□ 1 | A Daniel come to judgment! | 【名言】名裁判官が裁きにご到来だShakespeare ベニスの商人 シャイロックの言葉 |
□ 2 | A child binds a married couple together. | 【名言】子は鎹(かすがい) |
□ 3 | A child educated only at school is an uneducated child. | 【名言】学校でだけ教育を受けた子供は教育を受けていない子供であるGeorge Santayana, Spanish poet-philosopher(1863-1952) |
□ 4 | A disciple sometimes outshines his master. | 【名言】青は藍より出でて藍より青し |
□ 5 | A fancy veneer doesn't change what you really are. | 【名言】うわべを飾っても本質は変わらない |
□ 6 | A flying crow always catches something. | 【名言】犬も歩けば棒に当たる |
□ 7 | A good laugh is sunshine in a house. | 【名言】楽しき笑いは家庭の中の太陽であるThackeray |
□ 8 | A good marriage would be between a blind wife and a deaf husband | 【名言】すばらしき結婚は盲目の妻と耳の不自由な夫の間で生まれるMontaigne, Michel de |
□ 9 | A journey of a thousand miles starts with but a single step. | 【名言】千里の道も一歩から |
□ 10 | A lie may sometimes be excused. | 【名言】うそも方便 |
□ 11 | A man can fail many times, but he isn't a failure till he gives up. | 【名言】人は何度も失敗することがある・だがあきらめるまでは落伍者ではない |
□ 12 | A man without religion is like a horse without a bridle. | 【名言】宗教を持たない人は馬具をつけない馬のようなものだ |
□ 13 | A mind that is stretched to a new idea never returns to its original dimensions. | 【名言】新しい思考を学んだ心はけっして元に戻ることはないOliver Wendell Holmes |
□ 14 | A minute's success pays the failure of years. | 【名言】一瞬の成功は多年にわたる失敗からRobert Browning (1812-89) |
□ 15 | A mud-wall deads a cannon-bullet. | 【名言】柔よく剛を制す |
□ 16 | A promise is a promise. | 【名言】約束は約束(守らねばならない) |
□ 17 | A saint's maid quotes Latin | 【名言】門前の小僧習わぬ経を読む |
□ 18 | A soft answer turns away anger, but a sharp word makes tempers hot. | 【名言】穏やかな答えは怒りをとどめ激しい言葉は怒りを引き起こすThe Bible-Old Testament |
□ 19 | A stag at bay is a dangerous foe. | 【名言】窮鼠猫をかむ |
□ 20 | A talented person does not show off. | 【名言】能ある鷹は爪を隠す |
□ 21 | A tall tree catches much wind. | 【名言】出る杭は打たれる |
□ 22 | A thing of beauty is a joy for ever. | 【名言】美しいものは滅びてもその喜びは憶えている限り続くKeatsの詩 Endymionから |
□ 23 | A true lover always feels in debt to the one he loves. | 【名言】愛する相手に借りがあるといつも感じている人こそ本当に愛しているのですRalph W Sockman |
□ 24 | A widower is proverbially untidy. | 【名言】男やもめに蛆がわく |
□ 25 | A wise man can immediately adapt himself to any surroundings. | 【名言】君子は豹変す |
□ 26 | A youth without fire is followed by an old age without experience. | 【名言】燃えることのない青春は経験の蓄積のない老年をもたらすCharles C. Colton |
□ 27 | Abandon hope, all ye who enter here. | 【名言】希望を捨てろ,ここから入るすべての者たちよ!Dante, Alighieri |
□ 28 | Accomplishments are a friend in need. | 【名言】芸は身を助ける |
□ 29 | Action is eloquence. | 【名言】行動は雄弁だShakespeare, William |
□ 30 | Adversity makes a man wise. | 【名言】逆境は人を賢明にする |
□ 31 | Adversity reveals genius, prosperity conceals it. | 【名言】逆境は才能を現し,繁栄は才能を隠してしまうHorace |
□ 32 | After me the deluge. | 【名言】あとは野となれ山となれ |
□ 33 | Age cannot wither her. | 【名言】歳月も彼女の容色を衰えさせることはできないShakespeare アントニーとクレオパトラ |
□ 34 | All diseases originate in a cold. | 【名言】風邪は万病の元 |
□ 35 | All happy families resemble one another, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. | 【名言】幸福な家庭はみな似ているが,不幸せな家庭はそれぞれ違うTolstoy, Leo |
□ 36 | All men are created equal. | 【名言】人はみな平等に造られている米国独立宣言 |
□ 37 | All mothers are physically handicapped. They have only two hands. | 【名言】すべての母親は身体障害者だ,手が二つしかない,(子供の世話が大変だの意) |
□ 38 | All our dreams can come true - if we have the courage to pursue them. | 【名言】夢を求め続ける勇気さえ有れば,すべての夢は必ず実現できるDisney, Walt |
□ 39 | All the great things are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word: freedom; justice; honor; duty; mercy; hope. | 【名言】すべての偉大なることは単純だ,多くの偉大なることも,自由,正義,名誉,義務,慈愛,希望という単純なる言葉で言い表せるChurchill, Winston |
□ 40 | All things are only transitory | 【名言】この世の,すべてのものは,泡沫にすぎないGoethe, Johann Wolfgang von |
□ 41 | All you need in life is ignorance and confidence, and then success is sure. | 【名言】人生で必要なことは無知と自信だ,それさえ有れば成功間違いなしTwain, Mark |
□ 42 | All's right with the world. | 【名言】すべて世は事もなしR. Browning の詩 |
□ 43 | Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it. | 【名言】世界が苦しみに満ちていても同時にそれを克服するチャンスにも満ちているのだHellen Keller, American writer |
□ 44 | An ill life makes an ill end. | 【名言】身から出た錆 |
□ 45 | Anything viewed through the eyes of faith seems perfect. | 【名言】鰯の頭も信心から |
□ 46 | Art is a lie that enables us to realize the truth. | 【名言】芸術とは真実を実感させる虚偽であるPablo Picasso, Spanish artist 1881-1973 |
□ 47 | Artists who have won fame are embarrassed by it; thus their first works are often their best. | 【名言】名声を得た芸術家は,そのことにより落ち着きを失う,それ故,処女作がしばし最上の作となるBeethoven, Ludwig van |
□ 48 | As for me, all I know is that I know nothing. | 【名言】私に,分かっていることは,私が,何も知らないということだSocrates |
□ 49 | As for me, give me liberty or give me death! | 【名言】余には願わくは自由を与えたまえ, かなわずば死を選ばん米国独立戦争 Patrick Henry (1736-99) |
□ 50 | Ask, and it shall be given you. | 【名言】求めよ, さらば与えられん聖書マタイ伝 |
□ 51 | Ask, and it will be given you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. | 【名言】求めよさらば与えられん,探せ,さらば見いだすであろう,門をたたけたたくものはあけてもらえるだろうThe Bible-New Testament |
□ 52 | At the touch of love, everyone becomes a poet. | 【名言】愛に触れると誰もが詩人になれるPlato |
□ 53 | Be patient. God isn't finished with you yet. | 【名言】Mr. Okano 1998/10/22 |
□ 54 | Be sensible. | 【名言】分別を失うなよ映画「第3の男」 |
□ 55 | Because it's there. | 【名言】そこに山があるからWhen asked why he wanted to climb Everest - G.H.L.Mallory |
□ 56 | Believe and act as if it were impossible to fail. | 【名言】失敗するはずはないと信じ,行動せよCharles Kettering |
□ 57 | Better a lie that heals than a truth that wounds. | 【名言】人を傷つける真実よりも癒しの虚偽が勝る,嘘も方便 |
□ 58 | Better be the head of a cat than the tail of a lion. | 【名言】鶏口となるも牛後となるなかれ |
□ 59 | Big head, little wit. | 【名言】大男総身に知恵が回りかね |
□ 60 | Birth is much, but breeding is more. | 【名言】氏より育ち |
□ 61 | Blessed are the pure in heart. | 【名言】心の清い人たちは幸いである聖書マタイ伝 |
□ 62 | Blessed are those who give without remembering and take without forgetting. | 【名言】人にものを与えてそれを覚えていず,人から貰ってそれを忘れない人は幸いなるかなBibesco,Elizabeth |
□ 63 | Boys, be ambitious, not for money, not for selfish accomplishment, not for that evanescent thing which men call fame. Be ambitious for attainment of all that a man ought to be. | 【名言】青年よ大志を抱け,金や独りよがりの功績のためでなく,人が名声と呼ぶあのはかない物のためでなく,人が備えねばならない物を身につけるために大志を抱けClark, William Smith |
□ 64 | Bread is better than the song of birds. | 【名言】花より団子 |
□ 65 | Breeding is more important than birth. | 【名言】氏より育ち |
□ 66 | Brevity is the soul of wit. | 【名言】簡潔は機知の精髄,言は簡潔を尊ぶShakespeare ハムレット |
□ 67 | By all means marry. If you get a good wife, you will become happy; and if you get a bad one, you will become a philosopher. | 【名言】ぜひ結婚しなさい,よい奥さんだったら幸せになる,悪妻だったらあなたは哲学者になるSocrates(Greek Philosopher, 439-399 B.C.) |
□ 68 | By the time you wish to be a good son, your parents are long gone. | 【名言】孝行のしたい時には親はなし |
