英語W 問題
[A] 空所に入れるのに最も適切な語句を,下の@〜Cから一つずつ選びなさい。
(1) I (  ) for a trading company in Tokyo at this time next year.
@have been working Awill be working Bhave worked Cwas working
(2) It is impossible to tell when they (  ) us again.
@will visit Aare visited Bwill have visited Chad visited
(3) I’m looking forward to (  ) you in London.
@seen Aseeing Bsee Csaw
(4) On his way home, Taro was (  ) a stranger.
@spoken at Aspoken to by Bspoken by Cspoken with by
(5) I (  ) my homework all this evening, but I’ve still got a lot more to do.
@had done Ahave been doing Bdo Chave done
(6) Listen! I (  ) a funny noise outside.
@hear Aam hearing Bhad been hearing Chad heard
(7) I seem to (  ) a bad cold last night.
@been caught Ahave caught Bcatch Cbe caught
(8) My mother objected (  ) the mountain alone.
@on my climbing Ame in climbing Bfor me to climb Cto my climbing
(9) Because of his bad manners, the man was made (  ) the party.
@leave Aleft Bto leave Cleaving
(10) A ship (  ) more than 500 passengers is missing.
@carry Acarried Bis carried Ccarrying
(11) This is in part due to the (  ) demand of society.
@grown Agrowing Bgrow Cgrew
(12) My mother complains of (  ) too lazy.
@my being Ame to be BI am CI being
(13) Kate speaks English very fast. I’ve never heard English (  ) so quickly.
@speak Aspoken Bto speak Cspeaking
(14) (  ) raining the day before, the picnic was postponed.
@It having started  AIt has started
BIt has been started CHaving been started
(15) She could not make herself (  ) clearly in the large room.
@hear Ahears Bheard Cto hear
(16) He is (  ) vote for such a dishonest candidate in the election.
@intelligent to not enough Aenough intelligent not to
Bintelligent enough not to Cnot enough intelligent to
(17) I went to your house in the rain, (  ) find you out.
@as to Aonly to Bso to Cenough to
(18) “I’m worried about Anna. She’s really been depressed lately. (  ) in her room all day.” “That sounds serious.”
@All is she stay AAll she does is stay
BAll she does stay is CShe does all is stay
(19) She was seen (  ) into the theater with her boyfriend.
@go Agone Bgoing Cwent
(20) There’s no point (  ) a piano if you never play it.
@of having Ain having Bfor having Cto have
[B] 日本語とほぼ同じ意味になるように(  )内の語句を数字で並べかえたとき、3番目と5番目にくる語句の数字を答えなさい。
(21) 結婚するとなると,男は実際何を考えるものだろうか。
( 1 comes / 2 married / 3 when / 4 to / 5 it / 6 getting), what does a man really think?
(22) 彼はアラスカへ行ったまま,連絡がありません。
He has never ( 1 been / 2 for / 3 from / 4 he / 5 heard / 6 left / 7 since) Alaska.
(23) 学校から帰る途中で激しい雨にあった。
I ( 1 a rainstorm / 2 from / 3 home / 4 in / 5 my / 6 on / 7 caught / 8 way / 9 was) school.
(24) 彼を待ってもむだなようだ。
There ( 1 in / 2 be / 3 appears / 4 sense / 5 to / 6 no) waiting for him.
(25) われわれは現代の世界でうまく生き,また職場で成功したいなら,学び続けなければならない。
( 1 keep / 2 live and work / 3 learning / 4 if we are / 5 we must / 6 to) successfully in today’s world.
(26) 父親がそのことについて話さないのが一番よいと彼は思った。
He ( 1 father / 2 it / 3 his / 4 to / 5 about / 6 thought / 7 not / 8 speak / 9 best / 10 for) it.
(27) その本を入れて運ぶ箱がない。
I have ( 1 box / 2 books / 3 in / 4 to / 5 the / 6 no / 7 carry).
[C] 日本語の意味に合うよう,空所に適語を一つづつ入れたとき、( * )の位置に入る英単語を答えなさい。
(28) 私の母が亡くなってから10年になります。
My mother (  ) (  ) ( * ) for ten years.
(29) 私は,学生一人一人を見分けるのがやや難しかった。
I had some difficulty (  ) (  ) one student ( * ) another.
(30) 言うまでもなく,世界平和は人類すべてにとって望ましいものです。
(  ) ( * ) (  ), world peace is desirable for all people.
(31) 彼はウィスキーは言うまでもなく,ビールすら飲まない。
