英語 問題


1) I'd (  ) it if you would turn out the lights.
@appreciate Athank Boblige Csatisfy
2) A: Excuse me, could you pass me the salt, please?
B: Certainly. (  ).
@It is here AHere you are BThis is it CThere it is
3) A: I lost my new job last week.
B: That's too (  ). I'm sorry to hear that.
@bad Apoor Bworried Csorrow 
4) A:Can you recommend a good dentist in town?
B:(  )
@You should see a good dentist. AWhy don't you try Dr. Anderson?
BI have never met him. CDon't you have a toothache?
5) A : Oh, Mary ! Come right in. Would you like something to drink?
B : (  ) I just had a cup of coffee.
@Yes, thank you. ACertainly.  BNo, thank you. CI don't drink.
6) A : Jane ! Guess what ! I bumped into Nancy on the street yesterday.
B : (  ) I thought she was still away in the U.S.
@That's a good idea. ANo kidding ! BSo did I. CI bet !
7) A:Would you do me a favor and keep an eye on this for a couple of minutes?
B:(  )
@No, I think it's very nice. ANo, I think it was longer than that.
BWhy? My eyesight is fine. CSure. Where are you going?
8) A: Excuse me. Where's the subway station?
B: I'm a stranger myself around here.
A: Well, (  ).
@that's awfully kind of you Adon't mention it
BI'm afraid of that Cthanks anyway
9) A:I had a great time at the Namie Amuro concert.
B:Did you really?
A:Yes! And thanks for paying for my ticket.
B:(  )
@You're welcome. AYou too. BSure, I'd love to. CDid you?
10) A:Would you like to have dinner with me tonight?
B:(  )
A:Then I'll pick you up in ten minutes.
@I've already eaten dinner, thanks.
ANo thanks. I have to study.
BSure. I'd like that very much.
CYes, but tomorrow would be much better for me.


1) 彼のために彼女は30分待たされた。
He ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ).
( an hour / for / half / her / waiting )
2) 私は君のいったことに満足している。
I ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ).
( am / said / satisfied / with / you )
3) 生きているのはあなたのおかげです。
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ).
( I / I am alive / it / that / to you )
4) われわれ二人ともパンクには気がつかなかった。
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ).
( aware / of / of us / the flat tire / was )
5) 家に帰る途中でにわか雨にあった。
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ).
( home / in a shower / on / our way / we were )
6) 目覚めると見慣れない部屋にいた。
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ).
( awoke / I / in a strange room / myself / to )
7) 私の父は植木の手入れにかけては玄人はだしだ。
My ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ).
( father / gardening / is an expert / to / when it )
8) 私に関する限り、今日出発できます。
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ).
( as / as I am / concerned / start today / we can )
9) 美智子はまるで北極に行って来たような口ぶりだ。
Michiko ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ).
( if / she had been / talks / to / the Arctic herself )
10) 分別のある人ならば、そのようにはふるまわなかったでしょう。
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ).
( acted / a man of sense / have / in such a way / not )
11) あなたの助言がなかったら私の本は公にされなかったでしょう。
But ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ).
( have been brought / my book / to light / would not / your help )
12) 彼女はどうしても外国へ行きたいといったが、父はいくなと言った。
She ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ).
( but her father / going abroad / insisted on / not / told her )
13) あまりたくさん仕事があると、何もしたくなくなることがある。
If one has too many things to do, ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ).
( anything / at all / doing / feel / one may not )
14) 彼を信じるとはばかなことをしたもんだな、君も。
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ).
( have known / than / to / trust him / you should )
15) おもしろいということと本当であるということは、区別しなければならない。
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ).
( and / one / thing / to be interesting is / to be true is )
16) 彼はどんなに注意して書いても、しばしば間違える。
He ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ).
( carefully / he may write / makes / mistakes / often )
17) 技術者は自然を知ろうとするよりはむしろ、利用しようとする。
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ).
( an engineer seeks / as to use it / nature / not so / to understand )
18) 彼は空腹だったので、皿のものを遠慮なくたいらげた。
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ).
( eat / everything on the plate / he was so hungry / that he didn't / to )
19) 東京にいつ激しい地震があるか誰にもわからない。
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ).
( a severe earthquake / telling / there is / when / will happen in Tokyo )
20) 彼は真夜中に起きあがって、居間の電気を消したかどうか確かめた。
He ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ).
( got up / he had turned off / in the middle of the night /
/ to see / the light in the living room )

