XXXXX高等学校 / 55回生英語科
英語U 問題
1) A good understanding of a few writers and a few subjects is more valuable than a superficial knowledge of many.
2) I was so concerned by the risks of time-wasting.
3) We compel children with the threat of failure.
4) Thought is not as precise as many people imagine.
5) Sometimes you look up the word in a dictionary and sometimes you guess. It depends very much upon the degree of (正確さ : a- ) which you require and the time at your disposal.
6) Many of the world's great books are (手に入る : a- ) in reprint edition.
7) Unfortunately, this extraordinary capacity for learning and intellectual growth is destroyed by the process of (教育 : e- ).
8) Human co-operation demands more (複雑な : c- ) tools
9) The discoveries you will make (付け加える : a- ) interest and wisdom to your life.
10) You may also find it helpful to (比べる c- ) the unknown word with similar words in your own language.
11) failの名詞形  12) tendの名詞形  13) anxietyの形容詞形
14) persuadeの形容詞形  15) courageの動詞形
1average  2behavior  3distribute  4electric  5famine
6fatal  7particularly  8previously  9recent  10spread
■V.次の各組の文が等しい意味になるように、( )内に適切な英単語を補ったとき、( * )の位置にくる語を答えなさい。
1) 時間は思い通りに延ばしたり縮めたりできる
   Time can stretch or contract ( * ) they wish.
2) 「時間にしばられた」国では、時間の管理を大切なものとして考えます。
   "Time-bound" countries (r * ) the control of time ( ) important.
3) きのうたまたま駅でおばあさんに会いました。
   Yesterday I ( ) ( * ) see my aunt at the station.
4) 食べ過ぎが原因で彼は病気になった。
   Eating too much ( ) ( * ) his illness.
5) 生徒は誰もそのテストに合格しなかった。
   ( * ) of the students passed the test.
6) 人生、楽しいことばかりではない。
   ( * ) ( ) is ( ) in life.
7) 彼女はあなたにパーティーに参加できるかどうか、たずねるでしょう。
   She'll ask you ( * ) you can go to her party or not.
8) 新しいCDプレーヤーを買う余裕はありません。
   I ( ) ( * ) ( ) buy a new CD player.
9) 彼は必ず約束を守る。
   He ( ) ( * ) ( ) keep his promise.
10) 私たちの脳は、原子や電子から成り立っている。
   Our brains are ( ) ( * ) ( ) atoms and electrons.
11) 切手を買うのに28秒かかった。
   It ( * ) twenty-eight seconds to buy a stamp.
12) 彼は彼女にそんなことを言うべきではなかったのに。
   He ( ) ( ) ( * ) ( ) such a thing to her.
13) 彼はまるで何か恐ろしいものを見たかのように真っ青になった。
   He turned pale ( * ) ( ) he ( ) ( ) something terrible.
14) 肉は夏場はすぐダメになる。
   Meat will soon ( * ) bad in summer.
15) 良い考えが彼の心に浮かんだ。
   A good idea ( ) ( * ) him.
16) 煙のにおいで初めて彼女は火事だとわかった。
   It ( ) ( * ) ( ) she smelled the smoke ( ) she realized there was a fire.
17) 彼がうそつきでないのは君がそうでないのと同じだ。
   He is ( ) ( * ) a liar ( ) you are.
18) 何か書くものをください。
   Give me ( ) ( ) write ( * ).
19) He couldn't attend the meeting because he was ill.
   His illness ( ) ( ) ( * ) attending the meeting.
20) He arrived at the zoo after walking for a few minutes.
   ( ) ( ) ( ) ( * ) brought him to the zoo.
    Jun : ★あThe other day I went to a party and met a lot of people from other countries there.
Ms. Spanos : That sounds fun. Did you have a good time?
    Jun : Yes, I did. And I noticed an interesting thing at the party.
Ms. Spanos : Oh, what was that?
    Jun : I found that people from ★いcertain countries came to the party on time, while people from other countries arrived very late.
Ms. Spanos : I'm sure that the Japanese belonged to ★うthe former group, because they live in a "time-bound" country.
   Jun : Yes, you're ★えright. The Japanese came on time. But what does "time-bound" mean?
Ms. Spanos : Read this article. ★おIt will explain ★かit to you.
1) 下線部★あの意味を漢字2文字で答えなさい。
2) 下線部★いcertainと同じ用法を持つ文を、以下のア〜オから選びなさい。
アVictory looked certain.
イFirstly, they must make certain that their pension needs are adequately catered for.
ウThere will be certain person who'll say 'I told you so!'.
エAll you know for certain is that the child is under stress.
オOne thing is certain, both have the utmost respect for each other.
3) 下線部★うの指す内容を日本語で10字以内で答えなさい。
4) 下線部★えrightと同じ用法を持つ文を、以下のア〜オから選びなさい。
アTurn right into the street.
イI think he ought to be at the right hand of the president.
ウClocks never told the right time.
エWe all have the fundamental human rights.
