英語U 問題
■1 以下の各問に答えなさい。
1) A:What sport do you like best?
B:Do you mean in (  ) of watching or playing?
アcase イcharge ウmethod エterms
2) It is likely that he kept me waiting (  ).
アin nature イin time ウat heart エon purpose
3) The stolen jewels must be recovered (  ).
アat any cost イno matter any expenditures
ウwith any expense エto any price
4) The plan was a good one (  ) from its cost.
アapart イaway ウfar エfresh
5) He was compelled to resign (  ) ill health.
アaccording to イin spite of ウout of エon account of
6) He came to inspect the house (  ) buying it.
アin the event of イwith a view to ウwith reference to エon account of
7) Man should make peaceful (  ) of technologies.
アperformance イuse ウabuse エcontrol
8) The man who stops learning is as (  ) as dead.
アfar イsoon ウgood エmuch
9) In public speaking, one should be short and (  ).
アon the spot イto the point ウoff the point エinto the point
10) Didn't it ever (  ) to them that they would be punished?
アhappen イenter ウstrike エoccur
11) It is difficult for Japanese to know an American (  ) an English man.
アfor イby ウfrom エwith
12) We thought she'd come for a visit, but it seems she's staying (  ) good.
アat イfor ウto エwith
13) Geography is the science that (  ) the earth and its climate, products and inhabitants.
アconcerns about イconcern with ウis concerned with エis concerning
14) The success of the Protestant Reformation was (  ) in great part to the political conflict between the German princes and the Pope.
アadded イresulted ウengaged エdue
15) He promised to bear my wishes in mind.
アremember イremind ウregard エrealize
16) We had rain for five days on end last month.
アendlessly イintermittently ウfinally エcontinuously
17) Farmers are always at the mercy of the weather.
アdefended by イdependent upon ウindifferent to エblessed with
18) He always counts on me to help him with his homework.
アorders イasks ウcomplains to エdepends on
19) Please see to it that he gets his homework done first.
アpreserve イremember ウwatch out エmake sure
20) It seems unlikely that any society could completely dispense with myths.
アthink much of イneed ウdo without エcreate
■2 以下の各問に答えなさい。
1) We often hear it ( ) that honesty is the best policy.
1 to be said  2 says  3 said  4 saying
2) A microscope is a scientific instrument that is used ( ).
1 to help see things  2 by helping see things
3 to help things to see  4 by helping things to see
3) The average ( ) of a college professor is much smaller than you would imagine.
1 tuition  2 fare  3 fee  4 salary
4) More than twenty ( ) on the train were killed in the accident.
1 guests  2 passengers  3 clients  4 customers
5) The fact that the earth is round means that you can come back ( ) you started if you keep going straight.
1 what  2 to where  3 to which  4 when
6) Well, now you know most of the story, and little ( ) to be told.
1 stays  2 leaves  3 remains  4 keeps
7) They finally succeeded in catching a rare bird ( ) in the forest.
1 lively  2 lived  3 live  4 alive
b.以下の会話文の( )内に入る適切な語句を、下の1〜4から選びなさい。
8) "As your host family, we'd like you to speak with us in English as much as possible."
"That's ( ) I am here for."
1 how  2 why  3 what  4 when
9) "Why don't you tell me more about your current problem?"
"I ( ) talk about it any more."
1 would rather not  2 would hate for  3 would rather not to  4 would like to
10) "What did the doctor say?"
"She recommended that I ( ) jogging a few times a week."
1 have gone  2 had gone  3 went  4 go
11) A: Doesn't that hang-gliding look exciting?
B: Yes, but it's paragliding, actually, not hang-gliding.
A: ( )
B: Well, a hang-glider has a frame just like a large kite, while a paraglider is a  special kind of parachute.
1 why do you know about hang-gliding?  2 Why do you tell the difference?
3 How can you tell the difference?  4 How do you know about paragliding?
12) A: "Beats me"? What do you mean by that?
B: "I don't know."
A: You don't know? ( )
B: Well, that's not what I meant. "Beats me" means "I don't know."
1 Did you say you beat someone? 2 You meant to beat me?
3 Who do you think meant it? 4 How come you said it then?
13) A: Be sure to visit my family while you're in London.
B: I'd love to. In fact, do you think I could stay with them for a couple of days?
A: ( ) I'm sure they'd be delighted to have you.
1 Why on earth?  2 Why not?  3 How come?  4 How could you?
14) Everyone in the class took to him at once.
1 resorted to  2 respected  3 liked  4 imitated
15) そのドアのところ、頭をぶつけないようにね。
1 Care your head.  2 Take care of your head.
3 Mind your head.  4 Don't strike your face.
■3 以下の各問に答えなさい。