□ 69 | Children are a link between husband and wife. | 【名言】子はかすがい |
□ 70 | Children have never been very good at listening to their elders, but they have never failed to imitate them. | 【名言】子供が年長者の言うことに耳を貸すのを得意としたことはない,しかし年長者のまねをし損なったことはないJames Baldwin U.S. novelist, essayist; 1924-87 |
□ 71 | Choose a wife by your ear rather than by your eye. | 【名言】目ではなく耳で妻を選べ,ルックスよりもハートで妻を選べ |
□ 72 | Classic"": A book which people praise and don't read. | 【名言】古典とは人々が賞賛する本だが,読みはしないTwain, Mark |
□ 73 | Closet space is like money. You use up as much as you have. | 【名言】クローゼットのスペースはお金に似ている,あればあるだけ使ってしまうMichel,Ray |
□ 74 | Clothes make the man. | 【名言】馬子にも衣装 |
□ 75 | Come unto me, all ye that labour. | 【名言】すべて労する者われに来たれ聖書マタイ伝 |
□ 76 | Common sense is the most wodely distributed commodity in the world. | 【名言】常識とはこの世でもっとも広く分配されている日用品であるDescartes, Rene |
□ 77 | Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work at hand. The sun's rays do not burn until brought to a focus. | 【名言】現在行っている仕事に全神経を注げ,太陽光線も,焦点が合わないと発火させることはできないBell, Graham |
□ 78 | Condemn the offense, but pity the offender. | 【名言】罪を憎んで人を憎まず |
□ 79 | Control your own destiny or someone else will. | 【名言】自らの運命をコントロールせよ・さもなくば他人がそうするだろうJack Welch |
□ 80 | Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear -- not absence of fear. | 【名言】勇気とは,恐怖に対する抵抗であり,恐怖の克服である,だが,恐怖心がないわけではないTwain, Mark |
□ 81 | Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear. | 【名言】勇気とは恐怖への抵抗であり,恐怖に打ち勝つことである,恐怖がないことではないTwain, Mark |
□ 82 | Creativity is the making of the new and the rearrangement of the old. | 【名言】創造性は新しきを作り古きを掘り起こすことMike Vance |
□ 83 | Cry up wine and sell vinegar. | 【名言】羊頭を掲げて狗肉を売る |
□ 84 | Dare and the world always yields. If it beats you sometimes, dare it again and again and it will succumb. | 【名言】大胆に挑戦すれば世界は必ず譲歩する・チャレンジしつづけよう・困難のほうが屈服するまでW. M. Thackeray, British novelist |
□ 85 | Despair gives courage to a coward. | 【名言】窮鼠猫をかむ |
□ 86 | Despair turns cowards courageous. | 【名言】窮鼠猫をかむ |
□ 87 | Different people have different customs. | 【名言】所変われば品変わる |
□ 88 | Diligence is the mother of good luck. | 【名言】勤勉は幸運の母であるFranklin, Benjamin |
□ 89 | Do it. Do it right. Do it right now. | 【名言】やれ・ちゃんとやれ・すぐにやれ(成功の秘訣ではないだろうか?) |
□ 90 | Do not squander time. That is the stuff life is made of. | 【名言】時を浪費するなかれ・人生は時にて成ればなり映画「風邪とともに去りぬ」の一幕で石碑に刻まれた言葉 |
□ 91 | Don't count your chickens before they're hatched. | 【名言】来年のことを言うと鬼が笑う |
□ 92 | Don't find fault, find a remedy. | 【名言】あら探しをするな,救済策を探せFord, Henry |
□ 93 | Don't give your advice before you are called upon. | 【名言】求められる前に忠告するなErasmus, Desiderius |
□ 94 | Don't speak ill of others behind their backs. | 【名言】他人の陰で悪口を言うな |
□ 95 | Dress shabbily, they notice the dress. Dress impeccably, they notice the woman. | 【名言】下品な服装は服だけが目につき上品な服装は女を引き立たせるCoco Chanel フランスの服飾デザイナー - 映画Working Girl |
□ 96 | Dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return. | 【名言】なんじはちりなればちりに帰るべきなり聖書創世記 |
□ 97 | Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise. | 【名言】早寝早起きが人を健康に裕福に賢くする |
□ 98 | Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise. | 【名言】早寝早起きは人を健康で金持ちにそして賢くするB. Franklin |
□ 99 | Easy money is easy to spend. | 【名言】悪銭身につかず |
□ 100 | Education is the ability to learn to almost anything without losing your temper or your self-confidence. | 【名言】教育とは立腹したり自信を喪失したりせずにほとんどすべてのことに耳を傾けられる力のことだRobert Frost U.S. poet; 1874-1963 |
□ 101 | Eloquence is the power to translate a truth into language perfectly intelligible to the person to whom you speak. | 【名言】雄弁とは真実を相手が完全に理解できる言葉に翻訳できる能力である |
□ 102 | England expects every man to do his duty. | 【名言】英国は各人がその義務を果たされんことを望むNelson |
□ 103 | Enter by the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is easy, that leads to destruction. | 【名言】狭き門より入れ,滅びに至る門は大きく,その道は広いThe Bible-New Testament |
□ 104 | Every Jack has his Jill. | 【名言】破れ鍋にとじぶた |
□ 105 | Every failure is a stepping stone to success. | 【名言】失敗は成功のもと |
□ 106 | Every individual has a place to fill in the world, and is important, in some respect, whether he chooses to be so or not. | 【名言】それぞれの個人には,この世で身にあった仕事がある,その仕事に就けるかどうかが重要なことだHawthorne, Nathaniel |
□ 107 | Every man for his own trade. | 【名言】餅は餅屋 |
□ 108 | Every man has his faults. | 【名言】なくて七癖 |
□ 109 | Every man's life is a fairly-tale written by God's finger | 【名言】あらゆる人間の一生は,神の御手によって書かれた,いっぺんのおとぎ話であるAndersen,Hans Christian |
□ 110 | Everyone knows that it is harder to turn words into deeds than deeds into words. | 【名言】誰もが知っているとおり行動をことばにするよりことばを行動にうつすほうが難しい |
□ 111 | Excessive tenderness switched to hundredfold hatred. | 【名言】可愛さ余って憎さ百倍 |
□ 112 | Experience is the best of schoolmaster, only the school-fees are heavy. | 【名言】経験は最上の教師である,しかし授業料は高くつくCarlyle, Thomas |
□ 113 | Experience is the best teacher. | 【名言】経験は最上の教師である |
□ 114 | Experience without learning is better than learning without experience. | 【名言】経験は学問に勝る |
□ 115 | Failure is a stepping stone to success. | 【名言】失敗は成功の元 |
□ 116 | Failure is made up of fear, apathy, indecision, and lack of purpose. | 【名言】失敗は恐れ・無関心・優柔不断・そして目的の欠如からなっているTom Hopkins |
□ 117 | Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor. | 【名言】失敗は成功の味を引き立てる調味料であるTruman Capote, U.S. writer |
□ 118 | Failure teaches success. | 【名言】失敗は成功のもと |
□ 119 | Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. | 【名言】神よ彼らをお許しください,彼らは何をしているのか分からずにいるのですThe Bible-New Testament |
□ 120 | Fear is greater than the danger. | 【名言】案じるずるより生むがやすし |
□ 121 | Fear often exaggerates danger. | 【名言】案ずるよりうむがやすし |
□ 122 | For the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life. | 【名言】文字は人を殺し霊は人を生かす聖書コリント人への第二の手紙 |
□ 123 | Forgive us our trespasses. | 【名言】我らの罪を許したまえ聖書の主の祈り |
□ 124 | Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names. | 【名言】あなたの敵を許しなさい,だが,その名前は決して忘れるなKennedy,John F. |
□ 125 | Frailry, thy name is woman. | 【名言】弱き者,汝の名は女なりShakespeare, William |
□ 126 | Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration. | 【名言】天才とは1%のインスピレーションと99%の努力であるEdison, Thomas Alva |
□ 127 | Genius is only one remove from insanity. | 【名言】天才と狂気は紙一重の差だ,バカと天才は紙一重 |
□ 128 | Genius will assert itself at an early age. | 【名言】栴檀は双葉より芳し |
□ 129 | Genuine artists don't kvetch about the limitations of their medium. | 【名言】Newsweek 95/05/29 |
□ 130 | Give us this day our daily bread. | 【名言】我らの日用の糧をきょうも与えたまえ主の祈りの一節,聖書マタイ伝 |
□ 131 | God created man in his own image. | 【名言】神は自分のかたちに人を創造された聖書創世記 |
□ 132 | God created the heaven and the earth. | 【名言】神天地を創造たまえり聖書創世記 |
□ 133 | God said, Let there be light: and there was light. | 【名言】神は光あれと言われた, すると光があった聖書創世記 |
