas
to make his home on the earth, he now makes his home in our hearts. Christmas
lights, songs, and d?or celebrate the freedom, peace and joy we experience
in knowing Jesus.
☆ What happens in a Christian home or church at Christmas?
Traditions are many and vary from place to place. In homes, along with
a Christmas tree, we set up a nativity scene -- small, painted clay or
wooden figures of shepherds, sheep and angels, and wise men with gifts,
all surrounding Mary, Joseph and the baby Jesus in a manger. You also find
nativity scenes on the front lawns of homes, where large, lighted plastic
or wooden figures remind those passing by of the first Christmas. Some
add signs, "Jesus is the Reason for the Season," as Santa Claus
and secular Christmas symbols seem to have taken Christ's place at Christmas'
center stage.
Another tradition is the lighting of the "advent wreath." Advent
means "coming." A candle in the wreath is lit on each of the
four Sundays before Christmas, and the fifth candle, symbolizing Christ's
birth, on Christmas Eve. As candles are lit, carols are sung and the Bible
read, and the hope, longings and joy of the first Christmas live again
in our hearts.
Christmas is a time for sharing joy, especially with the less fortunate.
Groups from churches visit the sick and the elderly shut-ins around the
city, singing at their homes, or in hospitals and nursing homes. Special
packages and meals are prepared for poor people locally and around the
world. One group, "Operation Christmas Child," for example, delivers
6 million shoeboxes filled with presents -- toys, school supplies, etc.,
wrapped by volunteers to needy children in 100 countries, including North
If you wonder how you can celebrate Christmas, it's not difficult. Churches
hold services open to all. Learn the words to a Christmas carol. Share
with the needy -- serve a meal to the homeless (see
Read the story of the first Christmas. And have yourself a real merry Christmas. -
By Brian Byrd
ASAHI WEEKLY, December 15, 2002より
plastic evergreens
oppressive...rule ローマ帝国の圧政
Messiah 救世主
Holy Spirit 聖霊
manger 飼い葉桶
Almighty 全能の
flock(s) (羊の)群れ
astrologer(s) 占星術師
frankincense 乳香、香木
myrrh マー、ミルラ樹脂、没薬(もつやく)
his...cross 十字架に磔にされて死んだこと
resurrection...dead 復活
the...needy 弱いもの、貧しいもの
mock まがいものの
he...hearts 最初のクリスマスにキリストは地上に住むために生まれ、今は我々の心の中に住んでいる
nativity scene キリスト降誕の場面
remind...Christmas 通行の人々に最初のクリスマスのことを思い出させる
Santa...stage サンタクロースや世俗的なクリスマスシンボルがキリストに取って代わってクリスマスの中心的な位置をを占めるようになったかに見える
elderly shut-ins 寝たきり老人たち
Lawsuit claims McDonald's burgers and fries are making kids fat
Are Big Macs hazardous to children's health?
Thursday, November 21, 2002
Posted: 1:47 PM EST (1847 GMT)
Lawyers have filed a class-action lawsuit against McDonald's on behalf
of New York children who have suffered health problems, including diabetes,
high blood pressure, and obesity.
In federal court in Manhattan on Wednesday, a lawyer alleged that the fast-food
chain has created a national epidemic of obese children. Samuel Hirsch
argued that the high fat, sugar and cholesterol content of McDonald's food
is "a very insipid, toxic kind of thing" when ingested regularly
by young kids.
The plaintiffs include a Bronx teen who ate every meal at McDonald's for
three years while living in a homeless shelter. Another is a 13-year-old
boy from Staten Island who says he ate at McDonald's food three to four
times a week and is now 5-foot-4 and 278 pounds.
McDonald's lawyer Brad Lerman insisted the lawsuit was a frivolous attempt
to cash in on the Golden Arches, "the kind of lawsuit that shouldn't
be in court."
"People don't go to sleep thin and wake up obese," Lerman said.
"The understanding and comprehension of what hamburgers and french
fries do has been with us for a long, long time."
McDonald's has asked Judge Robert Sweet to dismiss the case, arguing those
who filed the claims cannot show their health woes were caused by Big Macs
and insisting the company has never misled customers about its food. The
judge did not immediately rule on the request.
「政府はいま、前方のイラクやアルカイダの脅威にばかり目を向けて車を運転している。後ろの座席を振り向けば、肥満という殺人者が座っているんだが……」 (16:59)
Death penalty dealt for curry poisoning
The Wakayama District Court sentenced Masumi Hayashi to death Dec. 11 for
murdering four people, including two children, and injuring 63 others by
lacing curry with arsenic in 1998.
The incident took place at a July 25 summer festival in the Sonobe district
of Wakayama city.
