英語 問題



あam  かcase   さhad   たit   なmight   はthat   まtoo   やwill
いare   きcost   しhas   ちlast   にneither   ひthe   みwhere   ゆwith
うas   くdo   すhave   つless   ぬnot   ふthough   むwhether   よwithout
えbeing   けfor   せhaving   てlose   ねother   へtimes   めwho   わwriting
おbut   こfrom   そis と  lost   のothers   ほto   もwhom   んwritten

a.以下の各日本文合うように(  )内に適切な英単語を入れたときに、( * )の位置に来る語を、答えなさい。

(1) 彼女は決してウソをつくような人ではない。
She is the ( * ) person to tell a lie.

(2) 野球が好きな生徒もいれば、サッカーが好きな生徒もいる。
Some students like baseball, and ( * ) like soccer.

(3) 例外のない規則はない。
There is no rule ( * ) has some exceptions.

(4) 私だけでなくあなたも間違っている。
You as well as I ( * ) in the wrong.

(5) 易しい英語で書かれているので,この本は初心者向けです。
( * ) in plain English, the book is suitable for beginners.

(6) 雨は降らないと思うけれど,降るといけないから傘を持っていきます。
I don't think it'll rain, but I'll take an umbrella in ( * ) it does.

(7) 私たちはその提案に賛同すべきだという結論に達した。
We came to the conclusion ( * ) we should agree to the proposal.

(8) たまたまジョーは旅行中で不在だった。
( * ) just so ( ) that Joe was away on a trip.

(9) 雪のために私たちは時間どおりにつけなかった。
The snow ( ) us ( * ) arriving on time.

(10) 彼女には3人の息子がいたが,彼ら全員が医者になった。
She had three sons, all ( ) ( * ) became doctors.

(11) その戦争が勃発したとき,ケンはイングランドに2年間暮らしていた。
Ken ( * ) (  ) in England for two years when the war broke out.

(12) 私には3人の息子がいますが1人はシカゴに住んでおり,あとはニューヨークに住んでいます。
I have three sons; one lives in Chicago and ( * ) ( ) live in New York.

(13) もし昨年コンピューターを買わなかったならば,私はまだ古いタイプライターを使っているでしょう。
If I ( * ) (  ) (  ) a computer last year, I'd still be using my old typewriter.
(14) 都合の良いときはいつでも私に会いに来てください。
Come and see me ( ) ( * ) ( ) convenient.

(15) 地面がぬれているので、夜の間に雨が降ったのかもしれない。
As the ground is wet, it ( ) ( * ) ( ) during the night.

(16) 「ピーターは6時までには準備できていないだろう」「メアリーもそうだろう」
"Peter won't be ready by six." "( * ) (  ) (  )."

(17) コールさんは年の割に若く見える。
Mr. Cole ( ) ( ) ( * ) his age.

(18) 彼女は私に自分の手紙を見ることを許さなかった。
She didn't allow ( ) ( * ) ( ) her letter.

(19) 私は医者に診てもらいに行ったが、結局医者はいなかった。
I went to see my doctor ( ) ( * ) ( ) him ( ).

(20) 私は夕食を食べすぎたことを後悔している。
I regret ( ) ( ) ( * ) ( ) for supper.
(21) あなたは,正しいと思うことをしていますか。
Are you doing what (  ) (  ) ( * ) (  )?

(22) この橋はあの橋の3倍の長さだ。
This bridge is ( ) ( ) ( * ) ( ) ( ) that.

b.以下の各組の文が等しい意味になるように(  )内に適切な英単語を入れたときに、( * )の位置に来る語を、答えなさい。

(23) A volunteer group is to help the refugees.
A volunteer group ( * ) help the refugees.

(24) On seeing the cat, the dog ran after it.
( ) ( ) ( * ) the dog ( ) the cat, it ran after it.

(25) Young as he is, he is a good leader.
( * ) he is young, he is a good leader.

(26) I seem to have lost my wallet.
It seems ( ) ( ) ( * ) my wallet.

(27) Because the window was open, the room was cool.
The window ( * ) ( ), the room was cool.

(28) He is the tallest boy in his class.
(  ) ( * ) (  ) in his class is taller than he.


(29) フレッドが来るかどうか、疑わしい。
it / is / come / Fred / will / doubtful

(30) 私が新しい家を建てるのにたくさん費用がかかった。
it / me / to / build / money / a lot of / a new house

(31) 私は彼女が学校を休んだのは変だと思う。
I / she / was / from / that / think / absent / school / strange

(32) 学校から帰る途中で激しい雨にあった。
I (a rainstorm / home / in / my / on / caught / way / was) school.

(33) その本を読んでしまったら,もとの場所へ返しておいてください。
Put the book back (was / when / to / you're / it) through with it.

(34) こうした事柄の通例として,そのうわさはたちまち町中に広がった。
(these / the / affairs / is / as / with), the rumor swept through the town.

(35) メアリーはどうなったと思いますか。
What (became / think / you / of) Mary?

(36) 彼女は外出すれば,きっと何か買い物をする。
She (something / goes / never / buying / out).