□ 134 | God's in His heaven, All's right with the world. | 【名言】神は天にあり,世はすべてこともなしBrowning, Robert |
□ 135 | Good judgment comes from experience, and experience comes from poor judgment. | 【名言】正しい判断は経験から生まれ経験はまちがった判断から生まれる |
□ 136 | Habit is a second nature. | 【名言】習い性となる |
□ 137 | Happiness isn't something you experience: it's something you remember. | 【名言】幸せは経験するものではなくて思い出してそれと気づくものだOscar Levant U.S. pianist |
□ 138 | Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort. | 【名言】幸福は,達成の喜びと,創造的努力のスリルの中にあるRoosevelt, Franklin |
□ 139 | Happy events tend to be accompanied by problems. | 【名言】好事魔多し |
□ 140 | Have it twice, and you will have it a third time. | 【名言】二度あることは三度ある |
□ 141 | He is the happiest, be he king or peasant, who finds peace in his home. | 【名言】国王であれ,農民であれ,家庭に平和を見いだせる者が,もっとも幸せであるGoethe, Johann Wolfgang von |
□ 142 | He that knows little often repeats it. | 【名言】馬鹿の一つ覚え |
□ 143 | He that never thinks never can be wise. | 【名言】思考しない者は,賢くは,なれないJohnson, Samuel |
□ 144 | He that runs may read. | 【名言】走っている人でも解読できるほどに明白であるShakespeare ハムレット |
□ 145 | He that will steal a pin will steal an ox. | 【名言】一事が万事 |
□ 146 | He who believes is strong; he who doubts is weak. Strong convictions precede great actions. | 【名言】信じる者は強く,疑う者は弱い,強い確信は,偉大なる行動に優先するClark, J.F. |
□ 147 | He who can, does. He who cannot, teaches. | 【名言】才能あるものは自分で行い,ないものは教えるShaw,G.Bernard |
□ 148 | He who is the most slow in making a promise is the most faithful in the performance of it. | 【名言】気軽に約束しない人は,必ず約束を守るRousseau |
□ 149 | He who loses wealth loses much; he who loses a friend loses more; but he who loses courage loses all. | 【名言】富を失う者は多くを失い,友人を失う者はさらに多くを失う,しかし,勇気を失う者はすべてを失うことになるCervantes, Miguel de |
□ 150 | He who loves not wine, woman and songs, remains a fool his whole life long. | 【名言】酒,女,歌を愛さない者は,一生馬鹿な人生を送るLuther, Martin |
□ 151 | He who runs after two hares will catch neither. | 【名言】二兎を追う者は一兎をも得ず |
□ 152 | He who touches pitch shall be defiled therewith. | 【名言】朱に交われば赤くなる |
□ 153 | Here's looking at you, kid! | 【名言】君の瞳に乾杯 !映画「カサブランカ」 |
□ 154 | History, which is, indeed, little more than the register of the crimes, follies, and misfortunes of mankind. | 【名言】歴史とは,ただ人類の犯罪,愚行,災難の記録にすぎないGibbon, Edward |
□ 155 | Honesty is the first chapter of the book of wisdom. | 【名言】英知に関する本の第1章は,正直さについてだJefferson, Thomas |
□ 156 | Hope deferred makes the heart sick. | 【名言】望みを得ることが長びく時は心を悩ます聖書箴言 |
□ 157 | How far that little candle throws his beams! So shines a good deed in a naughty world. | 【名言】小さなろうそくがなんと遠くまで光を照らすことか,この悪の満ちる世界に善行よ満ちろShakespeare, William |
□ 158 | How kind of you to let me come. | 【名言】ご親切にご招待して下さってありがとう映画「マイ・フェア・レディ」 |
□ 159 | I am not discouraged, because every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward. | 【名言】私は失望などしない,なぜなら,どんな失敗でも次への前進の新たな一歩となるからEdison, Thomas Alva |
□ 160 | I am nothing, if not critical. | 【名言】口の悪いのだけが私の取りえだShakespeare オセロ |
□ 161 | I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it. | 【名言】君の意見に賛成できないが,君が意見を述べる権利は死んでも守るVoltaire |
□ 162 | I do not fear computers. I fear the lack of them | 【名言】私はコンピューターなど恐れていない,それが不足することが心配だAsamov, Isaac |
□ 163 | I gotta know who I am. | 【名言】僕は自分が誰だか知りたいんだ映画 エデンの東 |
□ 164 | I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. | 【名言】私には夢がある,いつの日にか私の子供達が肌の色ではなく人格によって判断される国に住める日が来るというMartin Luther, King Jr |
□ 165 | I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. | 【名言】Martin Luther King Jr. 1928-68 |
□ 166 | I have learned that success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which one has overcome while trying to succeed. | 【名言】成功とは,人生において得た地位によって測るのではなく,成功するために打ち勝った障害によって測るべきことを学んだWashington, Booker T. |
□ 167 | I have never met a man so ignorant that I couldn't learn something from him. | 【名言】何も学ぶべき者のない人に会ったことはないGalileo, Galilei |
□ 168 | I have never seen an ass who talked like a human being, but I have met many human beings who talked like asses. | 【名言】人のようにしゃべるロバは見たことがないが,ロバのようにしゃべる人は多く知っているHeine, Heinrich |
□ 169 | I know why there are so many people who love chopping wood. In this activity one immediately sees the result. | 【名言】薪割りを好む人が多いのは理解できる,この仕事では結果がすぐ分かるEinstein Albert |
□ 170 | I never think of the future - it comes soon enough. | 【名言】私は未来のことなど考えない,もう,すぐそこまできているからEinstein Albert |
□ 171 | I think, therefore I am. | 【名言】われ思う, ゆえにわれありDescartes の言葉 |
□ 172 | I'm a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it. | 【名言】幸運を信じている,一生懸命仕事をすればするほど,それをつかめるJefferson, Thomas |
□ 173 | I'm a soldier and unapt to weep. | 【名言】私は軍人で泣いたりはしないShakespeare ヘンリー 6 世 |
□ 174 | Idleness is the mother of all evil. | 【名言】小人閑居して不善を為す |
□ 175 | If Cleopatra's nose had been shorter, the whole face of the earth would have changed. | 【名言】クレオパトラの鼻がもう少し低かったら,世界の歴史は変わっていただろうPascal, Blaise |
□ 176 | If fortune torments me, hope contents me. | 【名言】もし運命が私に災いしても希望が私を満足させる |
□ 177 | If men knew how wemen pass the time when they are alone, they'd never marry. | 【名言】女性が一人でいるときにすることを知れば男性は決して結婚しないだろうHenry, O. |
□ 178 | If two men ride upon a horse, one must ride behind. | 【名言】両雄並び立たず |
□ 179 | If you are able to state a problem, then the problem can be solved. | 【名言】問題点を述べることができればその問題は解決可能だEdwin Land, U.S. Inventor of instant camera; 1909- |
□ 180 | If you believe in the impossible, the incredible can come true. | 【名言】夢を信じたとき奇跡が起こる |
□ 181 | If you can dream it, you can do it. | 【名言】夢が見られるなら実現できますDisney, Walt |
□ 182 | If you don't know where you are going, every road will get you nowhere. | 【名言】目標が定まっていなればどのような道を辿ってもどこにもいけないのだHenry Kissinger |
□ 183 | If you teach a man anything, he will never learn. | 【名言】もし人になにかを教えようとすれば彼は何も学ばないだろうGeorge Bernard Shaw |
□ 184 | If you want people to think well of you, do not speak well of yourself. | 【名言】人にほめられたいなら,自分のことをほめるなPascal, Blaise |
□ 185 | If you want to be somebody, if you want to go somewhere, you'd better wake up and pay attention. | 【名言】名をあげたければ世に出たければ目を覚まして前を見ろ映画『天使にラブソングを2』 |
□ 186 | If you want your children to turn out well, spend twice as much time with them, and half as much money on them | 【名言】良い子になってほしいなら,倍の時間を子供と過ごし,半分のお金を子供にかけなさいBurn Abigail Van |
□ 187 | If you would be loved, love and be lovable. | 【名言】愛されたいなら,愛し,愛らしくあれFranklin, Benjamin |
□ 188 | If you would not be forgotten as soon as you are dead, either write things worth reading or do things worth writing. | 【名言】死んだとき忘れられたくなかったら,読まれるにたる物を書くか,書かれるにたることをしろFranklin, Benjamin |
□ 189 | Imagination is more important than knowledge. | 【名言】知識より想像力が大切だEinstein Albert |
