英語W 問題
1) Physical and mental tests determine (  ) applicants will be admitted into one of the military services.
@that Ahow Bwhether Cunless
2) Hanako hardly ever goes out any more, even with friends, (  ) she's married and has two kids.
@as soon as Anow that Bunless Cin case
3) Let's take an express train (  ) we can get there 20 minutes earlier.
@while Ain order Bso that Csuch as
4) All things (  ), we cannot say that it is wrong.
@considered Agone Basking Cwanted
5) The dog, properly (  ), will be a faithful servant.
@training Ahaving trained Btrained Cto train
6) (  ) she believes you is hard to believe.
@Whenever AThat BWhatever CWhat
7) Aunt Mary doesn't laugh very often, but she was laughing at breakfast (  ) tears came to her eyes.
@by the time Awhile Bthough Cuntil
8) Kate speaks English very fast. I've never heard English (  ) so quickly.
@spoken Ato speak Bspeaking Cspeak
9) I was called into the office first, my name (  ) at the head of the list.
@holding Aputting Bbeing Cmaking
10) When we are told not to come, we become (  ) eager to go.
@too far Ato the utmost Btoo much Call the more
11) Kobe is (  ) city in Japan.
@the eighth largest Aan eighth largest Bthe largest eighth Ca large eighth
12) Doesn't Betty's mother complain about (  ) every night?
@that you call her up Ayou call her up Byour calling her up
Cfor your calling her up
13) (  ) my homework, I could finally watch television.
@Had done ADoing BHaving done CBeing done
14) I regard myself as fortunate in (  ) I have so many friends.
@that Ahow Bwhich Cwhat
15) (  ) I graduate from this university, I want to speak English fluently.
@As long as AUntil BEven if CBy the time
16) (  ) my records were imported from Germany.
@Most AAlmost BMost all CAlmost all
17) He mentioned a book (  ) I can't remember now.
@with the title which Athe title of which Bin which the title Cwhich title
18) There was no comment from the two ladies (  ) I thought were sure to protest.
@of whom Awho Bwhose Cwhom
19) Energy needs are not going to decrease, (  ) are energy sources going to increase.
@or Athough Bbut Cnor
20) It is often said that an American starts a speech with a joke, (  ) a Japanese has an apology to make.
@which Awhat Bthat Cwhile
1) Dark (  ) it was, we managed to find our way home.
2) A whale is no (  ) a fish than a horse is.
3) She is a lady and expects to be treated as (  ).
4) Some wise man has said life consists of one disappointment after (  ).
5) We were so thirsty that we drank from the well (  ) if we would never drink water again in our lives.
6) He knows little of mathematics, still (  ) of chemistry.
7) When it comes (  ) sports, John is very good.
8) It is often said that rice is to Asians (  ) wheat is to Europeans.
9) I don't like this scarf. Would you please show me (  )?
10) She is by (  ) the best scholar in Japan.
11) Scholars agree that the variety of wildlife is nowadays less than (  ) used to be.
12) The professor sternly told the student, "Read the passage (  ) which I referred in my lecture."
13) Things cannot continue (  ) they are.
14) We believe the game on the field is (  ) counts.
15) Grandpa, (  ) was usual with him, took the dog out for a walk.
16) You are (  ) likely to gain weight in summer than in winter because you tend to lose your appetite when it is hot.
17) A: Does Jack live in the suburbs or in the center of the city?
   B: As (  ) as I know, he lives near the center.
18) (  ) present at the meeting were opposed to the planned construction of a new airport.
19) Everybody pitied her and gave her (  ) little money they had.
20) To read English is one thing ; to speak it is (  ).
あanother いas うfar えit おless かmuch
きsuch くthose けto こwhat さmore
■III.以下の各組の文が等しい意味になるように、( )内に適切な英単語を補ったとき、*の位置にくるものを答えなさい。
1) あなたは来週の月曜日までベットで寝ていなければいけません。
You have to stay in bed ( * ) next Monday.
2) 彼は兄の何倍も一生懸命、勉強する。