オI'm warning you. Stop it right now.
5) 下線部★お・かのそれぞれのitが指す内容を本文中から抜き出しなさい。
   Small children ask a great many questions, and some of them are very difficult to answer. Their parents often do not know ★あwhat to say to the questions they ask. For example, "How high is the sky, Mom?" is a very difficult question, ★いfor there is no possible answer. The look of the blue sky above us is only an illusion. But ★うthat would be too difficult to explain to a small child. So the mother usually tries to draw the child's attention away: "Look at the man ★え[向こうの]," she says, "he's holding his walking stick in his left hand. Isn't it funny? Almost everyone holds it in their right hand."
   It is not too difficult to draw small children's attention away. But when it cannot be done, parents just tell their children not to ask questions. In the end the same thing happens. The little ones give up ★お[ask]their parents why things wear out, or why cloth looks darker when it is wet, or why everyone must die. Perhaps they think about such things silently for a time, but soon they give up. It is interesting that a great scientist, George Wald, who once won the Nobel Prize for medicine, said that the really interesting questions are those which an intelligent child asks.
   ★かScientists, he said, must bring back to life that childish spirit of inquiry, which has been killed by the repeated disappointment of getting no answers from their parents.
1) 下線部★あを以下のように言い換えるとき、( * )に入る語を答えなさい。
  what (  ) ( * ) say
2) 下線部★いを別の英単語に言い換えなさい
3) 下線部★うをthatの内容が明らかになるように日本語訳しなさい。
4) 下線部★えを2語で英語訳しなさい。
5) 下線部★おを適切な形になおしなさい。
6) 下線部★かを日本語訳しなさい。
【1】 Nobody can live without food. But how much food do you actually need to eat? According to the United Nations, the average person needs no less than 2,400 kilocalories every day. Below this level people cannot stay healthy. More than 400 million people in the world get only four-fifths of the kilocalories they need. 《あ》 every year millions of people starve and millions more become ill. This is one of the world's most serious problems. Why does this happen?
【2】 Many people believe that overpopulation is the main cause of famine, and in parts of Africa population grows much faster than food production. 《い》, population growth in the Third World usually results from poverty; it is not necessarily its cause. Poor people have large families 《う》 they cannot be sure that all their children will survive. Children help parents in the fields and take care of them in old age. 《え》 we must look for other causes of hunger in the world.
【3】 Many of the farmers in the Third World are subsistence farmers. They grow food for their own families and villages and are usually poor. The soil on their farms is very often thin and weak and blows away easily. 《お》 poor people suffer first if there isn't enough rain. They simply can't grow enough to feed themselves and in many cases have no one to ask for help. When this happens, a famine begins. In the last ten years there have been serious famines in such African countries as Ethiopia and the Sudan.
【4】 《か》, if crops fail in a developed country like Japan, the government can step in to help farmers and buy food from abroad. Even in less developed countries, such as India, a bad harvest does not necessarily mean starvation. Villagers can usually persuade the government to provide them with food until conditions improve. In parts of Africa, 《き》, the very poor have no one to turn to in times of disaster. Without money to pay for food from other places, crop failure can be fatal to them.
【5】 《く》, many people starve in wars. In most wars, more people die of hunger and disease than from fighting. In many parts of Africa facing famine, the main cause of poor harvest is war, which is made worse by drought. Wars force people off their land, close the markets where food is bought and sold, and close supply roads.
【6】 Governments fighting wars spend money on weapons and soldiers rather than health, education and farming. 《け》, the recent civil war in Somalia has led a great many people to starve, and more than 300,000 people have died of hunger. The famine in that country is now regarded as the worst in Somalian history.
【7】 Is there any way to avoid famine? In Burkina Faso, small-scale projects have turned out to be very successful among the subsistence farmers. One simple project was started as an experiment by Oxfam in 1979. With Oxfam's help, the villagers have developed the diguette, a line of stones and branches put around their fields. The diguettes keep the rain from washing the soil away and make the water sink into the earth. Inside the stone walls tall grass grows everywhere, and there is a good harvest of crops. As a result of this small-scale project, the farmers have stopped soil erosion and improved crop production by up to 50%.
【8】 Burkina Faso still has its problems. Food is not evenly distributed among the people, and there are shortages of fruit, vegetables, meat, and fish. According to the United Nations, the people there still eat 14% less than the 2,400 kilocalories necessary for good health.
【9】 《こ》 the farmers of this small West African country give us some hope for the future. They have shown us that they may be able to free themselves from the danger of famine by their own efforts. Their success is now encouraging people in other areas to help themselves.
1) 《あ》〜《こ》に入る語句を以下の語群から選び、記号で答えなさい。(記号は何度使ってもよい)
(1) because    (2) but(またはhowever)   (3) in addition
(4) in fact   (5) so(またはthat's why)  (6) on the other hand
2)  以下の各質問に、英単語または数字1語でこたえなさい。
(1) In 【1】, write the number of four-fifths of the kilocalories people need.
