英語U 問題
1) He explained (  ).
1 how for me to play the guitar   2 me how to play the guitar
3 to play the guitar to me    4 how to play the guitar to me
2) "What did he say?"
  "He asked me (  ) him, and I accepted."
1 marrying   2 to marry   3 to marry to   4 to marry with
3) The poor old woman (  ) again.
1 got robbed her bag   2 let her bag to be robbed
3 was stolen her bag   4 had her bag stolen
4) (  ) do you think of the new teacher?
1 Which   2 Who   3 What   4 Whom
5) Two-thirds of the milk (  ) been drunk.
   1 was   2 have   3 are   4 has
6) Mary can't swim, and John can't, (  ).
1 too   2 either   3 neither   4 very well
7) I ( ) cream in my coffee; I want it black.
1 don't want much 2 don't want any 3 want a little  4 want little
8) Can you imagine (  ) the 21st century will be like?
1 our life   2 that   3 if   4 what
9) Somebody rang my doorbell, but I don't know (  ).
1 what did it   2 who it did   3 who it was   4 what was it
10) Don't (  ) to come and see me one of these days.
1 mind   2 fail   3 succeed   4 stop
11) This book is too expensive. I can't (  ) to buy it.
1 account   2 afford   3 intend   4 want
12) I seldom, if (  ), use a computer to do clerical work.
1 never   2 ever   3 any   4 rarely
13) After a lot of problems she (  ) to learn to drive a car.
1 succeeded   2 managed   3 put off   4 gave up
14) My wife usually doesn't drink coffee at night, and (  ).
1 I do neither   2 neither I do   3 neither do I   4 I neither do
15) The true history of art in post-war America is (  ) written.
1 yet be   2 gotten   3 yet to be   4 still
16) Children were permitted into the hall, ( ) they sat at the back.
1 as soon as  2 whether  3 provided  4 in order that
17) A college education will (  ) you to get a broader view of the world.
1 enable   2 make   3 take   4 let
18) She is very intelligent. I (  ) her to pass the examination easily.
1 desire   2 hope   3 expect   4 wish
19) Although her parents had said "no" for a long time, they finally (  ) her go to Europe alone.
1 allowed   2 let   3 made   4 got
20) The shelves I made for my wife didn't (  ) long. They all came down when the dog jumped onto them.
1 go   2 keep   3 have   4 last
1) She blamed John ( ) the damage.
2) Let's go swimming ( ) Lake Biwa.
3) She is charming ( ) her bright, blue eyes.
4) Any book will ( ) so long as it is interesting.
5) I found her lying on the bed ( ) her eyes closed.
6) She cleared the table ( ) the dishes after dinner.
7) My sister expects to graduate ( ) college next year.
8) He tried in vain to convince them ( ) his innocence.
9) If we take an express, we'll get home ( ) seven o'clock.
10) "How ( ) you're so late?" "Because I got lost on the way."
11) I suggest that you take an umbrella, just ( ) case it rains.
12) I went back to my hometown for the first time ( ) ten years.
13) Let's have lunch here, shall we? = How ( ) having lunch here?
14) We must keep in mind that smoking ( ) us more harm than good.
15) Please keep me informed ( ) any developments in the situation.
16) Parents should provide their children ( ) decent food and clothing.
17) "Lord knows what will become ( ) you," my mother always said to me.
18) The teacher caught him ( ) the arm and took him to the principal's office.
19) We can't read an interesting book for an hour ( ) being the better and happier for it.
20) "This is my new dog. His name is Wisdom" "That's interesting. Why ( ) earth did you give him such a funny name?"
あabout いby うcome / comes えdo / does おfor
かfrom きin くof けon こwith さwithout
■V.以下の各語群を日本文に合うように並べ替えて( )内に数字を補ったとき、*の位置にくる数字を答えなさい。ただし、一番最初にくる語句も小文字になっています。
1) そういうしつけの悪い子はいると思いますよ。
( ) ( ) ( *あ ) ( ) ( ) ( *い ) ( ) ( ).
( 1 be / 2 expect / 3 I / 4 kids / 5 to / 6 such / 7 there / 8 undisciplined )
2) 彼女が訪ねてきてくれたので電話をかけなくてすんだ。
( ) ( ) ( *あ ) ( ) ( ) ( *い ) ( ) ( ).
(1 calling her / 2 her / 3 me / 4 of / 5 saved / 6 the / 7 trouble / 8 visit )
3) 私は彼女に会議へ出席するように説得しようとした。
( ) ( ) ( *あ ) ( ) ( ) ( *い ) ( ) ( ).
( 1 attending / 2 her / 3 I / 4 into / 5 talk / 6 to / 7 tried / 8 the meeting )
4) 私は月曜日になって初めて事務所に電話した。
( ) ( ) ( *あ ) ( ) ( ) ( *い ) ( ) ( ).
( 1 I / 2 it / 3 Monday / 4 phoned / 5 that / 6 the office / 7 until / 8 was not )
5) メアリーは胃が痛くなって入院した。
Mary ( ) ( ) ( *あ ) ( ) ( ) ( *い ) ( ) ( )?
( 1 admitted / 2 a pain / 3 her stomach / 4 hospital / 5 in / 6 to / 7 was / 8 with )
6) 彼が英語を話すのを聞けば、イギリス人と間違えるだろう。
To ( ) ( ) ( *あ ) ( ) ( ) ( *い ) ( ) ( ).
( 1 an Englishman / 2 English you / 3 for / 4 hear him /
 5 him / 6 speak / 7 take / 8 would )
7) ふるさとのことばは、いくら忘れようとしても、忘れてしまえるものではないようだ。
It ( ) ( ) ( *あ ) ( ) ( ) ( *い ) ( ) ( ).
( 1 hard / 2 however / 3 seems / 4 that / 5 to /
 6 our hometown language / 7 we cannot forget / 8 we try )
8) 彼の無礼な物言いに私はあまりに腹が立って、部屋をすぐに出ていってしまった。
( ) ( ) ( *あ ) ( ) ( ) ( *い ) ( ) ( ).
( 1 at once / 2 his rude remarks / 3 I / 4 irritated / 5 left the room /
 6 me to / 7 such an extent / 8 that )
9) 60歳では、君の脳は21歳の時のほとんど4倍の量の情報を持っている。
At sixty ( ) ( ) ( *あ ) ( ) ( ) ( *い ) ( ) ( ) when you were 21.