□ 190 | Impossible is a word only to be found in the dictionary of fools. | 【名言】我が辞書に不可能の文字はないNapoleon, Bonaparte |
□ 191 | In matters of conscience, the law of majority has no place. | 【名言】良心に関しては,多数決の法則は当てはまらないGandhi, Mahatma |
□ 192 | In the middle of difficulty, lies opportunity. | 【名言】困難の中に,機会があるEinstein Albert |
□ 193 | In traveling, good company; In life, good will. | 【名言】旅は道連れ世は情け |
□ 194 | Is it true that grownups have a more difficult time here than we do ? No, I know it isn't. | 【名言】大人の方が今の私たちよりずっとつらい目に遭っているというのは,本当ですか,いや,私はそうは思いませんFrank, Anne |
□ 195 | It has been my observation that most people get ahead during the time that others waste. | 【名言】他人がぐずぐずしているとき,大部分の人が先行する,というのが私の発見した事柄だFord, Henry |
□ 196 | It is a good doctor who follows his own directions. | 【名言】医者の不養生 |
□ 197 | It is a woman's business to get married as sooa as possible, and a man's to keep unmarried as long as he can. | 【名言】できるだけ早く結婚するのが女の務め,できるだけ結婚しないでいるのが男の務めShaw,G.Bernard |
□ 198 | It is better to be envied than pitied. | 【名言】同情されるより,ねたまれる方がいいHerodotos |
□ 199 | It is better to wear out than to rust out. | 【名言】錆び付かせるより使い込む方がいいChamberland, Richard |
□ 200 | It is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong. | 【名言】悪い政府の元で,正しくあることは危険だVoltaire |
□ 201 | It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. | 【名言】富んでいる者が神の国に入るより,ラクダが針の穴を通る方がもっと易しいThe Bible-New Testament |
□ 202 | It is in the moment of decisions that your destiny is shaped | 【名言】あなたの運命が決まるのは,決心の瞬間だRobbins, Anthony |
□ 203 | It is like water off a duck's back. | 【名言】馬の耳に念仏 |
□ 204 | It is more blessed to give than to receive. | 【名言】与えられるよりは与える方が幸いであるThe Bible-New Testament |
□ 205 | It is much difficult to judge oneself than to judge others. | 【名言】他人を裁くより自分を裁く方がずっと難しいSaint-Exupery |
□ 206 | It is not enough to be busy... the question is: what are we busy about? | 【名言】忙しければいいわけではない,問題はなぜ忙しいかだThoreau, Henry David |
□ 207 | It is not enough to have a good mind; the main thing is to use it well. | 【名言】良心を持つだけでは十分ではない,大切なのはそれをうまく使うことだDescartes, Rene |
□ 208 | It is not miserable to be blind; it is miserable to be incapable of enduring blindness. | 【名言】盲目であることでなく,盲目に耐えられないことが悲惨なのだMilton, John |
□ 209 | It is proverbial that widowers are untidy. | 【名言】男やもめにうじがわく |
□ 210 | It is when the holiday is over that we begin to enjoy it. | 【名言】休日を楽しみ始めるのは休日の終わりであるA.G.Gardiner, English journalist, 1865-1946 |
□ 211 | It requires more courage to suffer than to die. | 【名言】死ぬことより苦しむことの方が勇気がいるNapoleon, Bonaparte |
□ 212 | It takes twenty years to make an overnight success. | 【名言】一夜にして成功をおさめるには20年の努力がいるEddie Cantor, American comedian |
□ 213 | It were not best that we should all think alike: it is difference of opinion that makes horseraces. | 【名言】誰もが同じ考え方をするのは理想的なことではない・みんなの意見が違うからこそ競馬も成り立つのだMark Twain |
□ 214 | It's good to have money and the things money can buy, but it's good to check once in a while and make sure you haven't lost the things that money can't buy. | 【名言】金があり金で買えるものを持っていることは良いことだが,時々金では買えないものを無くしていないか確認してみるのも良いことですLorimer, George Horace |
□ 215 | It's like water off a duck's back. | 【名言】糠にくぎ |
□ 216 | It's never too late to be who you might have been. | 【名言】あなたがなっていたであろう人になるのに遅すぎることはないEliot, George |
□ 217 | It's the blind leading the blind. | 【名言】それは盲人が盲人を導くようなものだ聖書マタイ伝 |
□ 218 | Lack of money is the root of all evil. | 【名言】貧乏は悪の根元Shaw,G.Bernard |
□ 219 | Laziness is nothing more than the habit of resting before you get tired. | 【名言】怠惰とは,疲れないうちに,休む癖のことだRenard, Jules |
□ 220 | Learning is not attained by chance; it must be sought for with ardor and attended to with diligence. | 【名言】学問は偶然に成就するのではない・それは熱心に追求し努めて精進しなくてはならないものだAbigail Adams, U.S. First Lady, wife of John Adams; 1744-1818 |
□ 221 | Let mercy season justice. | 【名言】慈悲の心で裁きをやわらげよShakespeare ベニスの商人 |
□ 222 | Let not the sun go down upon your wrath. | 【名言】怒りをあすまで持ち越すな聖書エペソ人への手紙 |
□ 223 | Let's not imitate others. Let's find ourselves and be ourselves. | 【名言】人のまねをするな・自己を発見し自己に徹しようDale Carnegie |
□ 224 | Liberty is the right to do everything which the laws allow. | 【名言】自由とは法が認めるすべてのことを行う権利であるMontesquieu, Charles |
□ 225 | Life found the way. | 【名言】命は道を見つけだす映画Jurassic Parkより |
□ 226 | Life is an exciting business and most exciting when it is lived for others | 【名言】人生は興奮に満ちている仕事だ,もっとも興奮するのは,他人のために生きるときだHelen Keller |
□ 227 | Life is but a walking shadow. | 【名言】人生は歩く影にすぎないShakespeare, William |
□ 228 | Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. | 【名言】人生とは,果敢なる冒険か,つまらぬ物のどちらかだHelen Keller |
□ 229 | Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get. | 【名言】人生は箱入りチョコレートみたいなもの・食べてみないと中身はわからない映画『Forrest Gump』 |
□ 230 | Life is not always what one likes. | 【名言】人生はいつも思うようになるとは限らない |
□ 231 | Life isn't always what one likes. | 【名言】人生は必ずしも思うようになるとは限らない映画「ローマの休日」 |
□ 232 | Like master, like men. | 【名言】勇将のもとに弱卒なし |
□ 233 | Lookers-on see more than the players. | 【名言】岡目八目 |
□ 234 | Lord, grant that I may always desire more than I can accomplish. | 【名言】神よ!私がいつも,創造できる以上のことを望むことを,許したまえ!Michelangelo Buonarroti |
□ 235 | Lost wealth may be replaced by industry, lost knowledge by study, lost health by temperance or medicine, but lost time is gone forever. | 【名言】失った富は勤勉で,忘れた知識は勉強で,病気は節制と薬で取り戻せるが,失った時間は永遠に戻らないSmiles, Samuel |
□ 236 | Love covers many infirmities. | 【名言】あばたもえくぼ |
□ 237 | Love has a logic of its own. | 【名言】恋は思案の外 |
□ 238 | Loving can cost a lot, but not loving always costs more | 【名言】愛することは高くつつくが,愛さないことはいつでももっと高くかかるShain Merle |
□ 239 | Man doth not live by bread only, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the LORD doth man live. | 【名言】DEUTERONOMY 8:3 |
□ 240 | Man errs so long as he strives. | 【名言】人間は努力する限り過ちを犯すGoethe, Johann Wolfgang von |
□ 241 | Man is but a reed, the weakest in nature, but he is a thinking reed. | 【名言】人間は考えるアシであるBlaise Pascal |
□ 242 | Man is no more than a reed, the weakest in nature. But he is a thinking reed. | 【名言】人間は自然界の中でもっとも弱い葦にすぎない,だが,考える葦であるPascal, Blaise |
□ 243 | Man shall not live by bread alone. | 【名言】人はパンだけで生きるものではない聖書マタイ伝 |
□ 244 | Man turns to God only in trouble. | 【名言】苦しいときの神頼み |
□ 245 | Man, man, one cannot live quite without pity. | 【名言】人間,人間は憐憫なしには生きていけぬ者だDostoyevsky, Fedor |
□ 246 | Many receive advice. Only the wise profit from it. | 【名言】多くの者が助言をもらうが,賢き者だけがそこから利するSyrus |
□ 247 | Marriage is destiny. | 【名言】結婚は運命 |
□ 248 | Marriage is the tomb of love. | 【名言】結婚は愛の墓標 |
□ 249 | Marriage makes or mars a man. | 【名言】結婚により男は一人前にも駄目にもなる |
□ 250 | Math is like love -- a simple idea, but it can get complicated. | 【名言】数学は恋愛に似ている,単純だが,複雑にもなり得るDrabek, D. |