■3.日本文にあうように各語群を並べかえて( )を補ったとき、*あと*いにくる語句の数字を答えなさい。(2×10=20点)

1) 彼は彼女を見送りに行ってきたところだ。
I ( ) ( ) ( *あ ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( *い ) ( ).
( 1 been / 2 have / 3 her / 4 off / 5 see / 6 station / 7 to / 8 to the )
2) これは明らかにかなりの洋風化が行われていることを示すものだ。
( ) ( ) ( *あ ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( *い ) ( ).
( 1 clearly shows / 2 has taken / 3 of / 4 place / 5 Westernization / 6 that / 7 the degree / 8 this )
3) 他人のあら探しをする癖を直すのに苦労しました。
( ) ( ) ( *あ ) ( ) ( ) ( *い ) ( ) ( ).
( 1 difficulty / 2 fault / 3 finding / 4 I had / 5 in getting / 6 of / 7 over the habit / 8 with others )
4) 電話が現代生活に欠かせないものであることは否定できません。
( ) ( ) ( *あ ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( *い ) ( ).
( 1 denying / 2 indispensable to / 3 modern living /
4 no / 5 that / 6 the fact / 7 the telephone is / 8 there is )
5) 現代の問題点は、未来に対する信頼が昔のようなものではなくなっているということだ。
( ) ( ) ( *あ ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( *い ) ( ).
( 1 confidence in the future / 2 our time / 3 it used /
4 is not / 5 is that / 6 the trouble with / 7 to be / 8 what )
6) あらゆる生き物がその環境に適応している様子を見ると驚くばかりである。
( ) ( ) ( *あ ) ( ) ( ) ( *い ) ( ) ( ).
( 1 adapted to its surroundings / 2 being / 3 cannot /
4 every creature is / 5 help / 6 how / 7 surprised to see / 8 we )
7) 多くの学生が会話の能力を高めるために英語を学んでいるという。
( ) ( ) ( *あ ) ( ) ( ) ( *い ) ( ) ( ).
( 1 English is / 2 improve their conversational ability / 3 many students /
4 say / 5 the reason that / 6 they are / 7 to / 8 studying )
8) さまざまな家族の日常生活が経験できるように、私は中国で数週間を過ごすことにした。
( ) ( ) ( *あ ) ( ) ( ) ( *い ) ( ) ( ).
( 1 different families / 2 experience / 3 I could / 4 I decided to /
5 so / 6 spend some weeks in China / 7 that / 8 the daily life of )
9) 意見を交換するために多くの科学者によって用いられているコンピューターネットワークがなければ、科学の進歩はずっと遅いものになるだろう。
( ) ( ) ( *あ ) ( ) ( ) ( *い ) ( ) ( ).
( 1 by many scientists to / 2 exchange / 3 ideas / 4 less / 5 much /
6 progress without / 7 science would make / 8 the computer networks used )
10) 大学で何より大事なのは、自分の頭で考えることを学び、自分の意見を持つことだ。
( ) ( ) ( *あ ) ( ) ( ) ( *い ) ( ) ( ).
( 1 in the university is / 2 is more important / 3 than anything else /
4 to learn / 5 to think for / 6 yourself and form / 7 your own opinion / 8 what )
■4.以下の各問に答えなさい。(1×4 3×2 4×1=14点)
1) ピアノを買う余裕がありません。
We ( ) ( * ) ( ) buy a piano
2) 彼女はとても親切だと思います。− 本当にそうですね。
I think she is very kind. - So ( * ) ( ).
3) 私が時計を直してもらうのに1万円以上かかった。
It ( * ) me more than ten thousand yen to have my watch repaired.
4) 彼女はいやといった。その結果、彼はその件について妥協するしかかなった。
She said no, ( * ) ( ) he had no choice but to compromise on the matter.
5) They are so busy feeling what they are supposed to feel that they never get down to examining their own deepest feelings.
6) I am tired of having my opinions criticized by my parents simply because of my youth and relative lack of experience.
7) There is a tendency among people who do not know the full story to believe that it was Ford who invented the whole idea of mass production, with nothing to start from.