He doesn’t even drink beer, not to ( * ) whiskey.
(32) 私のバッグが盗まれたので,できるだけ早く警官を見つけなければならない。
I have to find a policeman as soon as possible because my bag (  ) (  ) ( * ).
(33) どんな仕事もする気がしません。
I don’t (  ) ( * ) doing any work.
(34) 一般的に言って,女性は男性よりも長生きする。
(  ) ( * ), women live longer than men.
(35) ひかえめに言っても,うそをつくことは,悪い習慣です。
Lying is a bad habit, to say the ( * ) of it.
(36) この規則にはたくさんの例外があることは言うまでもありません。
It ( * ) (  ) (  ) that there are many exceptions to this rule.
(37) 私は彼のひどい状態に目をつぶっておくことができない。
I cannot keep my eyes ( * ) to his terrible situation.
(38) 私は緊張しています。たくさんの聴衆に話をするのは慣れていないのです。
I’m nervous. I’m not (  ) ( * ) (  ) to a large audience.
(39) あらゆることを考えてみても,彼女はやはり間違っている。
All things ( * ), she is still in the wrong.
(40) 私たちに明日何が起きるかはわからない。
There is ( * ) (  ) what will happen to us tomorrow.
(41) 彼は腕を組んでソファーに横になり,すぐに眠りに落ちた。
He lay on the sofa with his arms ( * ) and soon fell asleep.
(42) 何を言っていいのかわからなかったので,何も言わなかった。
( * ) (  ) what to say, I didn’t say anything.
(43) 会社にパソコンを入れませんか。
What (  ) (  ) (  ) ( * ) getting a personal computer for the office?
[D] 日本語の意味に合うよう,空所に適語を一つづつ入れたとき、( * )の位置に入る英単語を答えなさい。
(1) 私がこのプログラムに応募するのは、以下のような理由からです。
I am ( ) ( ) this program for the ( * ) ( ).
(2) それは私がそれまで読んだ中では一番おもしろい小説でした。
That was the most exciting novel I ( ) ( * ) ( ).
(3) その事件は警察によって調査されました。
The case was ( ) ( * ) ( ) the police.
(4) あなたは3ページの手引き書さえ読めばいいのです。
( ) ( ) ( ) ( * ) do is to ( ) a three-page manual.
(5) 市役所への行き方を教えてくれますか?
Can you ( ) me ( * ) to ( ) ( ) City Hall?
(6) 大統領は金曜日に重要な発表をする予定です。
The President ( ) ( * ) make an important announcement on Friday.
(7) 姫路城は羽を広げた白いサギのように見えます。
Himeji Castle ( ) ( ) a white heron ( * ) its ( ) ( ).
(8) 今もなお、震災がもたらした被害と損失に苦しんでいる人がたくさんいます。
Even today, a lot of people ( ) ( ) ( * ) the damage and loss ( ) by it.
(9) テレビのボリュームを少し下げてくれませんか?
Do you ( * ) ( ) the television down ( ) ( )?
(10) 英語を話すときには、間違いを犯すのをおそれるな。
Don't ( ) ( * ) of ( ) mistakes ( ) ( ) speak English.
[E] 以下の各英文の下線部@〜Cには、それぞれ一カ所、英語として誤りがあります。間違っている箇所の番号を選び、さらにそれを訂正しなさい。
1) “Do you have anything to write?” “Yes. Here is a pencil.”
@  A   B       C
2) Stop to talk and finish the exercise quickly.
@  A B C
3) The bride is wearing a wedding dress making of pure silk.
@   A     B  C
4) Veronica was elected chairperson of the committee yesterday.
@    A
This issue will be taking up at the next meeting.
       B  C
5) The ground is covered with falling leaves. They are cleaning the trees blown down by the typhoon.
@    A          B      C
6) He broke the world record that Taro set the previous year. He needed a rest.
@            A          B
He had been driving for six straight hours.
[F] 以下の各日本文を英語訳しなさい。
6)4年ぶりにオリンピックThe Olympic Gamesが催されました。

英語W 解答用紙

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20





















21 22 23 24 25 26 27
3 5 3 5 3 5 3 5 3 5 3 5 3 5
















28           29           30           31          

32           33           34           35          

36           37           38           39          

40           41           42           43          

[A]+[B]+[C]=     /50

1           2           3           4          

5           6           7           8          

9           10          

1 間違いは【  】番 訂正→                

2 間違いは【  】番 訂正→                

3 間違いは【  】番 訂正→                

4 間違いは【  】番 訂正→                

5 間違いは【  】番 訂正→                

6 間違いは【  】番 訂正→                













2年(  )組(   )番  名前(         )      点