(37) よい友人との付き合いはお金を稼ぐのと同様に大切なことである。
Making (important / friends / than / is / good / making / no) money.

(38) 彼女はうそをつかなかったことをほめられた。
She (a / not / for / praised / told / was / ) lie.
(39) 父親がそのことについて話さないのが一番よいと彼は思った。
He (father / it / his / to / about / thought / speak / best / for) it.

(40) そんな物に金を使うくらいなら捨てた方がましだ。
You might (the money away / on / it / as / spend / throw / well) such a thing.


(41) @How Ado you think Bof the idea Cthat students should study hard?
(42) My @elder brother Ais belonging Bto Chis company's basketball team.
(43) @Had the jet plane Alanded on the runway a moment Blater, it Chad collided with the airport limousine.
(44) Six months @have passed since AI came to New York, and I Bam getting used to Cspeak English in daily conversation.
(45) @Comparing with Americans, AJapanese people are more likely to go Bin groups Cwhen traveling, even in their own country.

■U.以下の各文の( )に入る英単語を、語群(あ)〜(こ)からえらびなさい。

1) If you ( ) something that someone needs or wants, you give it to them or make it available to them.
2) ( ) information, measurements, and the statistics are correct to a very detailed level.
3) If you are ( ) to do something, you are unwilling to do it and hesitate before doing it, or do it slowly and without enthusiasm.
4) ( ) political activities, events, and situations happen or exist within one particular country.
5) The ( ) of something is the help that you get from it or the advantage that results from it.

あaccurate  いbenefit  うdomestic  えengage  おgovernment
かinstall  きisolate  くprovide  けreluctant  こstare


【あ】Observations of animal behavior alone cannot fully answer the question of whether or not animals sleep. The answers come from doing experiments in "sleep laboratories" using a machine called the electroencephalograph(EEG). The machine is connected to animals and measures their brain signals, breathing, heartbeat, and muscle activity. The measurements are different when the animals appear to be sleeping than when they appear to be awake.
【い】Using the EEG, scientists have confirmed that all birds and mammals studied in laboratories do sleep. There is some evidence that reptiles do not truly sleep, although they do have periods of rest each day, in which they are quiet and unmoving. They also have discovered that some animals, like chimpanzees, cats, and moles are good sleepers while others, like sheep, goats, and donkeys are poor sleepers. Interestingly, the good sleepers are nearly all hunters with resting places that are safe from their enemies. Nearly all the poor sleepers are animals hunted by other animals; they must always be watching for enemies, even when they are resting.
【う】 All animals must rest, but do they really sleep as we know it? How can we be sure that an animal is sleeping?
【え】We can watch the animal and notice whether its eyes are open or closed, whether it is active or lying quietly, and whether it responds to light or sound. These factors are important clues, but they often are not enough. Horses and cows, for example, rarely close their eyes, and fish and snakes cannot close them. Yet this does not necessarily mean that they do not sleep. Animals do not necessarily lie down to sleep either. Elephants, for example, often sleep standing up, with their tusks resting in the fork of a tree. Finally, while "sleeping" animals often seem unaware of changes in the sounds and light and other stimuli around them, that does not really prove they are sleeping either.

   Mark was walking home (あ) school one day when he noticed the boy ahead of him had fallen and dropped all of the books he was carrying, along with two sweaters, a baseball bat, a glove, and a small tape recorder. Mark knelt down and helped the boy pick up the scattered articles. Since they were going the same way, he helped to carry part of the burden. As they walked, Mark discovered that the boy's name was Bill, that he loved video games, baseball, and history, that he was having a lot of trouble with his other subjects, and that he had just broken up with his girlfriend.
   They arrived at Bill's home first and Mark was invited in for a Coke and to watch some television. The afternoon passed pleasantly with a few laughs and some shared small talk, then Mark went home. They (い) to see each other around school, had lunch together once or twice, then both graduated (う) junior high school. They ended up in the same high school, where they had brief contacts over the years. Finally the long-awaited senior year came, and three weeks before graduation, Bill asked Mark if they could talk.
   Bill reminded him (え) the day years ago when they had first met. "Did you ever wonder (お) I was carrying so many things home that day?" asked Bill.  "You see, I cleaned out my locker because I didn't want to leave a mess for anyone else. I had stored away some of my mother's sleeping pills and I was going home to commit suicide. But after we spent some time together talking and laughing, I realized that ★if I had killed myself, I would have missed that time and so many others that might follow. So you see, Mark, when you picked up my books that day, you did a lot more. You (か) my life."

1)(あ)〜(か)に当てはまる単語を、それぞれ a)〜d)から選んで記号で答えなさい。
あ a) in b) from c) at d) to
い a) refused b) forgot c) hesitated  d) continued
う a) at b) for c) in d) from
え a) about b) on c) of d) for
お a) how b) if c) why d) what
か a) found b) spoiled c) led d) saved
2)下線部★を以下のように書き換えたとき、( )内に入る適切な英単語をこたえなさい。
  As I (  ) kill myself, I (  ) enjoy that time and so many others that might follow.