Presiding judge Ikuo Ogawa concluded that Hayashi, 41, a former insurance
saleswoman, mixed arsenic into a pot of curry with the intention of killing
Hayashi mixed about 135 grams of arsenic into the curry - enough to kill
up to 1,350 people, according to the judge.
"Although the motive is not clear, there is no room for reasonable
doubt that the accused is the perpetrator in the case," the judge
told the court.
In the court's examination of the arsenic used in the poisoning, the judge
said it was highly likely that the arsenic found in the pot was the same
as the arsenic powder investigators collected at Hayashi's home and a relative's
storage room.
The judge also said Hayashi had looked after the curry pot on her own during
the period of time in which it was presumed the crime took place, and so
she had the opportunity to put the arsenic into the pot.
On motive, the judge dismissed the prosecutors' argument that Hayashi,
who was reportedly shunned by housewives in the neighborhood, was "enraged"
by their attitude and decided to kill them.
Hayashi has also been charged with four counts of attempted murder for
allegedly trying to poison her husband, Kenji, 57, who used to run a termite
extermination business, and two other male acquaintances. In addition,
she is charged with three counts of insurance fraud involving her husband,
who is currently serving a six-year term for the same offense.
Shukan ST: Dec. 20, 2002
(C) All rights reserved
Death penalty死刑
(is) dealt for 〜
District Court地裁
sentenced 〜 to death
lacing 〜 with 〜
Presiding judge
there is no room for 〜
reasonable doubt
the accused
it was highly likely that 〜
storage room
had looked after 〜
was presumed
(was) shunned by 〜
was "enraged" by 〜
attempted murder
termite extermination business
School education should focus on the basics
``It is said that heaven does not create man above man, nor does it create
man below man.'' The person credited with making this statement was a question
posed to sixth-graders in elementary school who participated in a scholarship
survey. The findings were released the other day.
To answer the question on civics studies, the sixth-graders were given
a list of six historical figures to pick from. The listed figures included
Saigo Takamori (1827-1877), who led imperial forces to end the Tokugawa
shogunate's rule in 1867; Katsu Kaishu (1823-1899), who negotiated the
peaceful and orderly transfer of power to the new government with Saigo;
and Fukuzawa Yukichi (1835-1901), a prominent educator, writer and propagator
of Western knowledge during the Meiji Era (1868-1912).
Compared with the previous survey, the rate of correct answers sharply
dropped among elementary and junior high school students. The attribution
question was among them.
It would be unfair to criticize the nation's education system on this score
alone, but I still sense some irony about it.
As many people know, the statement in question appears at the beginning
of Fukuzawa's book ``Gakumon no Susume'' (An Encouragement of Learning),
an amazing best seller in the early Meiji years. The author dwells at length
on the purpose of studying. In his grave, he no doubt would have a wry
smile to learn that many elementary school pupils failed to attribute the
statement to him.
In his book, Fukuzawa stresses the importance of ``reading, writing and
abacus training,'' saying, ``There are things to learn before coming to
grips with highbrow literature and learning.'' Going on to identify these
things, he asserts: ``One must first learn to write the 47 letters of the
Japanese kana alphabet. Then, one must learn how to write letters and devote
oneself to practice with the abacus. One also must learn how to keep books
and how to handle the scales.''
Now, children are supposed to acquire these basic skills while being put
through compulsory education. Referring to them as jitsugaku, or practical
knowledge, Fukuzawa contends that everyone must learn them irrespective
of their social status. What for? Answering the question himself, he says
it helps individuals stand on their own feet. Individuals standing on their
own feet, he adds, provide the foundations of national independence.
In his days, stations in life were still very much hereditary, and Fukuzawa
was known to loathe such a society. The argument he makes in the book evidently
reflects his desire to destroy it.
In the latest scholarship survey, the rate of correct answers plummeted
on arithmetical and mathematical questions as well as on questions regarding
civics studies. On the other hand, grades on the Japanese language tended
to improve. Apart from these trends, students professing abhorrence to
study registered a marked rise.
If Fukuzawa were teaching school now, he would talk to the participants
in the survey this way: ``I don't care if you don't know my name. I would
like you to think about what you study for. You will find that you study
for your own good, after all.''
This is a point we are apt to forget.