1) Ocyu-gen is ( 1 a mid-summer gift / 2 appreciation / 3 express / 4 given to /
  5 of / 6 received / 7 services / 8 special daily )
2) You can ( 1 a / 2 hardly / 3 how / 4 imagine / 5 it / 6 painful / 7 sight / 8 was ).
3) (1 change / 2 have / 3 informed / 4 of / 5 of the / 6 them / 7 you / 8 your address )?
4) Please ( 1 happens / 2 if / 3 into your store / 4 know / 5 let / 6 me / 7 she / 8 to come ).
5) ( 1 a little / 2 it / 3 me / 4 to get / 5 to living in Japan / 6 took / 7 while / 8 used )
6) (1 be poor / 2 do not know / 3 it / 4 is / 5 like / 6 to / 7 what / 8 young people )
7) ( 1 in our / 2 feel / 3 makes us / 4 people don't / 5 status / 6 secure / 7 understand / 8 using words most )
8) Educators have found that ( 1 activities related / 2 assisting in / 3 children's general appreciation of music / 4 the development of their sense of rhythm and balance / 5 to / 6 to music can / 7 improve / 8 in addition ).
9) 親ばかとはかわいさのあまりに、子供のためならどんなばかなことでもしかねない親のことをいいます。
Oyabaka ( 1 as / 2 fond of / 3 for its sake / 4 his or her own child / 5 is so / 6 to a parent who / 7 to do a foolish thing / 8 refers ).
10) 家の上にかなりの空気の重量がかかっても家が潰れないのは、家の中にも空気があるからだ。
( 1 a house / 2 air inside the house / 3 doesn't crush / 4 great weight of air / 5 is that / 6 that the / 7 the reason / 8 there is also )
11) 天然ガスを利用する車が一般に普及しない大きな理由は、専用のガソリンスタンドが不足しているためだ。
( 1 filling stations / 2 holding back a / 3 is the / 4 of natural gas in motor vehicles / 5 lack of / 6 the major problem / 7 use / 8 widespread ).
12) 人間を一番信頼していない野生生物が、カラス、スズメ、ネズミなどの人間の生活に依存している動物であることは、皮肉である。
( 1 are / 2 human beings, such as crows, sparrows, and rats / 3 it is ironic that / 4 our life / 5 that least trust / 6 those / 7 which depend on / 8 wild animals )
13) ポストモダンがどういうことを意味するのか、必ずしも明確に把握しているわけではないが、さしあたって言えば、その言葉には、近代という時代に対する一種の反省が必要であるという考え方が見いだされる。
Although I have not fully understood what 'post-modern' means, tentatively speaking, ( 1 a kind of reflection on the modern-age / 2 it / 3 me / 4 reveals / 5 seems to / 6 the idea / 7 that the word / 8 that we need to make ).
14) 地球温暖化は、大気中に残るガスが大気圏外に太陽熱が戻るのをさえぎることによって起こる。
( 1 escaping to the outside of / 2 the atmosphere / 3 the atmosphere which prevent / 4 the heat of the sun from / 5 the gases / 6 the global / 7 remaining in / 8 warming is caused by )
15) 「やればできる」というふうに思うことができなかった子供たちは、非常に早い時期に無気力に陥りますし、あきらめやすくなる。
( 1 anything they wanted to if they tried / 2 children / 3 discouraged at a very / 4 early stage and easily give up / 5 hard enough become / 6 they could do / 7 to think that / 8 who never learned )
■4 以下の英文の下線部には誤っている箇所がそれぞれ1つずつあります。その番号を指摘し、正しくなおしなさい。
1) 1As a child, I was often 2said not to accept 3anything from a person 4who hadn't been introduced to me.
2) I can't 1go fishing 2in the river, because the teacher gave me a lot of 3homeworks to do 4at the weekend.
3) Mike looks 1old 2for his age. He must 3go through a lot of trouble 4when he was young.
4) 1If we choose to 2do it or not is the 3biggest decision we have to make 4at this very moment.
5) 1As a birthday present, my parents offered 2me the choice of seeing a Broadway play and visiting a night club 3or 4to spend a weekend in Atlantic City.
■5 次の各組の文が等しい意味を表すように(  )を適切な英単語で補ったとき、(*)の位置に来る語を答えなさい。
1) It's almost eight years since Mr. Weston died.
Mr. Weston ( ) ( ) ( * ) ( ) almost eight years.
2) 彼にはずいぶん手こずった。
He gave ( ) a ( ) ( ) ( * ).
3) ゴシップだけはごめんだ。とても不愉快だ。
( ) ( * ) ( ) I want is gossip. I find it very offensive.
4) もしあなたがたばこを吸って健康をそこなっても、それは自業自得だ。
Even if smoking ruins your health, ( ) ( ) your ( ) ( * )
5) 人に何かをしてあげるとき、彼は必ず何かお返しを期待している。
Whenever he does a ( * ) for someone, he always expects something ( ) ( ).
■6 以下の日本文を、それぞれ指示に従って、英語訳しなさい。
1) お先にどうぞ。(2〜3語で)
2) 場合によりけりですね。(2〜5語で)
3) もしそれが現状ならば、仕方がないね。(Ifで始めなさい。)
4) すべての悲劇は元をただせばコミュニケーションの失敗に帰する。(Allで始めなさい。)
5) 樹木は、生きているときだけでなく死んだ後も長く、一般に考えられている以上に役に立つ。(Treesで始めなさい。)
6) 人々の考え方を支配している文化は、そこで生まれ育った人にとっては、自覚しにくいものだ。(The culture of a countryで始めなさい。)
Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

英語U 解答用紙
[1]20点 = 1点×20
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20




















[2]15点 = 1点×15
10 11 12 13 14 15















[3]30点 = 完解2点×15
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10




















11 12 13 14 15










[4]10点 = 完解2点×5
1) 番号【   】 → 訂正                            
2) 番号【   】 → 訂正                            
3) 番号【   】 → 訂正                            
4) 番号【   】 → 訂正                            
5) 番号【   】 → 訂正                            
[5]10点=2点×5 完解
1       2        3        4        5       
[6]15点 = 2点×3 + 3点×3
3年 (   )組 (    )番  名前(              )      点