□ 251 | Maturity is the ability to live with ambiguity. | 【名言】大人になるということはあいまいさを受け入れる能力を持つということであるSigmund Freud |
□ 252 | Men turn to God only when they are in trouble. | 【名言】苦しいときの神頼み |
□ 253 | Misery loves company. | 【名言】同病相哀れむ |
□ 254 | Misfortunes always come in pairs. | 【名言】弱り目にたたり目 |
□ 255 | Misfortunes never come singly. | 【名言】泣き面に蜂 |
□ 256 | Modesty is the conscience of the body. | 【名言】慎み深さは肉体の良心であるBalzac, Honore de |
□ 257 | Money comes and goes. | 【名言】金は天下の回りもの |
□ 258 | Money is always the first consideration. | 【名言】先立つものは金 |
□ 259 | Money makes marriage. | 【名言】結婚は金しだい |
□ 260 | Money makes the mare to go. | 【名言】地獄の沙汰も金しだい |
□ 261 | My fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. | 【名言】アメリカの国民のみなさん,国家があなた達に何をしてくれるのかを求めず,国家のために何ができるかを考えてくださいJohn F. Kennedy |
□ 262 | Nature arranges it so that we can't shut our ears but that we can shut our mouths. | 【名言】耳を閉じることはできないが,口を閉じることはできる人間はそのようにできています |
□ 263 | Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power. | 【名言】ほとんどすべての人は,逆境に耐えられる,ある人物の人柄を知りたいのなら,彼に力を与えてみろLincoln, Abraham |
□ 264 | Neither a borrower nor a lender be. | 【名言】借り手にも貸し手にもなるなShakespeare ハムレット |
□ 265 | Never be proud of your success. | 【名言】勝って兜の緒を締めよ |
□ 266 | Never falter in doing good. | 【名言】善行をするのにためらうな |
□ 267 | Never make a promise in haste. | 【名言】決して焦って約束をしてはならないGandhi, Mahatma |
□ 268 | Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. | 【名言】今日できる事を決して明日まで延すな |
□ 269 | Never spit in a well. One day you may have to drink from it. | 【名言】天に向かってつばを吐くな |
□ 270 | Never spur a willing horse. | 【名言】喜んで働く馬をむち打つな |
□ 271 | Never to repent and never to reproach others; these are the first step of wisdom. | 【名言】後悔するな,そして人を非難するな,それが英知に至る第一歩だDiderot, Denis |
□ 272 | Never, Never, Never Quit. | 【名言】決して,決してやめてしまうなChurchill, Winston |
□ 273 | New opinions are always suspected, and usually opposed, without any other reason but because they are not already common. | 【名言】新しい意見は,それがまだ共通理解されていない,というだけで疑われ反対されるLocke, John |
□ 274 | No guts, no glory. | 【名言】勇気なき者に栄光なし |
□ 275 | No man is free who cannot control himself | 【名言】自制心のない者に,自由はないPythagoras |
□ 276 | No one is without fault. | 【名言】誰にでも欠点はある |
□ 277 | Nothing ever becomes real till it is experienced. Even a proverb is no proverb to you. | 【名言】経験するまでは何事も本物ではない・ことわざとて同じ事だJohn Keats |
□ 278 | Nothing happens unless first a dream. | 【名言】夢なかりせば,何事も生まれずSandburg, Carl |
□ 279 | Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood. | 【名言】人生にはおそれるべきものは何もない,理解しさえすればいいのだMarie Curie, Polish scientist; 1867-1934 |
□ 280 | Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small jobs. | 【名言】何事も小さな仕事に分けてしまえば特に難しいことなどないRay Kroc, U.S. restaurateur and founder of McDonald's Corp.; 1902-84 |
□ 281 | Oh, East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet. | 【名言】東は東・西は西・両者相会うことなかるべしJ. R. Kipling の詩から |
□ 282 | Old folks can have dreams, too, as well as young folks, and then work toward them. And to have a dream like this come true for me is just a terrific experience. | 【名言】John Glenn; astronaut |
□ 283 | Old soldiers never die: They only fade away. | 【名言】老兵は死なず,ただ消え去るのみMacArthur, Douglas |
□ 284 | One can not teach a fish to swim. | 【名言】釈迦に説法 |
□ 285 | One instance shows all the rest. | 【名言】一事が万事 |
□ 286 | One man's fault is another's lesson. | 【名言】人の振り見て我が振り直せ |
□ 287 | One misfortune follows close on the heels of another. | 【名言】一難去ってまた一難 |
□ 288 | One of the greatest labor-saving inventions of today is tomorrow. | 【名言】今日の労力を最大限省く発明の一つに明日があるVincent T.Foss |
□ 289 | One should examine oneself for a very long time before thinking of condemning others. | 【名言】他人を非難する前に,よく自分のことを思い返してみなさいMoliere |
□ 290 | Our greatest glory consists not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. | 【名言】私たちのもっともすばらしい栄光は,決してくじけないことではなく,くじけるたびに,起きあがってくることにあるOliver Goldsmith |
□ 291 | Our lives are like the course of the sun. At the darkest moment there is the promise of daylight. | 【名言】人生は太陽の動きに似ている・いちばん暗いときでも夜明けの気配がどこかにあるものだLondon Times |
□ 292 | Out of nothing, nothing comes. | 【名言】蒔かぬ種は生えぬ |
□ 293 | Out of the mouth comes evil. | 【名言】口は災いのもと |
□ 294 | Pain and pleasure, like light and darkness, succeed eath other. | 【名言】痛みと喜びは,光と影のように交互にやってくるSterne, Laurence |
□ 295 | Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel. | 【名言】国のためというのは悪党の最後の言い逃れであるSamuel Johnson |
□ 296 | Patriotism is the willingness to kill and be killed for trivial reasons | 【名言】愛国心とは喜んで人を殺し,つまらぬことのために死ぬことだRussell, Bertrand |
□ 297 | Penny-wise and pound-foolish. | 【名言】一文惜しみの百失い |
□ 298 | People generally quarrel because they cannot argue. | 【名言】人はたいてい議論する能力がないから喧嘩するのであるGilbert Chesterton, English writer, 1874-1936 |
□ 299 | Perseverance brings success. | 【名言】石の上にも3年 |
□ 300 | Pocket all your knowledge with your watch, and never pull it out in company unless desired. | 【名言】すべての知識を時計と一緒にポケットにしまいなさい,そして望まれない限り人前でそれを引っぱり出さないことPhilip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of Chesterfield, English statesman and author; 1694-1773 |
□ 301 | Prejudice hampers a sound decision. | 【名言】偏見は健全な判断の邪魔をする |
□ 302 | Pride goes before a fall. | 【名言】驕るる者久しからず |
□ 303 | Regret robs your life. | 【名言】後悔は人生を朽ちさせる |
□ 304 | Religion is the opium of the people. | 【名言】宗教は人民にとってあへんだK. Marx |
□ 305 | Scratch my back and I'll scratch yours. | 【名言】魚心あれば水心 |
□ 306 | See Naples and then die. | 【名言】ナポリを見て死ね |
□ 307 | Seek, and ye shall find. | 【名言】捜せ, そうすれば見出すであろう聖書マタイ伝 |
□ 308 | Shame is an ornament to the young; a disgrace to the old. | 【名言】恥は若者にとって名誉であり,老人には屈辱であるAristotle |
□ 309 | Small opportunities are often the beginning of great enterprises. | 【名言】小さなチャンスがしばしば大きな事業のきっかけとなるDemosthenes |
□ 310 | Smooth words make smooth ways. | 【名言】ものも言い様で角が立つ |
□ 311 | Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. | 【名言】栄華をきわめた時のソロモンでさえこの花の一つほどにも着飾ってはいなかった聖書マタイ伝 |
□ 312 | Speak of the devil, and he will appear. | 【名言】噂をすれば影 |
□ 313 | Step by step one goes a long way. | 【名言】千里の道も一歩から |
□ 314 | Strong and bitter words indicate a weak cause. | 【名言】強く激しい言葉は,その人の主張の根拠の弱さを示すHugo, Victor |
□ 315 | Success doesn't come to you ... you go to it. | 【名言】成功はやって来ない,自分で掴む物だCollins, Marva |
□ 316 | Success is that old ABC -- ability, breaks and courage. | 【名言】成功とは能力ability・運breaks・勇気courageの例のABCであるCharles Luckman, American architect |
□ 317 | Take a chance! All life is a chance. The man who goes the farthest is generally the one who is willing to do and dare. | 【名言】チャンスを生かせ,人生はチャンスが満ちあふれている,普通成功する人はチャンスを生かそうとする人だCarnegie, Dale |
□ 318 | Tears fall in my heart Like the rain on the town. | 【名言】町に降る雨のように,私の心に涙あふれるVerlaine, Paul |