【1】 "It is strange to think someone has Keren's organs," says Jane. "But if we had said no, six people would have died. I find it hard to use words like comfort. It's a tremendous loss. But if you can't change reality, what good does it do to withhold the opportunity for others to live? I feel we would have been cheated if we had not been given this opportunity." 
【2】 Months later, Jane and Gerry sent a short and lovely description of Keren's life to the Northwest Transplant Bank addressed, "To the Recipients of K's Organs." In return the bank told them something about the people who carry her heart, her lungs, her liver, her kidneys. These six recipients had, collectively, nine children.
【3】 In the anonymous exchange of letters, one kidney recipient wrote simply: "I am awed at your generosity at such a difficult time." The mother of another donee wrote "Dear Friend," telling Jane and Gerry about her own daughter's terrible illness and her own gratitude.
【4】 Keren's body was still warm and breathing on life support. But this shocked family had the strength to agree immediately. After a long, long 12 hours Keren was taken to the operating room. There her organs were harvested and transplanted in six other people.
【5】 This is not a comfortable story. But then there is no real way to find comfort for the loss of a child. It's about my cousin Keren Holtz. It's about her death and her legacy of life. I am telling it because we hear much more about organ recipients than about the families of donors. And I am telling it for her parents, Jane and Gerry, who were given a chance to wrest some small piece of meaning out of the utterly meaningless death of their daughter.
【6】 In February 1997, Keren was out for an easy ride on her bike. It was sunny and she was in the bike lane when a drunk driver came careening down the road and hit her. Less than two days after Jane and Gerry received the call dreaded by every set of parents in the world, Keren was declared brain-dead. They found themselves listening to the staff from the organ bank asking ― with gentleness and care ― "Would you consider organ donation?"


 What's wrong with kids today? Stories of youth violence, suburban kids' drug use and parental discipline disasters are everywhere. And when it comes to kids and technology, youth are often portrayed as either little victims or little criminals. Many experts believe technology ― specifically the Internet and video games ― has led to a generation with severe intellectual, social and moral disabilities.
 Typical is an article by Dr. Theodore Roszak, who writes in The New International, "Used as a teaching device, the Internet is an expensive way to distract attention and clutter the mind." His conclusion? Keep technology away from children. And according to author Robert Bly, the big problems in the world are youth, technology and youth culture. In The Sibling Society, Bly writes, "Technology has destroyed relationships in the human community." When it comes to kids and technology, I'll agree there is much to be learned. There are many real dangers that warrant good management on the part of business people, educators, parents and lawmakers. But my investigation of the Internet Generation indicates that everybody should relax. The kids are learning, developing and thriving in the computer world. For example, most kids who spend time on the net aren't taking time away from doing their homework, playing soccer or learning the piano. To date, the main victim of the net is television. And when kids are online rather than tube-bound, they are reading, thinking, analyzing, criticizing, creating and composing their thoughts. They need better tools, better access, more services and more freedom to explore.
 Kids use computers for activities that go hand-in-hand with our understanding of what constitutes a traditional childhood. They use the technology to play, learn, communicate and form relationships as children always have. I found that development is enhanced in the computer world. When kids control the media, they develop faster. What we know for certain is that children without access to the new media will be developmentally disadvantaged.
次の英文は本文を要約したものです。本文の文意に合うように( )に入るものとして下記の中から適切なものを選びなさい。ただし同じ語は2度使えません。
Many people worry about violence and drug abuse among the children today and others (1) the harmful effects of (2) on kids. Writers and child specialists complain (3) (2) is bad for children.
Of course, (4) needs to be taken but my research suggests that the problem is not so serious. Kids who use the Internet spend (5) time watching TV but still enjoy playing with their friends. The (6) of the Internet over TV is that the former requires the child to use his or her mind and make decisions whereas the (7) is mainly a (8) experience.
In (9), in today's world, children who are computer users have more control over their lives, which (10) that technology gives them more freedom.
あadvantage いcare うfact えfear おlatter かless
きof くpassive けsuggests こtechnology さthat