He studeies ( ) ( * ) as hard as his elder brother.
3) 私の時計はあなたのものほど高価でない。
My watch is ( * ) expensive ( ) yours.
4) 私たちはそんな正直な少年をいくらほめてもほめすぎることはない。
We ( ) praise such an honest boy ( * ) much.
5) 金持ちは必ずしも幸せとは限らない。
The rich are ( ) ( * ) happy.
6) What do you say to taking a rest for a while?
( * ) ( ) ( ) take a rest for a while?
7) A: Would you pass me the salt, please?
B: Sure. ( * ) ( ) ( ).
8) 私は2週間後にアメリカに向かって出発する予定です。
I am going to leave for America ( * ) ( ) ( )
9) 正月休みにずいぶん体重が増えた。
I ( ) ( * ) a lot of ( ) during the new year holidays.
10) He couldn't go out because she suddenly arrived.
Her ( ) ( ) ( ) him ( * ) going out.
11) まもなく彼らは姿をあらわした。
( ) ( ) ( ) ( * ) ( ) they made their appearance.
12) そのことについてコーヒーを飲みながらはなしませんか?
Won't you talk about the matter ( * ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )?
13) Tom is the most diligent boy in his class.
Tom is ( ) diligent ( ) ( ) ( ) ( * ) in his class.
14) 東京とニューヨークではどちらが人口が多いと思いますか。
Which city ( ) ( ) ( ) ( * ) a larger population, Tokyo or New York?
15) 彼がその場所の風景画を描いて初めて、その景色の美しさが有名になった。
( ) ( ) ( * ) ( ) he painted the landscape of the place ( ) its scenic beauty became famous.
16) 今日は学校に着いたときにはもう1時間目の授業が始まっていました。
Today the first lesson ( * ) ( ) ( ) ( ) I ( ) ( ) school.
■IV.以下の各語群を日本文に合うように並べ替えて( )内に数字を補ったとき、*の位置にくる数字を答えなさい。ただし、一番最初にくる語句も小文字になっています。
1) その役者は感情を制する力がないように思われる。
( ) ( ) ( *あ ) ( ) ( ) ( *い ) ( ) ( ).
( 1 seems to / 2 control / 3 have / 4 the actor / 5 no / 6 passion / 7 his / 8 over).
2) そのことを考えただけで楽しくなる。
( ) ( ) ( *あ ) ( ) ( ) ( *い ) ( ) ( ).
( 1 it is / 2 to / 3 me happy / 4 the / 5 make / 6 thought of / 7 enough / 8 mere ).
3) 人は病気になって初めて健康のありがたさがわかるものです。
You ( ) ( ) ( *あ ) ( ) ( ) ( *い ) ( ) ( ).
( 1 appreciate / 2 cannot / 3 health / 4 of / 5 the worth / 6 until / 7 you / 8 are ill ).
4) 昨日の彼の発言は私にはあまり重要でないように思われる。
( ) ( ) ( *あ ) ( ) ( ) ( *い ) ( ) ( ).
( 1 he said yesterday / 2 importance / 3 little / 4 me / 5 of / 6 to / 7 sounds / 8 what ).
5) 東京の大気汚染の問題は、ニューヨークよりずっとひどい。
( ) ( ) ( *あ ) ( ) ( ) ( *い ) ( ) ( ).
( 1 is / 2 much / 3 New York / 4 of / 5 than / 6 that / 7 Tokyo's air pollution / 8 worse ).
6) その本を読んでしまったら、もとの場所へ返しておいてください。
Put ( ) ( ) ( *あ ) ( ) ( ) ( *い ) ( ) ( ).
( 1 it was / 2 through / 3 the book back / 4 to /
5 when / 6 where / 7 with it / 8 you're ).
7) どうか彼に自分のためになるような本だけを読むようにと助言してください。
( ) ( ) ( *あ ) ( ) ( ) ( *い ) ( ) ( ).
( 1 as / 2 books / 3 him / 4 only such /
5 please advise him / 6 read / 7 to / 8 will benefit ).
8) 一度決心したからには、途中でやめるつもりはない。
Now ( ) ( ) ( *あ ) ( ) ( ) ( *い ) ( ) ( ).
( 1 giving up / 2 I have / 3 I've made up / 4 my mind /
5 no intention / 6 of / 7 on the way / 8 that ).
9) さよならも言わず、彼女がアメリカに行ってしまったのは変だと私は思いました。
( ) ( ) ( *あ ) ( ) ( ) ( *い ) ( ) ( ).
( 1 had / 2 I thought / 3 left for America / 4 it /
5 that / 6 she / 7 strange / 8 without saying good-bye ).
10) いつものことながら、私が書いたものを読み返してみると、不備な点がたくさん目に付く。
As ( ) ( ) ( *あ ) ( ) ( ) ( *い ) ( ) ( ).
( 1 I cannot reread / 2 is often / 3 the case / 4 there is /
5 much to be revised / 6 what I have written / 7 with me / 8 without finding ).
1) 君はいいなぁ。You look healthy and cheerful.
2) It is getting colder every day. お変わりありませんか?
3) (コンサートに誘ってくれた相手に)I would like to, but 先約があるんだ。
4) (コンサートに誘ってくれた相手に)誘ってくれてどうもありがとう。(5語で)
5) 話があるんだけど。Can you spare a minute?
6) 昔は電気を使わない、木でできた冷蔵庫があったのだ、ということを知っている人は少ない。7) 大切なのは、知らないということを認識することにあるのだ。
8) 読書の本質は乱読にある。9) その理由は、広くいろんな本を読んでいくにつれて、本当に読みたい本がわかってくるからである。

英語W 問題
[I]20点 = 1点×20
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20




















[II]20点 = 1点×20
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20




















1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
11 12
13 14 15 16
[IV]20点 = 完解2点×10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10




















A 10点=完解2点×5
B 10点=(2点×3)+(4点×1)
2年 (   )組 (    )番  名前(              )      点