あMark helped Bill to carry things when they met each other for the first time.
いMark wondered why Bill had so many things on the first day they met.
うBill could not talk about his girlfriend when he was going home from school.
Bill and Mark went to the same high school, but gradually they didn't talk with each other.
おBill invited Mark to his house, but could not enjoy himself.
かBill tried to commit suicide using pills.

   I was studying theater at a university in Dallas and feeling anxious and uncertain about my future. Will I be able to support myself? I wondered. That summer, I decided to see if I could get out on my own.
   Two girlfriends and I piled into a car and headed to Aspen, where I found a job as a maid at a resort hotel. I don't remember what I earned, but it was so little that I lived on spaghetti, brown rice and Kool-Aid.
   I was at the hotel by six o'clock every morning to help look after the breakfast guests. When breakfast was finished, I cleaned the room where it was served and then conference rooms and lobby rest rooms. 
   I came from an upper-middle-class background, and my parents' friends always treated me well. But now that I was a servant, I found that many of the guests of the same background were not so nice. That was a shock.
   People were supposed to serve themselves at breakfast, but some people wanted me to do everything for them. I remember one man who kept ordering me to get his food and demanding things we did not serve. He was also very critical.  Even though I wanted to say, "Go and get it yourself," I knew it was my job to be quiet and do in a nice way whatever I was told.
   Still, I've never forgotten how it felt to be spoken to so rudely. Today, whenever I am in a cab or being waited on, I always try to be as polite and thoughtful as possible. Service-industry jobs are not easy, and they're even harder when people treat you like dirt.
   My first job also helped me achieve more confidence. After that summer I realized that what I had been afraid of in acting was failure. I now knew that the worst thing would be if I failed at it without really trying. I decided to give it all my energy. If I failed, at least I would always know that I had done my best.


1) The reason that the writer went to Aspen during that summer was that

(a) her friends needed someone to help them as a maid.
(b) she had no interest in her study at the university any more
(c) she needed some money to support her study of acting
(d) she wanted to see if she was able to make her own living.

2) What the writer did as the first part-time job was that

(a) she worked as a maid at a hotel and the pay was not so bad.
(b) she met various guests, and now she tries to be a good guest.
(c) she was always quiet and do in a nice way whatever she was told, so guests were kind for her.
(d) she tried to forget bad things while doing her job.

3) What shocked the writer at the hotel while working was that

(a) most of the guests were not from the upper-middle class.
(b) the guests who were her parents' friends treated her well.
(c) some of the servants at the hotel were from the same background as hers.
(d) she wasn't treated politely by some guests from the same class as her.

4) A lesson that the writer learned that summer was

(a) doing a part-time job is one of the best ways to achieve more confidence.
(b) people should not be afraid of failure as long as they have done their best.
(c) people should not easily give up their dreams about the future for no reason.
(d) when people failed at something, it means that they didn't do their best


1)You must drink a lot of water here, or you'll become ill.

2)下線部did not make me happierのSを抜き出して、始めと終わりの1語を答えなさい。
When I was a student, I wore special clothes and had a unique haircut for myself. But I soon found that wearing such clothes and trying to show that I was different from other students did not make me happier.

各英文の意味を表すように、(  )内に適切な日本語を入れなさい。

3)It was not until I was fluent in French that I really got to know and appreciate French people.
  私はフランス語が自由に話(  )、フランス人を本当に(  )

4)Some people prefer package holidays at popular resorts, where everything is arranged for you.
  人気のあるリゾート地での休暇旅行を好む人もいる。(  )すべてがあなたのために
  用意されている(  )。


5)King knew the blacks looked forward to his leading them.

6)We cannot know too much about the language we speak every day of our lives.

7)The family is not so much the smallest unit as the most important unit in society.

8)There is no use telling shouting hello and good-by at Walkman users because they won't hear you.
9)Japan has a lot of dialects, to be sure, but still I think there are probably few other countries in which a single language is spoken throughout the whole land.

問 題 は 以 上 で す 。

英語W 解答用紙


1   2    3    4    5    6    7    8   

9    10    11    12    13    14    15    16   

17    18    19    20    21    22    23    24   

25    26    27    28    29    30    31    32   

33    34    35    36    37    38    39    40   

間違い番号    訂正

41 (   )                            

42 (   )                            

43 (   )                            

44 (   )                            

45 (   )                            

2年(  )組 (   )番  名前(              )     点

英語U 解答用紙

■U. 1     2     3     4     5              2×5=10点

■V. 【  】→【  】→【  】→【  】                2点

■W. 1) あ     い     う     え     お     か      1×6= 6点

2) As I (       ) kill myself, I (     ) enoy that time and ...

3)                             2×2= 4点

■X. 1     2     3     4                  2×4= 8点

■Y. 1)                            2×7=14点

2)始め: 終わり:

3)私はフランス語が自由に話(                   )

      フランス人を本当に(                      )

4)(         )すべてがあなたのために用意されている(    )




3×2= 6点





2年(  )組 (   )番  名前(              )     点