 Lack of food is a problem in many poor or developing countries. In some parts of the world, the human population has increased at a much faster rate than food production. In these areas, most people are primary consumers. Their diet is largely based on rice, wheat, or corn. These three plants provide people in less developed countries with about two-thirds of their required daily supply of calories.
 The average person in North America is a secondary consumer. A secondary consumer has meat in his or her diet. Meat is a more expensive food than rice, corn, and wheat because it takes more land to produce meat. Meat animals such as cattle, hogs, and chickens must be cared for and fed grain and other food. Much of the grain fed to the animals is used in their daily life activities and is not converted to meat. Therefore, in places where food is really scarce, people usually have little meat in their diets. Most of the grain that is raised must be used to feed the human population.
 To feed the growing population of the world, food production must increase. One way for this to happen is to increase the amount of land in crop production. However, care must be taken not to destroy stable ecosystems in which the soil or climate is not suited to farming. A tropical rain forest is an example of such an ecosystem. Irrigating fertile desert land is one method of bringing more land into crop production. Soil preservation aids crop production by maintaining the fertility of cropland already in use. Another way to increase food production is to increase crop yields by developing new varieties of plants. For example, new varieties of wheat and rice have been developed. These new plants produce more grain. Crop yields can also be increased by the application of pesticides, but their use must be limited. Pesticides can cause damage to wildlife and pollute water supplies. Pesticides interfere with food chains.
 Crop yields can also be increased by using fertilizers to make land more fertile or by using biocontrols for insects. Biocontrols involve the use of helpful organisms to control harmful organisms. Biocontrols do not harm the environment or wildlife. Ladybugs are an example of a biocontrol. They eat harmful insects.
食糧不足が問題となっている( 1 )国では大部分の人々が米、小麦、トウモロコシを主食とする第一次消費者である。
北アメリカの人は主に第二次消費者で、食事に肉を食べる。肉を生産するのには多くの( 2 )、家畜の与えるエサとなる( 3 )が必要になる。それゆえ本当に食料が乏しい国では家畜に与えるだけの( 3 )に余裕がなく、ほとんど肉を食べないのである。
食糧危機の問題を解消するには( 4 )を増やさなくてはならない。その一つの方法は作物生産( 5 )を増やすことである。( 6 )に水を引くことも一案であるが、農耕に不向きな( 7 )を破壊しないように注意すべきである。もう一つの方法は( 8 )である。殺虫剤の使用で収穫高を増やす方法もあるが、( 9 )に害を与え、( 10 )を汚染したりすることもあるので、その使用は限定するべきである。
肥料や有益な生物を使って有害生物を抑制する生物的防除という方法もある。生物的防除は環境や( 9 )に害を与えない。


 English is much more regular in spelling than the traditional 【 1 】 would have us believe. A major American study, published in the early 1970s, carried out a computer 【 2 】 of 17,000 words and showed that no less than 84 per cent of the words were spelled according to a regular pattern, and that only 3 per cent were so unpredictable that they would have to be learned by heart. Several other projects have reported comparable results of 75 per cent regularity or more. Accordingly, the suggestion that English spelling is fundamentally chaotic seems to be meaningless.
 If this is so, then why all the fuss? Why are there so many people who have unhappy memories of 'learning to spell'? The answer is simple. Children are rarely taught how to spell. They are told they must learn spellings by heart, of course, and they are rigorously tested in them. But to learn something by heart doesn't explain what it is you have learned. In order to understand the spelling system of English, children need to be given reasons for why the spellings are as they are, and told about how these spellings relate to the way they 【 3 】 the words. But the children are rarely taught about these 【 4 】. Spelling becomes a massive, boring memory task ─ ten words a night, forever, it seems. As a result, they never develop a sense of the system which is present, so that when they 【 5 】 new words, they have to 【 6 】 to guesswork.
 Teachers often express surprise that a child who has been quick to learn to read should be a poor speller. They 【 7 】 that reading, once taught, automatically means that spelling will be 'caught.' But there is no correlation between reading ability and spelling ability. Totally different skills are 【 8 】. Spelling 【 8 】 a set of active, productive, 【 9 】 processes that are not required for reading. To take just one 【 10 】: it is possible to read very selectively, by spotting just some of the letters or words in a piece of writing, and 'guessing' the rest (as we do when we 'skim' a newspaper story). You can't spell in this way. Spellers have got to get it all right, letter by letter.
あanalysis いassume うconscious えcontrast おcriticism
かencounter きinvolve くprinciple けpronounce こresort

英語U 解答用紙
  1      2     3      4      5     
   6      7     8      9     10     
  1       2       3       4        5       
   6       7       8       9       10       
   11      12       13       14       15       
   16      17       18       19       20       
20点 = 完解2点×10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10




















3年(  )組(   )番 名前(               )     /50点

英語R 解答用紙
1          2           3          4          
 6点(完解) 【  】→【  】→【  】→【  】→【  】→【  】
  1       2       3       4        5       
   6       7       8       9       10       
  1       2       3       4        5       
   6       7       8       9       10       
  1       2       3       4        5       
   6       7       8       9       10       
3年(  )組(   )番 名前(               )     /50点