英語R 問題

1) There were no diseases in these trees. (p.40)
2) Greek tales tell of people who used no salt in their food. (p.44)
3) In Europe, before refrigerators were invented, salt was used. (p.44)
4) They have something in common with each other. (p.46)
5) Crime doesn't pay. (p.46)
6) He is in a poor state of health. (p.42)
7) Computers were sold commercially for the first time in the 1950s. (p.32)
8) That is not the case. (p.31)
9) They are used in many fields - in science, medicine, and education. (p.32)
10) There is no accounting for tastes. たで食う虫も好きずき(諺)(p.47)

11) The (驚くべき) fact is that the lake is about six times as salty as the ocean. (p.48)
12) Some people say that today's children are forgetting true (友情) among themselves. (p.32)
13) One of my most interesting (経験) was swimming in the Great Salt Lake. (p.48)
14) No (苦痛), no gains. 骨折りなくして利益なし(諺)(p.42)
15) causeの反対語 (p.43)
16) dieの名詞(p.42)
17) solveの名詞形 (p.35)
18) The (気温) of the rooms was the same. (p.29)
19) That's none of your ( * ). おまえの知ったことではない (p.34)
20) ancientの反対語. (p.36)


1 adult  2 activity   3 carefully  4 frequently   5 ground
6 helicopter   7 improve  8 notice  9 organize   10 straight
あassociate   いcanoe   うcharacteristic  えclown   おheadache
かimmediately  きpear  くsalt  けstrange  こsubway

a.各組の文が等しい意味を表すように、( )内に適切な英単語を
  補ったとき、( * )の位置にくる語を答えなさい。

1) 気楽にやろうよ! ( * ) it ( ).
2) どうしたの? What's the ( * )?

3) 人の名前はもっとも覚えにくいもののひとつだ
  People's names are ( * ) the most difficult things to remember.

4) どのようにお知り合いになったのですか?
  How did you ( ) ( * ) ( ) each other?

5) I said to Jane, "Please help me."
  I ( * ) Jane to help me.

6) A car driven at full speed ran over a dog.
  A dog ( ) ( ) ( * ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ).


As Jenny grew older, she studied harder.
い Just as I was going out, It started to rain.
As there was nothing better to do, I watched TV the whole evening.
え I'm going to visit Australia next month, as I told you in the letter.
お You have to work as you were told.

1) I ( *あ ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( *い )
(1 to / 2 him / 3 to talk / 4 found / 5 very nice)

2) What ( ) ( *あ ) ( ) ( *い ) ( ) ( )?
(1 in / 2 to / 3 made / 4 the cars / 5 happens / 6 this factory)

3) I ( ) ( ) ( *あ ) ( ) ( *い ) ( ) ( )
(1 a / 2 you / 3 such / 4 thing / 5 don't / 6 want / 7 to do)

4) You ( ) ( ) ( ) ( *あ ) ( *い ) ( ) ( )
(1 be / 2 to / 3 not / 4 lose / 5 should / 6 careful / 7 anything)

5) The ( ) ( ) ( ) ( *あ ) ( ) ( ) ( *い ) ( ) ( )
(1 I / 2 by / 3 to / 4 day / 5 was / 6 other / 7 taken / 8 my brother / 9 the ballpark)

 1) Japanese must be pretty difficult.
 2) It's based on the author's diary of her high school days.

   The ticket lady asked the father how many tickets he wanted. He proudly responded, "I'd like eight children's tickets and two adult tickets. I'm taking my family to the circus."
   The ticket lady told him the price.
   The man's wife 【☆ア:放す:3語で】 his hand, and her head dropped. The man's lip began to quiver. The man 【☆イ:leaned:意味】 【☆ウ:少し:2語で】closer and asked, "How much did you say?"
   The price was repeated by the ticket lady.
   The man didn't have enough money. ★あ(1 and / 2 how / 3 them / 4 could / 5 he turn / 6 to take / 7 enough money / 8 he didn't have / 9 to the circus? / 10 tell his eight kids that)?
   My dad saw all ★いthis. He( X )
   The man understood ★うthis immediately. He ★えdidn't mean to beg, but he certainly 【☆エ:感謝する:1語・aで始める】 the help.

