英語G 問題

a.(  )内から適切な語句を選び、記号で答えなさい。(1点×4)

1) Read this book. You'll find it (あeasy, いeasily).
2) Meg sent a beautiful picture card (あto, いfor, うof) her pen pal.
3) Can you get tickets to the ball game (あto, いfor, うof) my children?
4) The kind boy found a seat (あto, いfor, うof) the old woman.

b.次の各組の文が等しい意味になるように、(  )内に適語を補ったとき、(*)に来る英単語を答えなさい。(2点×8)

5) May I ask you a favor?
May I ask a favor ( * ) you?

6) 冬は4時までには暗くなります。
It ( ) ( ) ( * ) five in winter.

7) その俳優はまだ独身のままでいる
The actor still ( * ) single.

8) 私のおじさんはポートランドで大きなレストランを経営している。
My uncle ( * ) a big restaurant in Portland.

9) その少女は事故の知らせを聞いて真っ青になった
The girl ( ) ( * ) at the news of the accident.

10) 私たちは次の列車を2時間待った
We ( ) ( * ) the next train for two hours.

11) その計画は私にとっては時間の無駄のように思われる
The plan ( ) a ( * ) of time to me.

12) 彼らは彼をチームのキャプテンに選んだ
They ( * ) ( ) ( ) of the team.


1) She called me a taxi.
2) I will find you a good doctor.
3) The sun grows hot during the day.
4) Pineapples grow in warm countries.
5) The audience kept still at the shock.

6) We got everything ready for the party.
7) My hobby is collecting telephone cards.
8) You will find the girl very kind.
9) The patient will get well in a few weeks.
10) A true hero shows us how to behave bravely.


1. (1 wall / 2 white / 3 painted / 4 she / 5 the).

2. (1 him / 2 makes / 3 different / 4 from others / 5 that cheerfulness).

3. (1 at / 2 on / 3 stay / 4 home / 5 weekends / 6 I usually).

4. (1 me / 2 on / 3 a man / 4 handed / 5 a handbill / 6 the street).

5. (1 sour / 2 refrigerator / 3 in the / 4 the / 5 tastes / 6 milk).

6. (1 in / 2 red / 3 the fall / 4 turn / 5 green / 6 leaves / 7 these).

7. (1 lot of / 2 money / 3 parents / 4 education / 5 a child's / 6 costs / 7 a).

8. (1 is / 2 time / 3 that / 4 takes / 5 the plan / 6 too much / 7 the problem).

9. (1 in / 2 me / 3 with / 4 an old woman / 5 long hair / 6 stopped / 7 front of).

10. (1 I / 2 is / 3 this / 4 that / 5 bought / 6 for her / 7 the book).

11. (1 me / 2 to / 3 can / 4 you / 5 bank / 6 tell / 7 the way / 8 the nearest)?


I consider Soseki's Meian the best of all his works.

Some people call it a 'shooting star'. Look at the stars in the sky at night, and you will sometimes see a moving light.

■5.以下の日本文を英語訳しなさい。(10点:2点×2 3点×2)

1) 何か読むものをお持ちですか?

2) 赤ちゃんのために部屋を暖かくしておいてください。

3) カンニング(cheating)はあなたの未来(future)を暗くするよ。

4) 彼は背中に何か冷たいものを感じた。



1) A. He turned quickly.
B. He grew slowly.
C. He looked friendly.

2) A. She looked asleep.
B. She appeared soon.
C. It smells good.
D. Silk feels smooth.

3) A. Bill remained a bachelor.
B. Mary is a teacher.
C. He turned politician.
D. Mary survived her mother.

4) A. You'll find that movie exciting..
B. I considered John a genius.
C. They offered me a guide.
D. They named their baby John.

5) Necessity is the mother of invention.
6) He has never written such a letter before.
7) I found the book very dull.
8) I will make you a new suit of clothes.
9) Many tourists come to this country every year.

A. We understood what he said.
B. I showed him how to do it.
C. What do you call this flower?
D. He returned to dinner at half past six.
E. She lay awake listening to the radio.

c.次の各組のa.b.の(  )内に入るもっとも適当な共通の動詞を原形で答えなさい。(2点×3)

10) a. This watch ( ) good time.
b. The doctor told you to ( ) your feet warm.

11) a. All the eggs ( ) bad.
b. He just keeps ( ) silently about his business of traveling from northern Minnesota to the Gulf of Mexico.

12) a. The elephant ( ) big beside the little dog.
b. When you talk with someone, ( ) him in the eye.


英語G 解答用紙
  1)      2)      3)      4)     

  5)       6)       7)       8)       

  9)       10)       11)       12)       

1)【第  文型】                         

2)【第  文型】                         

3)【第  文型】                         

4)【第  文型】                         

5)【第  文型】                         

6)【第  文型】                         

7)【第  文型】                         

8)【第  文型】                         

9)【第  文型】                         

10)【第  文型】                         
■3.  1  2  3  4  5  6
3 5 3 5 3 5 3 5 3 5 3 5













10 11
3 5 3 5 3 5 3 5 3 5





















  1)    2)    3)    4)    

  5)    6)    7)    8)    9)   

  10)      11)       12)      

1年( )組 (   )番  名前(          )     点