( 1 almost / 2 as / 3 four times / 4 holds / 5 information as /
 6 it did / 7 much / 8 your brain )
10) 日本人は視覚による情報に対してより強く反応する力を持っているが、西洋人は聴覚に訴える刺激をより強くうけいれる能力がある。
The Japanese ( ) ( ) ( *あ ) ( ) ( ) ( *い ) ( ) ( ) aural stimuli.
( 1 capacity to pick up / 2 have a greater ability to / 3 have a greater /
 4 respond / 5 to / 6 visual messages / 7 Westerners / 8 whereas )
■W.以下の各組の文が等しい意味になるように、( )内に適切な英単語を補ったとき、*の位置にくるものを答えなさい。
1) 彼はそうすぐにはなおるまい。
It ( ) be ( ) ( ) ( * ) he gets well.
2) 喫茶店に行ったのだが、定休日でしまっていた。
I went to the coffee shop, ( ) ( ) ( * ) the owner had shut up the shop for the regular holiday.
3) 大学生の3人に1人が電話を持っている。
( ) ( * ) ( ) ( ) college students has a telephone.
4) ほかに何か私どもでできることがございましたら、どうかご遠慮なくお申し出ください。
If there is anything else we can do for you, please don't ( * ) ( ) ( ) ( ) know.
1) 月々の電話代は本代のおよそ2倍かかっている。
2) 人間は考え、話すことができるという点で動物と異なっている。
3) 時間があったらもっとたびたび帰れるのだが、その機会がない。
4) 彼は、もう少し注意していればそんなバカなことは言わなかっただろうに。
a. 1〜5に入る英単語を語群あ〜おから選んで記号で答えなさい。
   Aesop's stories have survived because they describe ( 1 ) human problems and teach simple standards of right and wrong. Stories about talking ( 2 ) teach lessons about the good and bad ( 3 ) of human beings, our virtues and ( 4 ). This kind of fable or story always has a moral, a lesson at the end. The stories might describe animals, but the ( 5 ) who hear the story know who the lesson is really for.
あanimals いhumans うqualities えuniversal おvices
b. 1〜5に入る英単語を語群あ〜おから選んで記号で答えなさい。
   In terms kids can understand, Santa can ( 1 ) children to be good. Assuming ( 2 ) for their own behavior, such kids not only acknowledge a standard of right and wrong, they also accept that those standards are most effective when self-imposed. Even the youngest children can appreciate Santa's ( 3 ) that they must make choices and that each one requirers thinking about the ( 4 ) before they act. Of such understanding, ( 5 ) is born and strengthened. On a basic level, Santa encourages a child to practice self-control, ultimately the only kind of control that matters.
あconsequences いlesson うinspire えconscience おresponsibility
c. 以下の各文の下線部を日本語訳しなさい。
1) The people are going to miss the frontier more than words can express.
2) What is true of individuals is also true of societies.
3) The mother fears, her boys will believe that their parents deceived them and this betrayal of trust will make the children more cynical about the world than they would have been had Santa never entered their lives.
d. 以下の段落あ〜えを、適切な文章になるように並べかえなさい。
【あ】For synesthetes, spoken language is not just something they hear: they see words as colors. In a recent study in London, blindfolded subjects had their brains monitored by a PET scanner while they listened to spoken words and sounds. The scans showed consistently that, when the synesthetes heard something, the visual areas of their brains were activated, particularly the areas believed to process color, while no such activity occurred in the brains of non-synesthetic subjects.
【い】The journalist Alison Motluk recalls that, when she was writing a short story in high school, her English teacher asked her to change the name of a character. Motluk protested: "She needs a strong red name." What did she mean by describing the character's name as "red"? Well, she meant the same thing I mean when I say a traffic light is red. For Motluk, names have colors, just as physical objects do. And not just names: almost all words have colors for her, and even numbers and letters of the alphabet.
【う】Synesthetic individuals possess their ability from early childhood, probably from birth, and they are astonished to discover that other people lack the ability. We have almost no idea how synesthesia works, beyond the obvious conclusion that affected individuals have extra connections in their brains, connections which the rest of us lack. Some researchers have suggested that all children are born with synesthesia, but that it disappears in all but a tiny minority of people, and there is a small amount of evidence supporting this idea.
【え】This phenomenon is called 'synesthesia,' and it affects about one person in 25,000. People with synesthesia constantly receive many sensory impressions which the rest of us do not: they report that white paint smells blue, that grass smells purple, that a hovering helicopter sounds green, that the vowel sound of coo appears yellow. Though such people vary in their responses, any one individual is highly consistent: when tested at intervals of many weeks, a synesthete almost invariably gives the same response.

英語U 解答用紙
[I]20点 = 1点×20
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20




















[II]20点 = 1点×20
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20




















[III]20点 = 完解2点×10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10




















1         2         3         4         
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
d.段落順に【   】→【   】→【   】→【   】           3点
3年 (   )組 (    )番  名前(              )      点