□ 319 | Tell me what company you keep, and I'll tell you what you are. | 【名言】君の友人を教えなさい,そうすれば,君がどういう人間か言ってみせようCervantes, Miguel de |
□ 320 | That's like casting pearls before swine. | 【名言】猫に小判 |
□ 321 | That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind. | 【名言】一人の人間にとっては小さな一歩だが人類にとっては偉大な一歩であるNeil, Armstrong |
□ 322 | The ballot is stronger than the bullet. | 【名言】投票は銃より強Lincoln, Abraham |
□ 323 | The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart. | 【名言】この世で最高のもの,最も美しいものは見たり触れたりはできません,心で感じるものですHelen Keller |
□ 324 | The best way to make children good is to make them happy. | 【名言】良き子に育てる最善の方法は,幸せにしてあげることであるWilde, Oscar |
□ 325 | The buck stops here. | 【名言】ここで責任はとまる,責任の転嫁はしないTruman大統領の座右の銘 |
□ 326 | The burnt child dreads the fire. | 【名言】羹に懲りて膾を吹く |
□ 327 | The chief cause of human errors is to be found in the prejudices picked up in childhood | 【名言】人間的欠陥は少年時代に身に付いた偏見に起因するDescartes, Rene |
□ 328 | The child is father to the man. | 【諺】【名言】子供は成人の父,三つ児の魂百までWilliam Wordsworth |
□ 329 | The course of true love never did run smooth. | 【名言】真実の愛はうまくいかないものだShakespeare, William |
□ 330 | The devil finds work for idle hands. | 【名言】小人閑居して不善を為す |
□ 331 | The die is cast. | 【名言】賽は投げられた |
□ 332 | The difference between optimists and pessimists is that generally pessimists have had more experience. | 【名言】楽天家と悲観論者の違いは一般に悲観論者のほうが経験を積んでいる点だCrare B. Luce,American |
□ 333 | The end of money is the end of love. | 【名言】金の切れ目が縁の切れ目 |
□ 334 | The first symptom of true love in man is timidity, in a girl it is boldness. | 【名言】真実の愛の兆候は男には臆病さであり,女には大胆さであるHugo, Victor |
□ 335 | The free conversation with a friend is what I would prefer to any entertainment. | 【名言】友達との気楽な会話が私のもっとも好きな娯楽であるHume, David |
□ 336 | The good life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge. | 【名言】すばらしき人生は,愛に鼓舞され,知識に導かれたものだRussell, Bertrand |
□ 337 | The great end of life is not knowledge but action | 【名言】人生の目的は,知識ではなく,行動だHuxley, Thomas |
□ 338 | The great majority of conspicuously successful men are early risers. To get up in the world, get up early in the morning. | 【名言】際だって成功したもののほとんどが早起きである,世の中をぬきんでるには早起きすることだB.C.Forbes |
□ 339 | The great man is the man who does a thing for the first time. | 【名言】偉人とは何かを初めてやる人のことAlexander Smith |
□ 340 | The great masses of the people will more easily fall victims to a great lie than to a small one. | 【名言】大衆は小さな嘘より,大きな嘘の犠牲になりやすいHitler, Adolf |
□ 341 | The great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me. | 【名言】真実の大洋は私の前にきずかれずに横たわっているNewton, Issac |
□ 342 | The greater does not necessarily serve for the lesser. | 【名言】杓子(しゃくし)は耳掻きにならず |
□ 343 | The greater serves for the lesser. | 【名言】大は小を兼ねる |
□ 344 | The greater the difficulty the more glory in surmounting it. Skillful pilots gain their reputation from storms and tempest. | 【名言】困難で有ればあるほど,それを克服したとき栄光がある,嵐や,暴風雨の飛行で優秀なパイロットは名声を得るEpicurus |
□ 345 | The greatest and noblest pleasure which men can have in this world is to discover new truths; and the next is to shake off old prejudices. | 【名言】この世で経験できる,もっともすばらしく高貴な喜びは,新しい真理を見つけだすことで,その次は,古い先入観を払い落とすことだFrederick , The Great |
□ 346 | The greatest pleasure I know is to do a good action by stealth, and to have it found out by accident. | 【名言】私の1番の喜びは内緒でいいことを行い偶然それが発見されることだLamb, Charles |
□ 347 | The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do. | 【名言】人生の最大の喜びはできないと言われたことをすることだWalter Bagehot, British writer and economist; 1826-77 |
□ 348 | The heavens declare the glory of God. | 【名言】もろもろの天は神の栄光を表わす聖書詩編 |
□ 349 | The important thing is never to stop questioning. | 【名言】大切なのは疑問を持ち続けることだEinstein Albert |
□ 350 | The joys of parents are secret, and so are their griefs and fears. | 【名言】両親の喜びは外に現れない,その悲しみや不安もまたしかりBacon, Francis |
□ 351 | The man who doesn't read good books has no advantage over the man who can't read them. | 【名言】読書をしないものは,字が読めないものに対し有利ではないTwain, Mark |
□ 352 | The man who makes no mistakes does not usually make anything. | 【名言】失敗をしない者は,ふつう,何も生み出さないPhelps, Edward John |
□ 353 | The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires. | 【名言】凡庸な教師は教える・よい教師は説明する・優れた教師は道を示す・偉大な教師は鼓舞する |
□ 354 | The more haste, the less speed. | 【名言】急がば回れ |
□ 355 | The more things a man is ashamed of, the more respectable he is. | 【名言】自分の恥を知れば知るほど品位のある人になれる-- George Bernard Shaw, British dramatist |
□ 356 | The more, the merrier. | 【名言】枯れ木も山のにぎわい |
□ 357 | The most glorious moments in your life are not the so-called days of success, but rather those days when out of dejection and despair you feel rise in you a challenge to life, and the promise of future accomplishment. | 【名言】人生でもっとも輝かしい時はいわゆる栄光の時でなく,落胆や絶望の中で人生への挑戦と未来への完遂の展望がわき上がるのを感じたときだFlaubert, Gustave |
□ 358 | The next best thing to saying a good thing yourself, is to quote one. | 【名言】自分で名言をはく以外の最善の方法は,引用することであるEmerson, Ralph Waldo |
□ 359 | The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today. | 【名言】未来の実現へのただ一つの限界は,現在への疑いだろうRoosevelt, Franklin |
□ 360 | The only place where success comes before work is in a dictionary. | 【名言】努力workの前に成功successがあるのは辞書の中だけだVidal Sassoon, Hair stylist |
□ 361 | The only time you can't afford to fail is the last time you try | 【名言】失敗が許されないのは最後の挑戦の時だCharles Kettering |
□ 362 | The past cannot be changed. The future is still in your power. | 【名言】過去は変えられない・しかし未来は思いのままだHugh White |
□ 363 | The poor have no leisure. | 【名言】貧乏暇なしBusiest men find the most leisure time. Idle folks have the least leisure. |
□ 364 | The price of greatness is responsibility. | 【名言】偉大さの代償は,責任だChurchill, Winston |
□ 365 | The proper study of mankind is man. | 【名言】人間の真の研究対象は人間であるA. Pope |
□ 366 | The purpose of life is a life of purpose. | 【名言】人生の目的は目的のある人生を送ることだRobert Bryne |
□ 367 | The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain. | 【名言】スペインの雨は平野に集まる映画 My Fair Lady から |
□ 368 | The reading of all good books is like a conversation with the finest men of past centuries. | 【名言】あらゆる良書を読むことは,過去の最良の人物たちと会話することだDescartes, Rene |
□ 369 | The reward of suffering is experience. | 【名言】苦しみの代償は経験であるAeschylus |
□ 370 | The secret of happiness is not in doing what one likes to do, but in liking whatone has to do. | 【名言】幸せの秘訣はやりたいことをするのではなく,やらなければならないことを好きになることであるBarrie Sir James |
□ 371 | The sins of the fathers are visited upon the children. | 【名言】親の罪は子に報いるPrayer Book |
□ 372 | The strongest man on the earth is the one who stands most alone. | 【名言】この世の中でもっとも強い人間は,孤独に耐えられる人だIbsen, Henrik |
□ 373 | The successful man will profit from his mistakes and try again in a different way | 【名言】成功する者は失敗から得,違ったやり方を試してみるCarnegie, Dale |