--The Asahi Shimbun, Dec. 16
(IHT/Asahi: December 17,2002)
《天声人語》 12月 16日
Pyxis 269 / December 24th, 2002
Hot Holiday Toys
Harry Potter, Yu-Gi-Oh! and some high-flying planes are all aiming to be
this season's holiday toy hits
What's on your holiday wish list this year? If your answer includes Harry
Potter, karaoke, Care Bears or Yu-Gi-Oh!, you’re not alone! These are
just a few of the hottest toys showing up at the top of kids' lists this
★Potter Game Power
Harry Potter is casting spells not only at Hogwarts but at toy stores across
the country. You might call it the "buy me!" spell. The Harry
Potter Slime Chamber from Mattel allows kids to slime their favorite Potter
characters. The Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Lego set is also
very popular. EA Sports has even released a Harry Potter and the Chamber
of Secrets video game on seven different gaming platforms. The game features
wizard duels and battles with Aragog and the basilisk.
★Yugi Mania
Toys inspired by Yu-Gi-Oh!, a Japanese cartoon and game now making waves
in the United States, are a huge hit. The pokemon-like phenomenon includes
trading cards, action figures and a new Millennium board game that allows
kids to duel each other to become the king of games.
★Singing Success
Karaoke is still singing sweet songs of success this year. One of the top-selling machines, according to, is E-Kara Real
Karaoke. Once you hook e-Kara's microphone to your television and insert
a cartridge into the microphone, the lyrics appear on your television screen.
★Video Games and Board Games
There are plenty of new video game titles making a splash this season.
Some of the popular titles from EA Sports include games based on the Bionicle
and Galidor characters and the latest version of Madden NFL. Backyard football,
baseball and hockey games from Infogrames allow kids to play with the pros
when they were kids.
There is even a new video-game version of the classic board game Monopoly.
Infogrames' Monopoly Party allows players to buy, trade, build and make
deals - all at the same time! The original board game is still very popular.
Monopoly makers have recently released a Deluxe First Edition version of
the classic game that was first released in 1935.
Even though video games are hotter than ever, board games are still a huge
hit for many of the same reasons they were popular years ago. "Unlike
watching TV or playing a video game, playing a board game is all about
human interaction," said Lisa Wuennemann of Patch Products, which
is challenging families to play a board game together for 20 minutes or
more by the end of the year.
No matter what your interest is, this season seems to have a toy for you.
Good luck letting everyone out there know which one it is!
November 25, 2002
Yugi Mania!
A hot Japanese comic strip is making a big splash in card games, videos,
and on television
What’s Japanese for "King of Games"? If you know the answer,
chances are you're a "Yugi-maniac"! Yu-Gi-Oh! began as a comic
strip in Japan in 1996. Today, it is a wildly popular card game, television
show, website, series of video games, collectible action figures, playsets
and board games. Already a giant hit in Japan that has soared to popularity
faster than you can say "Pokemon," Yu-Gi-Oh! is making a big
splash in America, too.
Yugi is an ace card player who counts on his friends to battle all kinds
of creatures.
The Story Behind Yu-Gi-Oh!
Yu-Gi-Oh! follows the adventures of a boy named Yugi whose grandfather
gives him an ancient Egyptian "Millennium Puzzle." When Yugi
pieces the puzzle together, he unexpectedly gains extraordinary powers
and becomes Yu-Gi-Oh!, a spiky blonde-haired teenager known as the "King
of Games." Enter Maximillion Pegasus, the mysterious creator of a
card game called "Duel Monsters" who kidnaps Yugi's grandfather.
Relying on the help of his friends and the mysterious power of the cards,
Yugi must battle to save his grandfather!
More than $2 billion in Yu-Gi-Oh! products have already sold in Japan.
In the U.S., Yu-Gi-Oh! is the most-watched program on the Kids' WB Saturday
morning lineup. There are trading card games, video games, action figures
and a new board game. The Yu-Gi-Oh! website logs about 1.2 million hits
per day!
In the Yu-Gi-Oh! Millennium game, kids can win arena duels with their monsters
to collect pieces of the Millennium Puzzle!
What is it about Yu-Gi-Oh! that has so many kids, especially boys, absolutely
hooked? Andrew Bryant is an 8-year-old Yu-Gi-Oh! fan from Arlington, Virginia.
Bryant loves the card game and got his friends into the Saturday morning
show. "I like the characters, Yugi, Max and Kaiba because they are
good duelers," said Bryant. "I like the card game because there
are so many neat cards to collect."
The creative minds behind the Yu-Gi-Oh! show and card game say it sends
a positive message to kids because it focuses on Yugi's passion for family
(everything he does is for his grandfather) and building friendships because
Yugi and his friends work together as a team.
December 8, 2002
ポケモンや、少年ジャンプの英語版(Comic Raijin)の創刊など、日本のアニメは、Japanimationという新しい英単語(Japan+Animation)を作り出すほど有名です。
『センター模擬演習マラソン』実施中 2回終了しました。
12月18・20・25・26・27日 1月6・7・8・9・10日
それ以降は、古典の補習終了後、9:30〜11:00 で行います。
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