1) 下線部☆ア〜オを指示に従って適切な形に直して答えなさい。
2) 下線部★あを適切な語順になるように並べ替えたとき、3番目と7番目にくる語群の数字を答えなさい。
3) 下線部★い・うのthisの内容をそれぞれ20文字以内で説明しなさい。
4) 下線部★えは、文中に登場する家族の父親の態度を表現していますが、このような態度をとった父親の気持ちを最も適切に表している語を本文中から1語、抜き出しなさい。
5) 本文中( X )で、文章の流れのあうように筆者の父親がとった1〜7の行動を順に並べ替えたとき、もっとも適切なものを以下のア〜エから選びなさい。
1 reached down / 2 picked up the bill / 3 pulled out a $20 bill / 4 dropped it on the ground
5 put his hand into his pocket / 6 tapped the man on the shoulder
7 said, "Excuse me, sir, this fell out of your pocket"

 ア1254367 イ1432657 ウ3214657 エ5341267 


   When you read a book or listen to a lesson for a long time without a break, it is often difficult to remember (☆ア:読んだり聞いたりしたこと:5語で). Naturally, you have to (☆イ:集中する:2語で) the new information to remember it. After a time, however, this gets difficult, and remembering the information at a later time is ★あeven more difficult. If you read without a break for two hours, this is what happens. (A)
   ★いYet, look what happens if you ★うstop to rest for two or three minutes every 20 minutes: (B)
   If you (☆ウ:休憩する:3語で) for two or three minutes every 20 minutes, you'll remember a lot more. How much will you remember if you don't look at your notes or your book again? (C)
   But if you look again and again at the information, this is what happens: (D)
   (☆エ:以上のこと:2語) are some suggestions to help you when you try to remember new words, names and information. (☆オ:〜してはどうですか?:2語)try them?

1) 下線部☆ア〜オを指示に従って英訳しなさい。
2) 下線部★あ・いの英単語の意味を答えなさい。
3) 下線部★うstopについて、stopする内容を表している動詞を1語、

4) 本文(A)~(D)に当てはまる絵を上の1〜4から選んだとき、

アA-1 B-3 C-2 D-4  イA-2 B-4 C-1 D-3  ウA-1 B-4 C-3 D-2  エA-3 B-2 C-1 D-4

   One morning, when I saw Rumi, she was wearing a new hat ★あinstead of her yellow ribbon. The ribbon was in her hand.
   "What a pretty hat!" I said.
   Rumi looked up at me★い, taking off her hat without saying a word. ★うTo my surprise, she looked strange. Most of her hair had fallen out.
   "My uncle told me to put on this hat because my hair is sick," said Rumi. "So I keep the ribbon in my hand. Mom made this ribbon. I like it very much."
   "I see," I said. "I'll make another ribbon for you when your hair gets better. You'll look like a doll if you wear two ribbons."
   Rumi smiled, and she again turned her eyes to the sea. ★えWith tears in her eyes, she murmured, "Mom and Dad said that they would only stay overnight."
   One day I went to the harbor as usual. I did not see Rumi. Instead, her uncle was there alone. I got ★おthe feeling that something was wrong with Rumi. I asked him what had happened to her.
   "Rumi isn't so well. I shouldn't have taken her to Hiroshima," he said. "I made a serious mistake. Yesterday evening Rumi didn't want to eat anything. She cried and said that her parents were staying away too many nights. I could do ★かnothing but hold her in my arms."

1) ★下線部あ〜かを日本語訳しなさい。
2) 以下の英文から、本文の内容に合っているものを4つ選びなさい。
アThe auther liked Rumi's hat, and so did she.
イWhen the author spoke to Rumi at the harbor, she talked a lot about her parents.
ウRumi lost her hair maybe because she had stayed in Hiroshima soon after the atomic bomb was dropped there.
エThe author often went to the harbor to see Rumi.
オShe was so glad about the red ribbon that it was always in her hand.
カRumi couldn't eat anything because of the same reason about her hair.
キRumi's uncle believed that he made a serious mistake because her parents didn't come back.
クRumi's uncle knew why Rumi's hair had fallen out.


英語R 解答用紙


1)      2)      3)      4)     5)      

6)      7)      8)      9)     10)      

11)          12)       13)       14)    

15)          16)          17)         

18)          19)         20)         


1)  2)  3)  4)  5)   6)   7)   8)   9)  10)  


1)    2)      3)    4)    5)     6)     

b.          c.













1)ア)(     ) (      ) (      )

 イ)         ウ)(  ) (     ) エ)(       )

2)3番目(  ) 7番目(  )  4)         5)    









































1)☆ア(    ) (     ) (    ) (     ) (     )

☆イ(       ) (    ) ☆ウ(    ) (    ) (     )

☆エ(      ) (    ) ☆オ(     ) (     )

2)★あ       ★い      3)★う      4)   


1)★あ            ★い             

  ★う       ★え        ★か         


2) 記号順に:(  )(  )(  )(  ) 
1年( )組 (   )番  名前(          )     点