□ 374 | The things taught in schools and colleges are not an education, but the means of education. | 【名言】学校で教わることは教育ではなく,教育の手段であるEmerson, Ralph Waldo |
□ 375 | The truth is in the jest. | 【名言】真実は冗談の中にある |
□ 376 | The unexpected always happens. | 【名言】瓢箪から駒 |
□ 377 | The wages of sin is death. | 【名言】罪の報いは死なり聖書ローマ人への手紙 |
□ 378 | The wheels of fortune keep turning. | 【名言】因果は巡る |
□ 379 | The whole year's plans are made on New Year's Day. | 【名言】一年の計は元旦にあり |
□ 380 | The will of the people is the only legitimate foundation of any government, and to protect its free expression should be our first object. | 【名言】人民の意志が,どのような政府にとっても正当な基盤であり,人民の表現の自由を守ることが私たちの1番の目的とすべきだJefferson, Thomas |
□ 381 | The wise man keeps away from danger. | 【名言】君子は危きに近寄らず |
□ 382 | The wolf knows what the ill beast thinks. | 【名言】蛇の道はへび |
□ 383 | The worst bankrupt in the world is the person who had lost his enthusiasm. | 【名言】この世で最悪の破綻者は,情熱を失った者であるArnold, H.W. |
□ 384 | There are books of which the backs and covers are by far the best parts. | 【名言】本の背やカバーの方がずっと良い本があるDickens, Charles |
□ 385 | There are only two families in the world; | 【名言】この世には「持てる家族」と「持たざる家族」の二家族しかいないCervantes, Miguel de |
□ 386 | There is no greater sorrow than to recall a time of happiness when in misery. | 【名言】惨めなとき,幸福だった日々を思い出すことほど,大きな悲しみはないDante, Alighieri |
□ 387 | There is no knowing where the effect of an event will appear. | 【名言】風が吹けば桶屋が儲かる. |
□ 388 | There is no royal road to geometry. | 【名言】幾何学に王道なしEuclid |
□ 389 | There is no royal road to learn. | 【名言】学問に王道なし |
□ 390 | There is no royal road to success. | 【名言】成功に楽な道はない |
□ 391 | There is no rule but has some exceptions | 【名言】例外のない規則はない(関係詞) |
□ 392 | There is no telling which two will make a couple. | 【名言】縁は異なもの |
□ 393 | There is nothing new under the sun. | 【名言】日の下には新しいものはない聖書伝道の書 |
□ 394 | There never was a good war or a bad peace. | 【名言】良い戦争とか悪い平和という物は決して存在しなかったFranklin, Benjamin |
□ 395 | There's the rub. | 【名言】それがやっかいなのだShakespeare ハムレット |
□ 396 | Thereby hangs a tale. | 【名言】それには少しいわくがあるShakespeare お気に召すまま |
□ 397 | They were good days. Yes, they have been good days... | 【名言】それは良き日々だった,それは良き日々として,今もある...Christie, Agatha |
□ 398 | Things are often better left unsaid. | 【名言】言わぬが花 |
□ 399 | Think like a man of action, act like a man of thought. | 【名言】行動力のある者のように考え,思考力のある者のように行動せよBergson, Henri Louis |
□ 400 | This case will prove all the rest. | 【名言】一事が万事 |
□ 401 | Thoroughness is a part of excellence. | 【名言】周到さは優秀さの一部であるSoloman Schechter |
□ 402 | Thou shalt not kill. | 【名言】なんじ殺すなかれ,人を殺してはならない聖書出エジプト記 |
□ 403 | Thou shalt not steal. | 【名言】汝盗むなかれ聖書出エジプト記 / 聖書出エジプト記 十戒 (the Ten Commandments) の一つ |
□ 404 | Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared. | 【名言】何千ものろうそくも,一本の,ろうそくより火を得る,ろうそくの命が短くなることはない,幸福も共有して損なわれることはないBuddha |
□ 405 | Thy kingdom come. | 【名言】御国が来ますように聖書マタイ伝 |
□ 406 | To be conscious that you are ignorant is a great step to knowledge. | 【名言】何も知らないと分かることが知識への大いなる一歩となるDisraeli, Benjamin |
□ 407 | To be ignorant of the lives of the most celebrated men of antiquity is to continue in a state of childhood all our day. | 【名言】古代の偉人たちの人生を知らないということは,子供のままで一生を送ることだPlutarch |
□ 408 | To be, or not to be: that is the question. | 【名言】生きていくべきか死ぬべきか・それが問題だShakespeare ハムレット |
□ 409 | To err is human, to forgive divine. | 【名言】過つは人の常・許すは神の性Pope |
□ 410 | To have a grievance is to have a purpose in life. | 【名言】不満を抱くことは人生に目標を持つことに通じるEric Hoffer, U.S. writer (1817-1862) |
□ 411 | To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often. | 【名言】向上とは変化である・完全になるとはしばしば変化することであるWinston Churchill |
□ 412 | Today is the first day of the rest of your life. | 【名言】今日という日は残りの人生の第一歩である |
□ 413 | Treat everyone you meet like you want to be treated. | 【名言】己の欲するところこれを人に施そう |
□ 414 | Treat your friends like family and your family like friends | 【名言】友達を家族の一員のように,家族の一員を友達のように扱いなさい |
□ 415 | Trust men and they will be true to you; treat them greatly and they will show themselves great. | 【名言】信頼せよ,そうすれば彼らはあなたに正直になる,すばらしき人物として接しろ,そうすればすばらしさを示してくれるEmerson, Ralph Waldo |
□ 416 | Undertake not what you cannot perform but be careful to keep your promise. | 【名言】できないことを,引き受けるな,約束を守ることには,細心であれWashington, George |
□ 417 | Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown. | 【名言】王者に安眠なしShakespeare ヘンリー 4 世 |
□ 418 | Unexpected things often happen. | 【名言】瓢箪から駒 |
□ 419 | Unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit. | 【名言】一粒の麦が落ちて死ななければ,それはただの一粒のままだが,もし死ねば豊かな実を結ぶようになるThe Bible-New Testament |
□ 420 | Vanity of vanities; all is vanity. | 【名言】空の空,いっさいは空である聖書伝道の書 |
□ 421 | Vision is the art of seeing the invisible. | 【名言】ビジョンとは見えないものを見る技術のことだSwift, Jonathan |
□ 422 | Watch the little things; a small leak will sink a great ship. | 【名言】小さなことでも,見落とすな,本の少しの水漏れから,大きな船は沈んでしまうFranklin, Benjamin |
□ 423 | We are such stuff as dreams are made on. | 【名言】我々は夢が作り出されている材料のようなものだShakespeare あらし |
□ 424 | We cannot control the tragic things that happen to us, but we can control the way we face up to them. | 【名言】悲しい出来事を避けることはできないが,どうやって立ち向かうかは判断できる |
□ 425 | We learn from history that we do not learn from history. | 【名言】歴史を学ぶと,人間が歴史から学んでいないことが分かるHegel, George Wilhelm |
□ 426 | We learn from history that we learn nothing from history. | 【名言】我々は,歴史から何も学んでないことを学ぶShaw,G.Bernard |
□ 427 | We may affirm absolutely that nothing great in the world has been accomplished without passion. | 【名言】情熱なしに,達成された偉大なことなど,この世にはないと自信を持って言えるHegel, George Wilhelm |
□ 428 | We must always change, renew, rejuvenate ourselves: othewise, we harden. | 【名言】我々は常に変化,再生,若返りしなければならない,さもないと凝り固まってしまいますGoethe, Johann Wolfgang von |
□ 429 | We must indeed all hang together, or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately. | 【名言】皆団結しなければならない. さもなくば疑いなくめいめい絞罪に処せられるだろうB. Franklin が米国独立宣言に際して言ったhangのしゃれ |
□ 430 | We ourselves feel tha what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop. | 【名言】私たちの行っていることは大海の中の一滴にすぎないことは分かっていますが,それでもその文海の水は減っているのですMother Teresa |
□ 431 | We take no notice of time but from its loss. | 【名言】時間を失って始めて時間に気がつくEdward Young |
□ 432 | We will either find a way, or make one. | 【名言】道を見つけるか,作るかだHannibal |
□ 433 | Well done is better than well said. | 【名言】良き言葉よりよき行いの方が勝るFranklin, Benjamin |
□ 434 | What counts in making a happy marriage is not so much how compatible you are, but how you deal with incompatibility. | 【名言】幸せな結婚の秘訣は,どれだけ相性がいいかではなく,相性の悪さをどうやって乗り越えるかにあるGeorge Levinger, German-born writer |
□ 435 | What force is more potent than love? | 【名言】愛より強いものはあるか?Stravinsky, Igor |