(2) Find the opposite word of no less than in 【1】.
(3) In 【2】, what has brought overpopulation?
(4) In 【3】, what is the particular cause of famine in Africa?
(5) In 【4】, what prevents people except Africans from starving?
(6) In 【5&6】, what is the main topic?
(7) In 【7】, what makes walls of diguettes?
(8) In 【7】, what can farmers produce more with the diguettes?
(9) In 【8】, how many kilocalories do people in Burkina Faso eat?  Write the number.
(10) In 【9】, what is the most important word to solve the problem?
【あ】 Another great danger is from the pollution from our chemicals and fuels, like coal, with which we fill the atmosphere. The longer we go on using aerosols and producing smoke, the more damage they will do to the layer that protects our world from the sun's radiation, until it no longer provides an environment in which we, and most of the animals and plants we share it with, can live.
【い】 But the more science advanced, the worse the effect of humans on the Earth grew. They made metal axes to cut down large areas of forest for building warships, or for getting wood to cook with, and as a result, they turned green land into deserts. Since trees attract rain, the fewer trees there are, the less rain falls.
【う】 This destruction of nature has increased enormously during the past hundred years. Immense areas of rain forests are being cut down every year, so that a time may come when the loss of these will change the climate of our world permanently.
【え】 Why, then, do we continue to do these things that may soon lead to our being destroyed? Is it because we are mad? No, it is because humans are greedy. They are not willing to sacrifice anything now for the sake of the future. The richer they get and the easier their lives become, the more willing they are to risk destroying their future environment for the sake of becoming even richer and more comfortable now.
【お】 The environment on Earth has changed from time to time; for example, during the Ice Age, the Earth became much colder. It is possible that such changes led to the disappearance of some of the animals that we humans shared our world with. Originally, humans were not powerful or clever enough to affect their environment much. But they learned to cultivate the soil, so they were able to turn wild bush into fields. Later they learned how to bring water to their land by controlling rivers, and this made it possible for them to change deserts into green land.
   Right now there are 5.2 billion people on the planet earth -- more than ten times the earth's population when the industrial revolution began two centuries ago. And if present trends continue we can expect there to be 10.4 billion people by the year 2029 -- that's twice the earth's present population. Can the earth support so many people? Probably not. Even though food production has increased dramatically in the post-war era, there are signs that it is now beginning to diminish. Some of the loss can be blamed on monsoons and droughts, but soil is also being ruined by overproduction. Underground sources of water are being depleted by farming methods that rely too heavily on irrigation. Fertile lands are fast becoming deserts. Overfishing is also a problem. "Efficient" fishing techniques, such as drift netting, allow fishermen to catch more fish. But supplies are becoming so depleted that fisheries are being forced to close down. Commercial fishing is no longer an economically viable livelihood in some areas.
   ★The idea that the population of the earth can continue to increase and that everyone on the planet will eventually be able to enjoy a first-world standard of living is attractive but ultimately impossible to defend. Despite the arguments of many government and business leaders, unlimited population growth is simply not compatible with unlimited economic growth. Something has to give. First-world leaders are inclined to argue that since most population growth is occurring in the third world, the third world must take drastic, even mandatory, measures to limit its population. Third-world leaders, however, argue that while their countries have faster rates of population growth, their citizens on average consume less than people in first-world countries. (The United States, for example, has only 5% of the world's population, but it consumes more than 25% of the world's energy.) The third world, they say, should be able to enjoy its fair share of the world's resources.
1) 下線部★を日本語訳しなさい。
2) 本文の内容に合っている英文を3つ、記号で選びなさい。
(1) The industrial revolution has caused the rapid increase of the earth's population.
(2) The earth's population was less than 5.2 billion 200 hundred years ago.
(3) From the year 2029, we will face the crisis of food shortage.
(4) The soil condition is one of the factors which has brought the decrease of food production.
(5) We rely too heavily on irrigation. That is why we have little rain now.
(6) Nobody can live on fishing any more.
(7) The standard of living in the Third World is attractive, but there is still room for improvement.
(8) The opinions by third-world leaders are totally different from those by first-world leaders.
(9) The United States consumes five times as much energy as the third world.

XXXXXX高等学校 / 55回生英語科
英語U 解答用紙
■T.  1          2          3          
4          5          6          7        
8          9          10         11        
12         13         14         15         
■U. 1と(  )(  )と(  )(  )と(  )(  )と(  )(  )と(  )
左に小さな数字を記入すること 【例】×(7)と(3)→(3)と(7)
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20


2)    3)










   5)★お             ★か                
2)と3)と4) 2点×3 1)と5)完解 1点×2 =8点
■X.1)        2)      4) (      ) (       ) 5)      
■Y.1) あ  い  う  え  お     か  き  く  け  こ  
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
■Z. 【  】→【  】→【  】→【  】→【  】
2)  数字の小さい順に→(     )と (     )と(     )
2年(   )組 (    )番  名前(              )        点英語U担当へ何かひとこと