□ 436 | What is evil ? - Whatever springs from weakness. | 【名言】悪とは何か?-,弱さから出るすべてのものだNietzsche, Friedrich |
□ 437 | What is moral is what you feel good after and what is immoral is what you feel bad after. | 【名言】道徳的なことは後から気持ちよく不道徳なことは後で気分が悪いHemingway, Ernest |
□ 438 | What's done cannot be undone. | 【名言】してしまったことは元には戻らない,覆水盆に返らずShakespeare マクベス |
□ 439 | What's in a name? | 【名言】名前に何の意味があるのか,名前なんかどうでもよいShakespeare ロミオとジュリエット |
□ 440 | What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. | 【名言】一方によいことは他方にもそうである |
□ 441 | When I was young I thought that money was the most important thing in life; now that I am old I know that it is | 【名言】若い頃人生においてお金が一番大切だと思っていた,年を取ってそれが正しいと,理解できたWilde, Oscar |
□ 442 | When a man is wrong and won't admit it, he always gets angry. | 【名言】自分が間違っているのにそれを認めようとしないとき人間は怒り出すThomas C. Haliburton, Canadian writer |
□ 443 | When a man points a finger at someone else, he should remember that three of his fingers are pointing at himself. | 【名言】他人を非難するとき3本の指は己を指していることを忘れてはならないAnonymous |
□ 444 | When angry, count to four; when very angry, swear | 【名言】怒るときは4つ数えろ,激しく怒るときはののしれTwain, Mark |
□ 445 | When poverty comes in at the door, love flies out at the window. | 【名言】金の切れ目が縁の切れ目 |
□ 446 | When you lose, you actually win. | 【名言】負けるが勝ち |
□ 447 | When your friends begin to flatter you on how young you look, it's a sure sign you're getting old. | 【名言】友人たちが若く見えるよと誉めだしたら,あなたが年をとった印だTwain, Mark |
□ 448 | Where there is life, there is hope. | 【名言】命あっての物種 |
□ 449 | Where there's marriage without love, there will be love without marriage. | 【名言】愛のない結婚もあれば結婚しなくても愛があることもある |
□ 450 | While fools chatter, the wise only speak. | 【名言】愚者はしゃべりまくるが賢者は話すだけだBen Johnson (1572-1637),British playwright |
□ 451 | Who dares to teach must never cease to learn. | 【名言】いやしくも教える立場にあるものは学ぶことを止めてはならない |
□ 452 | Who is worse shod than the shoemaker's wife? | 【名言】紺屋の白袴 |
□ 453 | Win over yourself. | 【名言】自分に勝て |
□ 454 | Wisdom grows with age. | 【名言】亀の甲より年の功 |
□ 455 | Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something. | 【名言】賢者は,言うべきことがあり話し,愚者は,言わねばならぬから話すPlato |
□ 456 | Women's tongues are like lamb's tails. | 【名言】女性は口が軽い |
□ 457 | Workers of the world, unite! | 【名言】万国の労働者よ, 団結せよ!Marx |
□ 458 | Ye are the salt of the earth. | 【名言】なんじらは地の塩なり聖書マタイ伝 |
□ 459 | Yet the earth does move. | 【名言】それでも地球は回っているGalileo, Galilei |
□ 460 | You are never given a dream without also being given the power to make it true. You may have to work for it, however. | 【名言】夢を与えられる時には必ず実現する力ももらえる,しかしそのためには努力しなければならないBack, Richard |
□ 461 | You can Know a man by the companions he keeps. | 【名言】つきあっている仲間でその人の人柄も知れる |
□ 462 | You can fool some of the people all the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all the time. | 【名言】何人かの人を,ずっと欺くことはできるし,すべての人を,少しの間欺くこともできる,しかしすべての人をずっと欺くことはできないLincoln, Abraham |
□ 463 | You can't help getting older, but you don't have to get old. | 【名言】年を取るのは仕方ないが,年寄りになる必要はないBurns George |
□ 464 | You cannot be too careful in the choice of your enemies. | 【名言】敵を選ぶときいくら注意しても注意しすぎるということはないWilde, Oscar |
□ 465 | You cannot do much about the length of your life, but you can do a lot about itsdepth and width. | 【名言】人生の長さに対しては大したことはできないが,その深さ,広さに対しては多くのことができます |
□ 466 | You cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him to find it within himself. | 【名言】人間は他人に何事も教えることはできない,ただ,自分の努力でそれを発見するのを,手助けするだけだGalileo, Galilei |
□ 467 | You make the failure complete when you stop trying. | 【名言】試みを止めた時点で失敗は完全なものとなるH. M. Stansifer |
□ 468 | You must love him, before to you he will seem worthy of your love. | 【名言】自分の愛に,値する相手かどうか,考える前に愛せよWordsworth,William |
□ 469 | You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty. | 【名言】人間性への信頼を失ってはならない,人間性とは大海のようなものである,ほんの少し汚れても,海全体が汚れることはないGandhi, Mahatma |
□ 470 | You shouldn't take the fence down until you know the reason it was put up, | 【名言】壁が建てられたわけを知るまで壊してしまうべきでないChesterton, G. K. |
□ 471 | You will never "find" time for anything. If you want time, you must make it. | 【名言】何をするにも時間を「見つける」ことはできない,時間が欲しければ自分で作るしかないCharles Buxton |
□ 472 | Youth's a stuff will not endure. | 【名言】少年老いやすしShakespeare 十二夜 |
□ 473 | a brave new world | 【名言】すばらしい新世界Shakespeare あらし |
□ 474 | a chartered libertine | 【名言】天下御免のわがまま者Shakespeare ヘンリー5世 |
□ 475 | a cloud of witnesses | 【名言】数多くの証人聖書ヘブル書 |
□ 476 | a lake of fire burning with brimstone | 【名言】硫黄で燃えている火の池,地獄のこと聖書黙示録 |
□ 477 | a land flowing with milk and honey | 【名言】乳と蜜の豊かな土地聖書出エジプト記 |
□ 478 | a still small voice | 【名言】静かな細い声,神・良心の声聖書列王紀上 |
□ 479 | a tale told by an idiot | 【名言】痴人が話すようなたわいのない話Shakespeare マクベス |
□ 480 | a thinking reed | 【名言】考える葦,人間Pascal |
□ 481 | all flesh | 【名言】生きとし生けるもの,人類聖書創世記 |
□ 482 | all our yesterdays | 【名言】我々の過ごしたすべての日々Shakespeare マクベス |
□ 483 | as clay in the hands of the potter | 【名言】人・ものが思いのままになって聖書エレミヤ記 |
□ 484 | be gathered to one's fathers | 【名言】祖先の墓に葬られる,死ぬ聖書士師記などから |
□ 485 | bear one's cross | 【名言】受難に耐える聖書マタイ伝 |
□ 486 | curse the day one was born | 【名言】自分の生まれた日をのろう聖書ヨブ記 |
□ 487 | in the womb of time | 【名言】将来現われる,起こるべきShakespeare オセロ |
□ 488 | lead a charmed life | 【名言】いつも運よく危難を免れる, 不死身であるShakespeare マクベス |
□ 489 | like trusting a wolf to watch over sheep | 【名言】猫に鰹節 |
□ 490 | live in single blessedness | 【名言】独身生活を送るShakespeare 夏の夜の夢 |
□ 491 | live on the fat of the land | 【名言】ぜいたくに暮らす聖書創世記 |
□ 492 | one's daily bread | 【名言】日々の糧聖書マタイ伝 |
□ 493 | plain living and high thinking | 【名言】質素な生活と高遠な思索,暮らしは低く思いは高くWordsworth |
□ 494 | sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything | 【名言】老いぼれて歯なし目なし味なし何もなしShakespeare お気に召すまま |
□ 495 | scorn delights and live laborious days | 【名言】楽しみを恥とし勉励の日々を送るMilton |
□ 496 | sleep with one's fathers | 【名言】祖先の墓に葬られる,死ぬ聖書士師記などから |
□ 497 | sound and fury | 【名言】騒音と怒りShakespeare マクベス |
□ 498 | star-crossed lovers | 【名言】薄幸な恋人たちShakespeare ロミオとジュリエット |
□ 499 | take the name of God in vain | 【名言】みだりに神の名を唱える,神の名をあげてののしる聖書出エジプト記など |
□ 500 | the bottomless pit | 【名言】地獄聖書黙示録 |
□ 501 | the brand of Cain | 【名言】カインの烙印,殺人者の印聖書創世記 |
□ 502 | the bread of life | 【名言】命の糧聖書ヨハネの手紙 |
□ 503 | the crown of life | 【名言】生命の冠,天上で受ける永遠の命聖書黙示録 |
□ 504 | the fowls of the air | 【名言】空の鳥聖書マタイ伝 |
□ 505 | the green-eyed monster | 【名言】緑色の目をした怪物,しっとShakespeare オセロ |
□ 506 | the poor in spirit | 【名言】心の貧しい人たち,謙虚な人々聖書マタイによる福音書 |
□ 507 | the strait gate | 【名言】狭き門聖書マタイ伝 |
□ 508 | the whirligig of time | 【名言】運命の変転Shakespeare 十二夜 |
□ 509 | vanish into thin air | 【名言】跡形もなく消え去るShakespeare あらし |
□ 510 | vaulting ambition | 【名言】はやり立つ野心Shakespeare マクベス |